The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1898: Made me look bad

Blue gentleman!

The boss of the Loose People Alliance.

Here is also the leader of one side of the force.

He actually came to see Summer in person.

This makes Thirteen and others very puzzled. Although Xia Xia's strength is still very good, it is not enough to let Lan Jun come over in person. You must know that Lan Jun is the top expert here, Venerable Ninety-nine The realm of stars.

Even if the people from the other major forces saw him, they had to be polite.


Lan Jun's most famous battle was in the Canyon of Death, where he alone dominated the tens of thousands of Zerg and retreated.

after that war.

Even Lan Jun is completely famous.


His followers are growing.

At the beginning, he really thought about every brother, but as time went on, he didn't seem to care much about the following things, and the Eight Kings below him were many people taking the opportunity to make money.

Let the Loose People Alliance, which had just started to unite, become what it is now.

Many loose people are reluctant to join.

"Go out and have a look!!" Summer slowly got up.

Thirteen and others also followed Xia Xia out.

"Mr. Xia, I'm leaving too. This is my communication talisman. If you want to find me, I'll be there anytime!!" King Lu shouted.

"Okay!!" Summer walked out.

Outside at this time.

A handsome man was standing outside, and the two guards behind him were also very young and handsome.

"Mr. Xia, we finally meet!!" Lan Jun spoke first.

"We don't seem to know each other!!" Summer said.

"I've heard of your name, but I didn't expect that the boss of the Thirteenth team is actually you. No wonder they have always performed so well!!!" Lan Jun praised.

Thirteen and others have heard about Lan Jun.

in their eyes.

Lan Jun is the kind of top-notch expert, but they didn't expect that such a top-notch expert would be so polite. When it comes to summer, it's like someone of the same generation talking casually.

On the contrary, he seemed a little impatient when he talked in the summer.

They all know summer very well.

Xia Xia is like this. He has always been very polite when treating his brother, but when he treats outsiders, he is not angry.


"Is something wrong?" Xia Tian looked at Lan Jun and asked.

He's clearly not the type to waste time.


"I'm here this time because I want to work with you, Mr. Xia!!" Lan Jun also saw that Xia Xia seemed a little impatient, so he planned to clarify this matter quickly.

In this case.

Can save a lot of trouble.

The word he uses is collaboration, not having Summer join them.

"No interest!" Xia Xia's answer was also very simple.

He said so.

It didn't give Lan Jun any face at all.

"Mr. Xia, don't be in a hurry to refuse. I haven't stated my conditions yet. Maybe after you hear my conditions, you will agree." Lan Jun said again.


Xia Xia looked at Lan Jun. Although he was really not interested, he also wanted to hear what Lan Jun had to say.

"First, I will take out one million insect crystals. One million insect crystals are definitely the richest here!!" Lan Jun said.

"It's a lot!!" Summer said.

Thirteen and the others were all stunned.

One million fairy crystals.

They don't even dare to think about this number.

This is too scary.

Although they are all people who have seen the big scene, they didn't expect that Lan Jun could give such a generous reward in order to let Xia Xia cooperate.

This was something they didn't expect.

To know.

One thousand immortal crystals can already go to the ancestral tree to sense the Cloudy Sky Sutra. Although it only takes ten seconds, it can also allow them to sense something and increase their strength.

"Second, I will pay for the logistical supplies for you and your brothers, and during the battle, you don't need to be in front of the team, just come with me!!" Lan Jun said again.

It can be said.

It is simply too easy to take this million insect crystals.

Being a bodyguard can get so much vision.

Moreover, Lan Jun's strength is so strong, and there are so many powerful subordinates around him, it seems that he does not need to be his bodyguard.

"Thirdly, I can guarantee that after the war, at least two famous weapons will be given to your brothers, which is the least. If it goes well, I will let them have one famous weapon!!" Lan Jun said.

"Done?" Summer asked.

"Well, finished!" Lan Jun nodded.

"Get out of the way!!" Xia Xia said rudely.


Lan Jun was stunned for a moment. He thought that the price he had offered was high enough. Just now, he was still imagining that Xia Xian would agree to him as soon as possible, but he did not expect that Xia Xian would actually reject him, which made him very puzzled. .

Such favorable conditions, even in the summer will refuse.

"By the way, don't bother me in the future, I'm not very good-tempered!!" Xia Xia reminded.

Thirteen and others are all Xia Xia refuses such generous conditions, they can still understand, after all Xia Xia is used to going his own way and doesn't like being controlled, but they did not expect that Xia Xia was still warning Blue gentleman.

Here in the ancient battlefield, a small person is warned.

The boss of the Loose People Alliance?

This is still crazy.

Just when they thought Lan Jun would be angry, Lan Jun smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Mr. Xia, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

When I saw Lan Jun's attitude.

They were even more puzzled.

They just went out in the summer.

"Boss, he is too crazy!" The two people behind him said very unhappily.

"What do you know, there are some things that you don't know. If you know what he has done recently, you don't think he is mad." Lan Jun naturally knows the news from the outside, but he can't spread the news casually. Even his subordinates, he can't say anything casually.

Xia Xia was the one who could fight against the Heavenly Clan with hundreds of thousands of experts and Haotian alone, and finally forced the Heavenly Clan to withdraw.

Such a terrifying existence.

Can he afford it?

Especially at times like this.

If his team suffered a lot of damage, how to face the next big battle.

After they went out in the summer, Thirteen purchased thousands of array plates for the remaining insect crystals.

"The pills and the pills will be distributed to you, remember, the old rules, when fighting, no one is allowed to feel bad for the pills and pills, nothing is as precious as your life!!" Xia Xia said very seriously.

"Don't worry!!" Everyone nodded vigorously.

"Thirteen brothers, I met you again." Pulsatilla came from a distance: "Have you thought about it, and plan to join our scattered people alliance?"

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