The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1856: no illusion

If the opponent continues to kill like this, then Bei Batian's subordinates will be killed.

When the other party saw Xia Xia, the pitch-black battle axe in his hand slashed directly.

The power is infinite.

It was just such an axe that smashed Bei Batian into the air.

Now such an axe is hitting the summer.


The axe was easily grasped by Xia Xia's hand.

The powerful strength of the other party seemed very pitiful and insignificant at this moment.

No matter how the opponent breaks free.

Can't break free from Summer's hand.


at the same time.

Summer blew a breath at the axe.

The ultimate power of the law of the sun was spit out from his mouth, and the endless ice spread from the battle axe and began to spread along the battle axe.

The incomparably powerful battle axe was completely frozen in this way.

Not waiting for the other party to respond.

Summer pulls hard with his right hand.

The tough battle axe shattered like this.

"What?" Although Bei Batian knew that Xia Xia was strong, he didn't expect that Xia Xia could be so strong.

Such a mighty axe.

It was easily smashed by summer like this, is this still human?

And the power of the other party is so great, in front of Xia Xia, like a child.

"With this little skill, you can't take people away in front of me!!" Xia Xia said, looking at the guy in front of him.


The other party also punched the summer.

Xia Xia didn't dodge, let the opponent's attack hit Xia Xia's body.


Summer's body didn't even tremble.

at the same time.

Summer punched down.

The opponent's body was smashed down abruptly.

This is the gap.

Although the opponent's attack and defense are very strong, and their strength is also great, but their strength is compared with Xia's, it's a joke, his attacks are nothing, even Xia's body surface defense can't be broken.

Bei Batian also rushed up again.

hit the attack on the opponent.


The opponent's black armor had a very high defense, blocking Bei Batian's attack, and at the same time grabbed Bei Batian's foot and threw it away.


at this time.

Summer appeared on his head and kicked him on the head.

The ice began to spread on the opponent's body, spreading little by little.

The limit of the law of the sun began to spread all over the opponent's body.


Summer fell again.



The armor on the opponent's body was shattered by Xia Xia.

"Although the defense and attack power are very strong, their armor is not a real famous weapon. If it is a famous weapon, it contains too much power of heaven and earth in its material, and it is not so easy to smash." Hongfeng also saw the gap between the opponent's armor and attack and the famous weapon.

"If you look closely, you will find that their weapons and armor are similar to those of the Gengtian clan." Silent reminded.

He means.

These weapons and armor.

They are also made of Zerg corpses.

this technique.

When they were fighting against the Celestial Clan, the Heavenly Clan's Item Venerable was brought out.

"Could it be that the Celestial Clan did it?" Xia Xia frowned. He really couldn't understand why the Celestial Clan would do something to these people, especially Dongbatian and the others. They should all be Celestial Clan's comrades-in-arms.

"It doesn't have to be from the Celestial Clan. Since someone from the Celestial Clan can develop this kind of weapon and armor, maybe someone outside can do it." Hong Feng analyzed.

His specialty is helping summer analyze the possibilities of everything.

As long as there is a slight possibility, they have to analyze it.

What if this situation is real?

"That's right, grab him and try it first!!" Xia Xia looked at the person who wanted to escape after the armor was broken. With a squeeze of his right hand, countless threads spread over the opponent's body.

Wrap the opponent's body directly.

Finally, with a hard pull, the opponent was directly pulled down.


Xia Xia punched the opponent's chest.

Blood was flying.

"Say, who are you guys and what is your purpose?" Xia Xia asked.

Ha ha ha ha!

The man started laughing.


"His realm is not even that of the Venerable!!" Hongfeng discovered this serious problem after investigating. Just now, he could defeat the powerful existence of Bei Batian, but his realm was not even the Venerable. That is to say, he Relying on that kind of weapons and equipment, he defeated Bei Batian abruptly.

What kind of powerful weapon is this?

Even the research of the Celestial Clan at that time was not so terrifying.

"Speak!!" Summer shouted loudly.

"Summer, the good show is yet to come!!" The man blew himself up after saying that.

"He knows my name." Xia Xia frowned. At first, he thought that the other party didn't know he was here. He succeeded in the raid, but now the other party called his name directly, which meant that the other party knew that he was here. .

"It seems that they want to count you together!!" Hong Feng said.

"Not necessarily, since they know about Xia Xia, they should have heard of Xia Xia's strength in the battle with the Celestial Clan, so they can't rashly attack Xia Xia, unless they want to test Xia Xia's true strength~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Although Xia Xian performed very well when he fought with Tian Clan before, only Tian Clan knew the first-hand data at that time, and Tian Clan could not tell others, but now Xia Xia killed this guy, they You will be able to grasp the overall battle data of the summer at the first time!!!" Silent reminder.


Xia Tian probably understood, and his eyes turned to the eyes in the sky: "What other tricks are there, just use them."

Bei Batian and his subordinates were also ready for battle.

To be honest, he hasn't seen through the other party's illusion yet, so he doesn't know where to start to remove the illusion.

"No!!" Bei Batian suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"It's not an illusion!!" Bei Batian hurriedly shouted.

"What's going on?" Xia Xia looked at Bei Batian.

"I thought before that we had fallen into illusion, but now I understand that we have never entered illusion, but they caught my details and deliberately let the dew do not exist, to lure me into the bait!!" Bei Batian picked up a boulder, and there was a skeleton in the middle of the boulder: "This is my brother's skeleton, I have been inlaid in the stone tablet, this is something no one knows, it is impossible to arrange this place in illusion. Perfect, unless they even know about this matter, but this matter is only known to me in the whole of China."

Summer also reacted.

No wonder he never felt when he was recruited.

turn out to be.

There is no trick at all.

And as I said before, it is unrealistic for the other party to start calculating Bei Batian tens of thousands of years in advance.

"In that case, the eyes in the sky!!!" Xia Xia rushed up directly.

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