The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1832: Haotian Cloak

The people on the Tianzu side are also bright.

Haotian's hand can be said to be very beautiful.

at the same time.

The masters around have also remembered Haotian's move. If it is really possible to fight Haotian in the future, they must guard against this move.

It can be said.

Haotian's hand is simply impossible to guard against.

Normal people can't react at all.


at this time.

The space that had been closed was torn open again.

A figure flew out from inside.

Do not.

It should be said that it rebounded.

This person is none other than Summer.

Last time, he also relied on the same method to get out of the turbulent flow of time and space. With his current physical strength, even if he entered the turbulent flow of time and space, his body would not suffer any damage for the time being, although he was temporarily unable to. Control the direction, but he can rely on the rebound attribute of Tianquan.

Deliberately exerting his power on the turbulent flow.

Then relax your body.

In this way, the force of the rebound will act on his own body.

Bounce his body back.

"What?" Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Xia Xia coming out of the turbulent time and space.

"Is this still a human being? He can actually come out of the turbulent flow of time and space, and even the turbulent flow of time and space can't kill him. Does he still have the means to kill him in this world?"

"It's terrifying. I've lived for so long, and this is the first time I've heard that someone can survive the turbulent time and space. How did he do it?"

"The Demon Venerable hundreds of millions of years ago came out of the turbulent flow of time and space, but even the Demon Venerable back then couldn't do it so easily."

No one would have imagined that Xia Xia actually did such a move beyond human beings. This is simply too terrifying, completely beyond their imagination, this is simply against the sky.


Haotian frowned.

Although he felt that it was not so easy to solve Xia Xia just now, he didn't expect that Xia Xia could really do it.

"You don't think that this will solve me, right?" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

He had to admit.

Haotian is really strong, and he has grown so much this time, but when facing Haotian, it is still a little difficult, Haotian will still make the kind of attack that surprises him.


Haotian's attack came out again.

Destroy the fairy finger!

Summer's attack also played out.

This time, not only Haotian's attack contained spiritual power, but Xia Xia's attack also contained spiritual power.


When the two attacked together, although Xia Xia's spiritual power was weaker, Xia Xia's power was stronger, so when the two collided, the two of them flew out at the same time.

The point where the two attacked.

The space is directly shattered.

A huge vortex formed.

Everything around me started to be sucked in.

"No, the space is collapsing." Tian Jin shouted loudly.

The surrounding Celestial Clan people hurriedly unleashed their own power, pouring their own power into the collapsed space, and the original collapsed space was repaired little by little.

"What's going on?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"In a place like Shenzhou, once the power of the spirit collides, the space will collapse. If it is not repaired in time, this space will turn into a vortex and absorb everything around it. In this way, over time, the entire Shenzhou will be destroyed. Followed by shattering, and the Zerg can also invade Shenzhou through this space, which is why Shenzhou does not allow two spirits to fight!!" Haotian explained.


There has always been such a rule.

Fighting between spirits is not allowed.

Because their collision will make China become fragmented.

even gradually shattered.

"So that's the case, what if there is a collision between you and the spirit?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, the crushing force will not break the space. Only when the strength of the two sides is almost equal will the space be broken!!" Haotian said.

"So, if I keep using the same spiritual power as you, then the space here will keep collapsing, and they can only take care of the aftermath behind our ass!!" A slight smile appeared on Xia Xia's face. , he seems to have found a new way of fighting.

"Although you have already started to use spiritual power, your spiritual power is limited, and I am different, I will play a lot of spiritual power next, and will not let things of equal power happen again!! "Haotian also saw what Xia Tian wanted to do.

Naturally, he would not let Summer do as he wished.

"Then try it!" Xia Xia rushed up again.

The two fought again.

The two sides fought indistinguishably.

Hundreds of rounds have passed, and the power of the two seems to be continuous, and the more they fight, the more terrifying they are.

"It's been a long time since I had such a good fight. You are the first person who can see through my many attacks!!" Haotian found that every time he made a normal attack, Xia Tian would go head-to-head with But as long as he launches the attack of spiritual power, Xia Xia will cleverly dodge, not giving him a chance to sneak attack.

No matter what kind of method he used, what kind of means he used, how much foreshadowing.

As long as he attacks.

It will definitely be seen through by summer.

"Mr. Haotian, this is not the way to go, his power seems to be endless!!" Tian Jin reminded.

He was also seeking Haotian's opinion.

If someone like Haotian rashly intervenes in the battle between the two of them, it will definitely make Haotian very unhappy.

"Give me another ten minutes, if you can't solve him within ten minutes, you can start!!" Haotian nodded.

He is really interested in summer.

The people around were also extremely shocked.

Inside the current human beings in China.

Haotian is the master of the first echelon.

He is also the only master of the first echelon.

Absolutely no one can beat him like this.


Summer can be like this with Haotian, which is enough to prove what kind of strength the current summer is.

That is to say.

From today onwards, summer is the master of the first echelon of China.


When Xia Xia's blow containing spiritual power was struck, a cloak appeared on Haotian's body. The cloak directly blocked Xia Xia's attack. At the same time, the endless whirlwind wrapped around Xia Xia's fingers, as if it was wrapped in air. Summer's whole body, as if to completely swallow summer.

"Is this the legendary bite of the Haotian cloak? Even the soul can be bound." The people around said excitedly.

This time.

Haotian should be successful.

A thread of silk penetrated Xia Xia's body into his sea of ​​consciousness.

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