The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1835: it's your turn

Xia Xia punched Haotian in front of him.

"Originally, I thought that I had already discovered your strength and upper limit, but I didn't expect that you could still have such a trump card. It seems that I still underestimate you. Now you are infinitely close to your overall strength. For me, if it weren't for the gap in spiritual power, you would have even surpassed me!!" Haotian praised.

Now he and Haotian may be six or four, or even five or five.

This surprised him very much.

He is the number one expert in China.

over the years.

There has never been such a person in China.

"Nothing in this world is immutable. Now maybe we can open six or four, but once I can leave here alive, the next time we meet, we will be five or five, maybe even four or six!!!" Summer said very rudely.


He's not bragging.

But he never stopped.

On the contrary, Haotian.

His realm has not improved for many years.

Although his overall strength is still improving, at the same time, the progress is getting smaller and smaller.

"It's great to be young!!" The Haotian Blade in Haotian's hand instantly attacked Xia Tian.

But it was easily flashed by Xia Xia: "I have seen through your spiritual power attack, you have no chance to hit me head-on."

"I also understand that it is difficult to hit you head-on in a short period of time, but your five clones will not be so easy to survive. The Celestial Clan is not as easy to defeat as you think. Just started the raid, their attack It can indeed cause some damage to the Celestial Clan, but when the Celestial Clan reacts, it is their nightmare." Haotian explained.

at this time.

five high priests.

They have already started to command a team and attacked the five clones of Xia Xia.

Their response was quick.

Compared with them, the teams I saw outside before the summer were like children playing at home.

Quickly surrounded the five clones.

"Destroy them one by one, trap them first, and then destroy these five clones. Without them, Xia Tian would be a tiger with its teeth pulled out!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.


The five teams of the Celestial Clan started.

According to their way, it should be very simple to destroy these five clones one by one.

Look soon.

They found that the problem was not right.

The defensive power of these five clones is simply against the sky. Their attacks hit the hands of these five clones, and the five clones can actually carry them hard, and they can avoid those binding abilities.

"No, since these five are clones, the body's defense should not be very strong under normal circumstances, right, but now this defense is a bit against the sky."

"It's not just defense, you look carefully, those restraints can be easily avoided by them, which is enough to prove that their physical toughness is also very strong."

"Being able to train the physical strength of the main body and the clone to such a high level at the same time, and the physical toughness is so strong, he is a monster!!"

The people watching around were also dumbfounded. They couldn't imagine what was going on, why Xia Tian had such a strong ability, and how he did it.

Although everyone knows that he came out of the Tiankeng.

But the number of people and forces who have entered the Tiankeng over the years is countless.

It seems that other people and forces do not have the opportunity and ability like him.

More of the people who died inside.

"It's a joke to want to surround me!!" Wuyin was originally the number one expert in Shenzhou, and now he has a clone of the moon, and he has re-cultivated the Yangtianjing through Xia Tian's body.

It can be said.

His current body is simply an invincible myth.


Going up is a melee fight.

He has rich combat experience and many methods. At this time, relying on this body, he showed it perfectly. Not only was this team unable to hurt him, but he was also able to break through, the Tianmu High Priest behind his target.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

Since Xia Xia gave him the ability to fight, he naturally wanted to show me this opportunity, and he wanted to kill Tianmu.

Kill the high priest Tianmu here.

He wants everyone to understand.

What kind of person is he.

"High priest, he is coming for you." A priest reminded.


"A clone, dare to be so arrogant, kill him for me!!" Tianmu didn't care at all, with so many experts in front of him, how could he care about a clone.

The same thing.

is happening continuously.

It can be said.

Now among the five clones, only Xia Si's attack power is the weakest and somewhat passive, but when he doesn't need to guard Xia Xia, the changes in defense power and himself are endless, which also makes the Heavenly Clan very annoyed.

The two sides are also indistinguishable.

"I understand, in everyone's eyes, it's me who's holding you back, but in fact, it's you who's holding me You know very well that only I can beat you quickly here. Clone, so you want to hold me back and buy time and opportunity for your identity." Haotian understood Xia Xia's style of play.

Although who is holding back, it sounds very simple.

But in fact.

Active and passive are completely different.

"You're right, it's true that I should stop you, but I don't care if you go to my clone, because my identity is very powerful, and when you go to them, I'm free Now, free me, I will keep my eyes on those priests and high priests. Besides you, no one can stop me from killing people. Those high priests are very strong for ordinary people, but for me Said, but it’s still a little worse!!” Xia Xia responded.

He was warning Haotian.

If Haotian dares to attack his clone.

Then go and attack those priests and high priests yourself.

They are the greatest wealth of the Celestial Clan.

If it is raided by summer, it is difficult to survive.

"It seems that I really underestimate you, but you also understand that no matter how you fight, the outcome of this battle will not change. There are more methods that have not been used." Haotian reminded.

"Do you think that I and my clone will use all the means?" Xia Xia responded.

Both sides are evenly matched.

No one gives in.

The high priest was a little unhappy.

So many people can't even figure out five clones, and they also looked at the priests around them: "It's your turn to take action, you can't let him underestimate our Celestial Clan!!!"

The priests of the Celestial Clan showed smiles on their faces.

They are more eager to fight.

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