The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1873: Giant blood

Keep going! !

Summer continues upward.

He found.

The perspective of everything around them seems to be changing.

It seems to be shrinking.

"What's going on?" Xia Xia couldn't understand. Normally, although his perspective will become wider upwards, it is impossible for him to have such a wider perspective! !

"This is the perspective of the universe. Did you just see that the fairy beast was very close to you?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"Yeah, it feels like the past on my head!!" Xia Xia said.

"Even if you fly up for ten years, you won't be able to reach the position he just took!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"What's going on?" Xia Mingming felt that he only needed to fly for about half an hour before he could fly under the fairy beast, but why would Xian Xuanwu say that he couldn't fly for ten years?

This made him very puzzled.

"This is the cosmic perspective, the microscopic perspective in our mouths, as long as you enter the universe, everything you see will become microscopic. When you look at those planets, they are actually huge, but looking here, it is not just the size of a palm, even Is it smaller?" Xian Xuanwu explained.


Summer always felt that what the other party said was wrong.

But he was speechless for a moment.

I don't know how to respond to each other.

"You will understand my words soon." Xian Xuanwu also saw Xia Xia's doubts.

that's it.

Summer goes up.


Soon he found a different place. The world below was getting smaller, and the entire Shenzhou could be seen. Then he continued upward. This Buzhou Mountain was still a long way away. He wanted to go to the highest place to see it. So he can see everything he wants to see.


"Continue upward, everything you see will become different!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

See in summer.

Everything around me is changing now, it seems that I am moving, and it seems that everything around me is moving.

Often there will be some meteorites hit.

However, they were blocked by Buzhou Mountain.

"What are those things that fly by suddenly?" Summer often sees some things flying over from a distance.

"The time-space turbulence that you usually know is the entrance here. That is to say, only those things that have been beaten by the time-space turbulence can fly here. Among the things you just saw flying around, Maybe there are treasures, and the treasures that can pass through the turbulent flow of time and space all the year round and come here, the level will not be too low!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.


"Then if I put these things away here, wouldn't I make a fortune!!" Xia Xia's eyes lit up.

These treasures should be good things.

grab it.

There will be some magic.

"You think too much. As I said, what you see is the microscopic world. If you are not on Buzhou Mountain, but outside, around those things, you will understand how fast they are flying. Don't say it's you, even if a spirit completely wraps his body with the power of the spirit, he will be directly penetrated." Xian Xuanwu reminded.


Summer understands that it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't.

Nobody can do it.

"Oh!" Summer continued to move up, and what he saw was different. The Shenzhou below became smaller and smaller, and the appearance of the three islands and ten states gradually began to appear.


Summer sighed.

"Is this the whole picture of Shenzhou?"

The Shenzhou he sees now is a tall mountain, and the boundless Shenzhou is the ten directions under the mountain.

"Yes, this is the whole picture of Shenzhou. Shenzhou was originally a mountain, and the eight directions of Shenzhou where Shenzhou people live are the eight directions you can see the clearest now, but the smoke-filled places are the last two sides of Shenzhou. That is the secret garden of the Celestial Clan!!" Wu Yin introduced.

"But why do people in Shenzhou feel that they live on the flat ground, not on the top of the mountain?" Xia Xia himself was also a person living in Shenzhou, and even he didn't feel that he lived on a slope.

"You go up again!!" Silent reminded.


Summer continued to move up, and this time he saw clearly that all the appearances of the three islands and ten prefectures came out.


is flat.

Ten states.

All are mountains.

Shenzhou's mountain is the largest.

But there are gaps between these peaks, not connected.

"What's going on?" Summer asked in confusion.

"You can see it from another angle." Silent reminded.

Summer has come to the side of Buzhou Mountain.

This time.

He saw it.

"How is this possible?" Xia Tian rubbed his eyes, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

He saw people.


These giants are just below the three islands and ten states.

They are carrying the Mishima and Tenshu forward step by step.

Such a scene broke summer's cognition.

"Now I know why we can't tell you a lot of things!!!" said Silently.

Every time they asked some special questions in the summer, they would say that when the summer reaches a height of more than one trillion feet, the summer will understand it by It's not that they don't want to tell the summer.

It's that they really don't know what to say.

The universe is full of mysteries.

No one can speak clearly.

"There are a total of thirteen giants below, all of them are first-class giants, that is, the giants with the purest bloodline!!" Yang reminded.

"Three islands and ten states have been moving all the time!!" Xia Xia felt very strange as he watched the giant below move forward step by step.

Only when you see this scene with your own eyes will you truly feel the shock.

"Is there an ancient battlefield?" Xia Xia saw a gap in the corner of Shenzhou, and the gap was connected to the universe.

"Yes, there is the ancient battlefield, the corner of Shenzhou, at the edge of the first party." Wuyin nodded.


Xia Xia looked there. He wanted to see the ancestral tree, he also wanted to see the Tianzu, and he wanted to see the mother tree, his own mother.

"Don't look at it, there is a layer of cover at 10,000,000,000 zhang, which is used to protect the three islands and ten continents, and at the same time, you can't see anything in the three islands and ten continents beyond 10,000,000,000 zhang!!!" Yang explained. .


Summer got it.

He originally wanted to see his mother from here and see what the Celestial Clan was like, but now it seems that he is thinking too much! !

"This is not the most spectacular!!" Yang reminded again.

"Anything else?" Silent asked inexplicably.

"You are only a half-spirit, and the height you can fly is limited. At this height, you can see here at most, but if you keep going up, you will see the nightmare of this life!!!" Yang responded road.

"Anything else?" Summer asked.

"Yes, after you see it, it will become a nightmare for your whole life!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

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