The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1906: It's summer

As soon as the Demon Emperor made his move, the momentum was huge.

The people behind the Demon Race Alliance looked very excited. In their eyes, their Demon Emperor was the kind of invincible existence, and no one could be the opponent of the Demon Emperor.

Now the Demon Emperor starts.

The other party must have been frightened.


"I'm already a half-step Hundred-star Venerable. Against me, you won't even have a chance to resist!!" The Devil Emperor said very confidently.

Summer is no nonsense.

Instead, he stretched out his hand.

【Promise, attract! ! 】

For a moment.

The Demon Emperor, who was very proud just now, flew towards the summer in an instant, unable to control it at all.

No matter what means he uses, he can't make his body stop or change direction.

"Looking for death!!" When the Demon Emperor saw this situation, he simply refused to dodge.

launched his own attack directly.

he thinks.

The other side this time.

He will definitely absorb his own attacks as well.

If it was the previous summer, he would definitely pick up Tianquan's rebound, and then use Tianquan's repulsion to restrain the opponent, but now the summer is different, he doesn't need to do anything, just let the opponent attack like this hit him.

Even he didn't let Xia Si and several other clones help him resist.

An attack by a Venerable Ninety-Nine Star.

He couldn't break through his body defenses at all.


When the Demon Emperor's attack hit Xia Xia, the people in the Demon Race Alliance were all extremely excited, and the Thirteenth and the others rushed up immediately.

But when they were halfway through, they suddenly stopped.

at this time.

Summer was hit head-on by that attack.

There was nothing at all.

And the neck of the Devil Emperor has been caught by Xia Xia in the palm of his hand.

The Demon Emperor's limbs began to freeze gradually.

Gravity soil covered his whole body.

Xia Si's silk thread also wrapped around his body, making him unable to move.

"With this little ability, are you planning to use power to solve the problem?" Xia Xia's face was full of disappointment.


This time, all the people on the scene were stupid. The current situation was something they couldn't imagine. They never thought that such a thing would happen.

The top powerhouse in their eyes.

Lord Demon.

As a result, he was caught by summer with one hand.

Not even the ability to resist.

"No, it can't be like this!!" The Devil Emperor obviously couldn't believe all of this. When has he suffered such humiliation in his life, and was actually grabbed by the neck and held it in his hand, as if he was treated as a Like a chick.


Xia Xia untied his restraints and threw him out.

"Before you said to compensate one million insect crystals, now I think one million is not enough!!" Xia Xia shook his head.


The Devil Emperor frowned. In fact, he had thought before that it must be his own people who caused the trouble first, but he didn't care. He thought that his strength was so powerful that he could make the other party submit, and he had just returned. A good opportunity to stand up, he wants to use this opportunity to let everyone see how powerful his Demon Race Alliance is here.

But now.

He was actually defeated by one move, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

"How is this possible?" The Devil Emperor didn't believe this was true at all. He hadn't used all his abilities, and he had already lost as a result. How could he accept this?


A mass of power appeared in his palm.

Then it smashed directly into the summer in front of him.

"Purgatory Cage!!" The attack he hit this time was his own attack plus a special weapon, which had the strongest binding force.

He just wanted to trap the summer first.

Although this style of play is a bit shameless, he must not admit defeat.

He has to kill each other.

Just when he thought that his attack could control the opponent, the opponent's body easily escaped his restraint: "What kind of physical toughness is this?"

He just saw it.

The other's body seemed to melt.

Slip straight from your own shackles.

This situation has completely shocked him.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

It's just too scary.

But before he could make a new reaction, Xia Xia grabbed his right hand again, and his body lost control again.


Xia Xia's right hand grabbed the Demon Emperor's head. This time, the Demon Emperor felt that his power and soul were being pulled away, and a fear of death struck him. He had never felt this way before. He believed, If he died like this, even if he had blood to be resurrected, he should have no chance.

This kind of death.

It should be real death.

"No, I don't want to die, I can't die!!" The Devil Emperor shouted in his heart.

If it wasn't for his subordinates here, he would definitely have called out to beg for mercy.

But now that he has so many subordinates here, it is impossible for him to beg for mercy directly.

But if you don't ask for mercy.

He is dead.

"I pay!!" The Demon Emperor finally shouted these two The fear of death finally made him admit it.

No one thought of it.

The dignified Devil Emperor still confessed, although he did not beg for mercy, but everyone could hear the meaning of confession in his words. Thirteen and the others have no idea what to say now, and now they finally see The real strength of summer.


Such strength.

It's really not what normal people can imagine.

Summer let go of his hand.

"How much did you pay?" Xia Tian asked.

"Five million insect crystals!!" The Demon Emperor said hurriedly.


This number is quite a lot, and only a character like the Demon Emperor can come up with it.

"Then five million, and, in the future, let the people of your Demon Alliance see a few of our brothers walking around, otherwise they will see you once and beat you once!!" Xia Xia would not be polite to these people.

"Yes!!" The Demon Emperor was much more honest.

Just two rounds against him, he was controlled twice, which made him completely fear Xia.

Don't dare to have any more nonsense.

Obediently let your hands collect insect crystals.

Although he is a demon emperor.

But it is impossible to have so many insect crystals on the body.

Don't worry about summer.

Just waiting patiently.

The Devil Emperor also understood the situation, but when he heard what happened, he almost died of anger. Although he knew for a long time that it might be his own people who caused it first, he did not expect that it was his own people first. They directly extorted the other party's worm horn, and after the other party gave it, they actually came to ask for the worm horn for the second time, and also asked the other party to compensate them.

Now he finally understands why Xia Xia paid so many insect crystals.

"How strong are you now?" Qu Xi looked at Xia Xia.

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