The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1838: 10 trillion feet is here

The moment when the five avatars return to the original body.

In summer, the whole body seems to be full of a lot.

The Law of the Moon is possessed, causing a layer of invisible armor to appear on the surface of his body. The Law of the Sun is attached to this layer of armor, making the armor become ice blue, and there are circles on the periphery of the ice blue. The flame, the periphery of the flame, is wrapped with another layer of basalt armor.

at the same time.

Xia Si's defense covered Xia Xia's entire body.

Five stars wrap around summer's body.

I have the Tianhan Sword in my hand.

The cold light is breathtaking.

"Is this your heyday?" Haotian looked at Xia Xia's majestic appearance with a smile on his face.

This is the opponent he has always wanted.

"Haotian, do you think that after you block this space, you can trap me?" The Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's right hand pointed directly at Haotian in front of him. At this moment, Haotian felt that he was being surrounded by countless Enveloped by the law, his body seemed to be completely pulled.


Spiritual power poured into his body.

This feeling gradually disappeared, and his momentum also burst out at this moment.

At the same time.

The momentum of summer is also rising.

"When you are strong, you are strong. It seems that you have acquired the ability of that person!!" Haotian understands what it feels like. The biggest feature of this kind of strong is the ability to resist in an instant when faced with explosive force.

So the next burst of his raid is useless.

"Senior Haotian, do you really think that I will die here?" Xia Xia asked.

"With your ability, it is very difficult to kill you, but it is still possible to seal you!!!" Haotian thought from the very beginning to seal Xia Xia, not to kill Xia Xia.


Summer is not so easy to kill.


There are still many secrets in Xia Xia's body, and he also wants to find out, and even he still has many doubts, which must be clarified.

at last.

He saw hope in summer.

Breakthrough Spirit's Hope.

So he didn't want Summer to die like this.

"It's not that simple to seal me." Xia Xia rushed to Haotian again, and he attacked again, and he knocked Haotian's body into the air.

Powerful strength and terrifying attack angle, even Haotian is not so easy to take.

Especially the five stars that rotate around the body in summer.

Five of the purest elemental stars.

You can go out anytime in summer.

Hard to guard against.

The power of the source is a steady stream of clusters.

The ice and flames of the Law of the Sun are also delaying Haotian's actions.

The two of them are in this rising space, one retreats and the other advances.

"The Celestial Clan wants to use the 10,000,000,000-zhang space barrier to completely bind Xia Xia. If it is really bound like this, then Xia Xia will only be obediently sealed."

"Such a strong person is actually going to be sealed in the end. This is the horror of the Celestial Clan. Look at him now, fighting Haotian head-on. Not only does he not have the slightest weakness, but he can repel Haotian."

"He has already created a legend. If you give him another thousand years, maybe his achievements will completely surpass Haotian!!"

The people watching the show around were also very surprised. Although they all knew that Xia Xia was not easy, they were also extremely shocked when they saw Xia Xia's ability with their own eyes.

This is arguably over the years.

The strongest exists.

"Speed ​​up, don't give him a chance!!" Tian Jin shouted.

"Don't worry, Mr. Haotian will not lose, Mr. Haotian is just used to saving his strength, so he will be repelled!!!" Tianmu said very confidently.


There are no barriers.

But Haotian is the barrier.

As long as Haotian is there.

It is absolutely impossible for Haotian to break through from above.

That's the only reason why they handed that position to Haotian.


Tian Jin was also a little uneasy this time. Although he was the high priest of the Celestial Clan, even he had never seen someone as strange as Xia Xia.

He is always worried.

What other means will there be in the summer.

If so.

It is very difficult to completely kill Xia Xia this time, and it is impossible for them to have that chance if they want to completely defeat Xia Xia.

"Summer, it's already 8 trillion zhang, and your time is running out. If you can't break through from me in the last 2 trillion zhang, then you will lose!!!" Haotian shouted loudly.

In fact, he is also looking forward to what powerful means he can use in the summer.

He hasn't had such a good fight in years.

Stronger in summer.

The more excited he is.

Although it seems that summer seems to suppress Haotian now.

But actually.

standing there in summer.

There will never be a chance to break through in the summer.

Especially those people outside can still rely on the light curtain.

Attacks with five attributes.

interfere with summer.

"Eighty trillion feet, there are already 30 percent less people outside!!" Xia Xia reminded.


Only then did Haotian realize that although 10 trillion feet is a hurdle, for many Celestial Clan warriors, 8 trillion feet is also a hurdle, although their armor is very hard~www.wuxiaspot .com~ But many of them are not in enough realm, and their strength cannot hold so high.

When it reaches ten trillion feet, there will not be too many people left on the periphery.

"The Celestial Clan has a steady stream of medicinal pills. Even if there are fewer people left, they can maintain the existence of these five light curtains. If you don't have the complete spiritual power on your body, you will not be able to break this light curtain. ." Haotian reminded.


Xia Xia hit Haotian again: "Mr Haotian, after today, my name will become a nightmare for every Celestial Clan, they will be afraid of me, they will be afraid of me, they will be worried that when the Tianlong kills the Celestial Clan, I suddenly appeared, and they would also be afraid that I would overthrow their control of Shenzhou."

Hear the words of summer.

Haotian frowned, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

It always feels as if there is any other means to fight against him in the summer.

A thought here.

Haotian also accelerated its ascent.

Seeing that the height of ten trillion feet is about to be reached.

Haotian also breathed a sigh of relief.

He fought with Xia Xia and kept a sigh of relief, as if he was worried that Xia Xia might rush out at any time, but he still couldn't understand how Xia Xia could still kill him.

"Come on, we're about to win!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

There was excitement in his eyes.


Everyone nodded, and they all saw the hope of winning.

Just when everyone thought they had to win.

Xia Xia's left hand was suddenly raised high.

Xuanwu Xianmao appeared! !


When he saw Xuanwu Xianmao, Haotian was stunned: "It's useless, your attack is very strong, but without the bonus of spiritual power, it is still impossible to succeed."

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