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Chapter 1851: The Quest of the Demon Spirit

When they saw this scene, everyone around was stunned. Xia Xia and Haotian were both the strongest among human beings.

But now.

Someone could actually appear between the two of them.

He took the attack of the two of them and threw them both out.

This kind of thing really shocked them.

But soon.

They recognized what kind of existence the man in the middle was.

for a while.

Everyone bowed.

Even Haotian and Xia Xia handed over slightly: "Meet the Demon Spirit Venerable!"

That's right.

This sudden appearance is exactly: the eight-fingered demon spirit, the reincarnation of the demon spirit, the eagle! !

"Boy, I didn't expect you to grow so much. The last time I saw you, although you also killed an Immortal Shou Beast Venerable, you should have killed it by special means, but now you are actually We can draw a tie with Haotian!!" Yao Lingzun praised.

It wasn't long since he last met Xia Xia.

But summer has been so successful.

One person can fight against so many experts from the Celestial Clan.

And Haotian is here.

In the end, he actually defeated the Tianzu.

"I would also like to thank the seniors. If it weren't for the help of the seniors, I would not have improved so much." Xia Xia is not a person who does not care about feelings.

Yao Lingzun didn't say anything, but looked at Haotian: "Haotian, how many years have passed, you haven't realized this step of spirit, it seems that your chances are not very big!!"

Although what he said was unpleasant.

But Haotian was not at all displeased: "What I have pursued in my life is spirit, but I also understand that the mistakes of the past can never be made up for in a lifetime, and it is precisely because of this matter that I can't get over my inner demons. this one."

Inner demons are indeed a big hurdle.

But Yao Lingzun understood that his biggest mistake was the wrong path.

But he didn't remind anything.

The path of the spirit, once said too much, if there is no correct guidance all the time, it will lead to a different path, and then it will only harm Haotian.


The road to spiritual cultivation was originally something that can only be understood and cannot be described in words.

"You two, your current realm and overall strength are at most five to five. If you continue to fight, you won't get results after a few years. Instead of wasting time, it's better to do more important things individually!!" Zun came forward to resolve the battle between the two of them.

Let them both stop for a while.

Although only temporarily.

But at least it can give two people more things to do.

"Since it's the senior who came forward, then I naturally won't do it again." Xia Xia still wanted to give Yao Lingzun face.

After all, Yao Lingzun once helped him.


"Senior has the final say!!" Haotian nodded slightly.

"Exactly, there are two things that need your help." Yao Lingzun said.

"If you have something to do, feel free to tell the seniors." Haotian said respectfully.

"Some strange things have happened in Shenzhou recently. Many human powerhouses, most of them hidden masters, and some top masters, have all disappeared for no reason. At first I thought they were retreating and practicing, but after my investigation I found that this is related to a special force, and I don't know what the specific situation is." Yao Lingzun took out a waist card and threw it to Haotian.

On the waist card is a cage pattern.

There is also a horizontal line above the pattern.

"Okay, I'm going to investigate!!" Haotian said.

"What about me?" Summer asked.

"I hope you go to the ancient battlefield. Some strange things happened there. After you get there, you go directly to the King of the Venerable Temple, and he will take you to find out the specific situation." Yao Lingzun said.

Ancient battlefield.

When hearing this.

Summer shines.

His brothers were all there, and it was time to go and see.

"When do I leave?" Summer asked.

"In a month!!" Yao Lingzun said.

"Okay!!!" Summer nodded.

"These two things are very important, and it is almost impossible to give them to others, but I am very relieved to give them to the two of you, so that I can do some things that we should do with the old fellow of the fairy and beast family. ." Yao Lingzun said with emotion.

"Is it about to appear again?" Haotian's eyes lit up.


"We've all sensed it, it's about to appear." Demon Spirit Venerable nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

Yao Lingzun pointed to the top with his finger and did not explain anything.

Xia Xia's realm is less than half-spirit, so he can't fly to a height of more than 100,000 zhang. Naturally, he doesn't understand what Yaolingzun's words mean, but Haotian obviously knows what his words mean.

"Mysterious!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"It's not that they are mysterious, but that people who have reached their realm understand what to say and what not to say, so they don't have any problem doing it." Yang explained.


Xia Xian nodded, but he did not force it.

Returning from Tiankeng this He really has some things to do.


It is to temporarily defeat the Celestial Clan and let the Celestial Clan retreat.


He has gained a lot this time, and he needs to fully digest his abilities.

at last.

He also went to visit those who were his enemies before, lest others think he was easy to bully.


People just want to stand up.

Only when others are afraid of you enough, they dare not touch you casually.

Pack up their words, others will find them to deal with the summer later.

They have to weigh it too.

If they're going to touch their summer friends, they'll think about it too.

"Who will be selected in the first batch?" Hongfeng asked.

"Kunming cave master, Du'er Sanxian and Heiwang Sanxian!!!" Xia Xia looked into the distance.

They used four people to bully their own people.

Then you should think of your own revenge one day.

Especially the Kunming cave master.

Not only did he come to trouble Xia Xia himself, but he also found helpers, especially his brother-in-law and sister, as well as Fire Demon.

These people are dead.

Then the relationship between him and Xia Xia must have been endless.

You can't even let him go.

Rather than waiting for him to do damage in the dark, he might as well go to the door on his own initiative. With his current transmission speed, he will soon be able to reach the location of the Kunming cave master. Even if he hides, he can find him.

Even if he fled to the territory of the fairy beast clan or the fairy monster clan, he could still find him.

summer now.

It's completely different from before, no matter where you go.

Don't worry about being attacked suddenly.

"It's time to settle the general ledger." Xia Xia's body moved, and the power of the source was instantly transmitted.

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