The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1827: Baoguang skyrockets

"These two statues have always existed here, no one knows whether they appeared first or the dzi bead first, but after our long observation, the appearance of these two statues has been changing, and now one of the statues appeared first. Your appearance has changed to yours, and in fact, it was this statue that I persuaded those eleven guys!" Yang also understood that among the twelve spirits, which one is not arrogant.

When they entered all kinds of things, it was equivalent to saying that everything they did in the future would have to listen to the summer.

Although Xia Xia didn't try to embarrass them, they didn't know Xia Xia, and they didn't know what kind of person Xia Xia was.

How could someone like them be ordered by others casually.

But it was when he took out this statue and showed it to the eleven people that the eleven people nodded.

The eleven of them are all spirits that have appeared in the past few hundred million years.

Their advantages in the midst of everything are many.





Thirdly, they will cultivate in the vast Vientiane in the future, and their skills will bring unexpected benefits to Vientiane, allowing Vientiane to upgrade faster, and it will also enable Vientiane to become an independent world faster. .

All things have been upgraded. That summer, the creator of all things, naturally, there is no need to say more about the benefits.

"En." When Xia Xia's hand held the statue that was exactly the same as his own, a smile appeared on the statue.

And when his hand was on another statue.

A fiery power suddenly came from the statue.

Xia Xia's physical defense was already very terrifying, but even so, he let go of his hand in pain.

The statue burned in mid-air.

turned into ashes.

"What's going on?" Yang didn't understand what was going on just now.

"I don't know." Summer shook his head.

He didn't understand what was going on either.

"Look, the other one has also disappeared." Yang hurriedly shouted.


The other statue in Xia Xia's hand also slowly disappeared from his palm, as if it had never appeared.


at the same time.

the entire tiankeng area.

Baoguang skyrocketed.

Countless rays of light broke through the sky, although it only took less than a minute, but such a dense treasure light will definitely attract the coveting of major forces and loose cultivators, and there will be no peace here after that.

"Since it's all done, let's go!!" Xia Xia also wanted to leave here.

This trip to Tiankeng, he has obtained what he wants most.

No need to stay here.

"A tiankeng without dzi beads is actually a huge treasure house. Don't you plan to continue to find other treasures here?" Yang asked.

over the years.

The people and treasures that were sucked over were not just twelve of them.

Xia Xia walked in a straight line, and there were often teleportation formations, so the places he searched were not even 1/10,000.

"I don't have so much time, and I have already obtained the most suitable treasures for me. I can't be too greedy. Other treasures should be left to other destined people in China. Without the shackles of dzi beads, these treasures will also be Gradually unearthed, let them find their own future masters!!" Although Xia Xia also likes treasures, not all treasures have to be grabbed.


Every treasure also has the right to choose its own owner. Although they can be forcibly robbed in summer, many treasures are not suitable for summer, and can only be thrown into all kinds of things in the end.

Rather than being buried, they might as well wait until their master arrives.

"You are really different from others. If others see so many treasures at their fingertips, even if they don't need them, they will grab them!!" Yang said with emotion.

"Treasures are dead, people are alive, my biggest gain this time, isn't it you?" Xia Xia smiled.

"If I were a woman, I would definitely marry you when I heard such touching words!!" Yang also laughed.

He hasn't laughed like this in years.


"This time the harvest has been great, it's time to go out and try it!!" Xia Xia looked outside.

"Can the dzi be controlled?" Yang asked.

"No, even though the dzi bead is in my hands now, I can't pull out the power inside, nor can I control it!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"Dzi Beads are the treasures nurtured by the entire universe. They are arrogant. If you want to control this kind of thing, there are generally only two ways: first, get his approval; second, let him surrender, but no matter which one, It's not that simple, first of all, to gain his approval, it will take a long time and company; second, it will be even more difficult to surrender this kind of thing that was conceived when the universe first opened." Central explained.


"It seems that it is not easy, but there is a large army of Tianzu waiting for me outside." Xia Xia walked outside.

"Going to war?" Yang asked Yes, it is estimated to be a battle, and there is a half-spirit-level master! ' said Summer.

"You have to remember that a half-spirit is not a spirit, but in the same way, a half-spirit is also a spirit!!" Yang reminded.

Although his words were a bit convoluted.

But Summer already understood what he meant.


Half-spirits already possess some of the abilities of spirits.


Although half-spirits already possess some abilities of spirits, they are still not spirits.

"It's difficult to defeat someone at the half-spirit level, isn't it?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, even people of the same level, the collision between half-spirits and half-spirits, it is difficult for them to defeat each other, let alone under half-spirits, unless you can really catch their traces. Silk's flaws, but as long as a more cautious half-spirit, they won't reveal the slightest flaws." Yang reminded.

"Forget it, now that I think about it, I don't understand it. Let's go out and see. Is there a teleportation array here to go out?" Xia Xia asked.

"There is one, but it can only be teleported to the periphery, and cannot be teleported directly out of the Tiankeng." Yang explained.

"It's already good." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


He came to the enchanting girl: "How are you preparing, maybe the two of us will have a fight."

"I won't fight you," said the enchantress.

"But you are a Celestial Clan priest after all!" Xia Xia reminded.

"They won't embarrass me, I have already done what I should do. When the battle begins, if I don't want to intervene, I don't need to intervene," said the enchantress.


"Let's go!!" Summer walked outside.

"Actually, you can completely escape in another way!!" The enchantress reminded.

"Do you think I will?"

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