The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1165: Much attention

"Sister Bingbing, let's go out." Xia Tian stretched out his right hand in a very gentlemanly manner.

Wang Bing put his left hand on Xia Xia's hand, and the two walked directly below.

"Che, you're so gorgeously dressed, and if you don't know, you think you're going to the red carpet." A woman said disdainfully, her eyes were full of jealousy.

"This kind of person saw it at fashion week and bought a high imitation," said the man beside the woman.

"Master Xu, why don't you drive out of your own car? People don't want to take a taxi anymore." The woman said whimpering.

"Don't worry, my buddy called me and said that he asked a friend to drive to pick us up, and he said he was going to see that charity event," the man said.

When the woman heard that there was a car to pick up, a smile appeared on her face again, and at the same time she deliberately said loudly, "What kind of car is coming to pick us up?"

As if in her eyes, having a car to pick up is a very good thing.

"I don't know, but my friend must have arranged it. When we go out, someone will call us." After that, Master Xu touched the woman's body very dishonestly: "Xiaohua, let's meet again at night. I came here a few times, and I asked a friend to buy some good things to try when the time comes."

"Well, then you will buy something for me when you go to participate in that charity?" the woman said arrogantly.

"That's a charity event, not an auction. There's no sales at all." Xu Dashao said helplessly.

"No, no, they want it." The woman began to act coquettishly.

"Okay! I'll buy it for you when the time comes." Xu Dashao can only deal with it first.

The woman might be bored, so she glanced at Xia Xia and Wang Bing again. She found that the man was handsome and the woman was very noble and beautiful.

This made her even more jealous.

This is a hotel, a guesthouse, what else can people who come here do? Of course it was bang bang bang, she didn't believe that someone came to such an expensive hotel just to rest.

"Hey, it's nice to have a car to pick you up when you go out." The woman deliberately said loudly.

But he found that he was directly ignored by Xia Xia and Wang Bing, which made her even more angry. Along the way, she looked at Xia Xia and Wang Bing angrily.

She has already thought about it, she will go out and get into the car after a while, and then go to ridicule Wang Bing and Xia Xia. In her opinion, if you have a car, it is worth showing off.

It doesn't matter if it's hers or not, as long as it's not a taxi. Then her status is high.

After Xia Xia and Wang Bing got off the elevator, they walked out of the hotel. When she saw the car downstairs, Wang Bing was stunned for a moment. She really admired the summer so much, there was a car to pick up the car wherever she went.

And these cars seem to have appeared by themselves, and there is no need for summer to command them.

Seeing Xia Xia and Wang Bing come out, the driver hurried down.

"It's such a good car." As soon as the woman saw the driver running down, she thought she was picking them up, and there was a car in front of her. When she saw such a good car, she was extremely excited.

She immediately ran straight to the car. She'd never been in such a nice car before, so she couldn't be more excited now.

"Hey!" The young master Xu hurriedly shouted, but the woman was completely inaudible. She was in a state of excitement now. Her goal was that luxury car, and she must rush to it as quickly as possible. That car, then take a quick photo. Take a picture of the whole car, and then quickly circle of friends.

I envy those women in her circle of friends.

But at this moment she was stopped.

The one who stopped her was the driver who got out of the car and opened the door.

"Hey, you stopped the wrong person. I'm Xu Dashao's girlfriend. Didn't you come to pick us up? Get out of the way. Let me get in the car." The woman now wants to get in the car quickly and take a photo of her Moments.

"Get out of the way!" the driver said coldly.

At this time, Master Xu hurried to the woman's side and whispered, "This one is not, the one behind is."

Dashao Xu pointed to the miniature QQ behind the RV and said.

"Uh!" The woman was completely stunned when she saw the car. The comparison between the two was too scary. One was a top-of-the-line RV, and the other was a miniature QQ.

It wasn't their car that she rushed over just now, but the miniature QQ in the back that they were going to sit in. This made her heart drop to the bottom in an instant, and the whole person seemed to fall directly from the sky to the ground.

She stood beside the car and watched Xia Xia and Wang Bing get into the car.

Originally, she wanted to insult Xia Xia and Wang Bing after getting in the car, but now, not only did she not insult her, but she lost her face.

She, a QQ person, actually went to ridicule people who were sitting in an RV.

Not to mention how embarrassed she was now.

She just stood beside the car stupidly, not knowing what to do for a long time, whether to go or continue standing here, but the young master Xu pulled her: "Let's go, they are still waiting there. ."

This is attitude.

One is taking the initiative to get out of the car to open the door, and the other is waiting impatiently.

Just now she was still saying that what Xia Xia and Wang Bing were wearing were fakes, but now they have a high-end car to pick them up, and they can only take this QQ, and now she feels like what she said just now is like a slap in the face , hit him hard in the face.

But along the way, Xia Xia and Wang Bing ignored them at all.

This is the gap between the powerful and the incompetent. This RV has to be said to be very attractive, when the car came to the location of the auction!

Those reporters crowded around in an instant, because they could see that the person who came this time must be a big man. When they looked at people, they just looked at the car and the clothes, and the clothes must be seen after getting out of the car.

So they still look at the car at first When they see a good car, they will surround them. If they see a bad car, they will rest for a while, and then wait for the arrival of a good car. If it is a good car, They just grab the easiest places to take pictures.

Then take a picture of who it is.

At this time, when they saw the RV, those people ran forward like crazy. They must take pictures of the people who came here this time. When they saw the car parked at the door of the charity, all the people around were surrounded.

Then the door slowly opened, and at this moment, those people started to keep pressing the shutter, they were afraid of missing any chance.

The driver got out of the car in a hurry and opened the door.

A pair of leather shoes appeared in everyone's eyes, and then they saw a heroic man appear in front of everyone.

"Who is this?" Everyone asked at the same time.

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