The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1997: good start

Where the Tianhan Sword is pointing.

All are cold.

The endless power seems to be able to pierce the sky.

"Everyone is ready for battle. The Zerg attack is only a temporary retreat. No matter how many Zerg besiege me, even if I'm dying, no one can come to help." Xia Xia issued his own order.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this order.

The other bosses are all ordering their subordinates, and they must protect themselves when they are in danger.

But Xia Xia actually asked anyone to leave him alone.

"My ancient God of War team is also yours to arrange!!" Hardy flew over.

He fell in front of Summer.

"You are the strongest existence in this team, and it is also a crucial existence. Only you can stop the charge of the Insect King level, so distribute your team evenly, they do not need to command anyone, but they must be fixed at In a certain position, usually try to sneak up on the powerful Zerg as much as possible. When you see the Zerg Emperor, go to deal with the Zerg Emperor, but you must be careful. The Zerg who came this time are very intelligent. Seeing that they are so strong, they will definitely attack them! !!" Summer reminded.

"Don't worry, I will arrange it." Hardy nodded.

"Also, their strength is strong, and their temperament must be very arrogant. We must let them understand that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold, so don't be selfish!!" Xia Xia said.


Hardy naturally understood the meaning of summer.

If he can't handle things well on his own side, then it really can't be said.

"Also, you must never confront Prometheus. He must have mastered the way to kill you now. If you act on your will, there will only be one final end!!" Xia Xia was already very euphemistic.

The Prometheus of today is not the Prometheus of the past.

If you still look at him with the eyes of the past.

Then he must be killed.

"Although I am very unwilling, I must admit it!!" Hardy nodded.

"If you are fighting guerrillas, there is no one here who can catch up with you and stop you, but the most fearful thing is that if you see an opportunity and rush forward, it may be a trap!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"I've already been hit once, and there will never be a second time. I don't want any chance. I'll do my best to raid here!!" Hardy said.

"Okay, then we have a better chance!!" Although Xia Xia also knew that there were dangers ahead, but there were many dangers, there was no need to tell everyone, as long as he knew it himself, because of those dangers, he would solve them by himself. .

This is his own responsibility.

"From now on, assign the battle lines to each other, and you only need to defend your own battle lines!!!" Xia Xia reminded.


Everyone started to get busy.

The attack of the female worm just now gave everyone a chance to breathe, but there are still many zerg, and they will make a comeback soon.

Then they need to fight.

"Where are the six of us?" Thirteen asked.

"Enter all things first, I've left a gift for you. It's up to you how much you can understand in one minute per person." Xia Xia directly brought the six people into all things.

One minute passed quickly.

But after coming out.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

They finally understood what Summer was talking about as a gift.

"How do you feel?" Summer asked.

"I think I can hit ten now!!" Qu Xi said excitedly.

"That's good, when the war starts, let everyone see what we can do." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Battle of the ancient battlefield.

It will completely establish the status of the six of them in China.

after this war.

The ancient battlefield will no longer exist.

All the top players will return to Shenzhou. At that time, it is the most exciting time in Shenzhou, and the days when the Celestial Clan dominates will come to an end.

No matter how strong the Celestial Clan is, it is impossible for so many top experts to unite as an opponent.

They want to restrain so many top players, it is also a dream.

"It's all arranged!!" Hardy came to Xia's side.

"Relax your body, I also left a gift for you!!" After Xia Xia finished speaking, he directly included Hardy into everything.

After a minute.

Hardy was teleported out.

When he came out, his face was full of wonder.

There is also a lot of confusion, because he saw some things in it that he should not see.

"What's going on!!" He asked the doubts in his heart.

"Slowly explain to you!!" Xia Tian patted Hardy on the shoulder.


Hardy nodded: "Now I really want to fight that guy Prometheus again."

"Don't, it's a waste!!" Xia Xia said.

Now the state of Hadi and the others is that the seven spirits have given them seven guardians. This guardian increases all their states, and even when they attack, they will bring special attributes.

In this case.

When they were fighting, they not only improved by one level.

And they can also feel this power.

Improve your realm and pave a perfect path for yourself in the future.

"Come on!!" Hardy reminded.

"I'm prepared this time!!" Xia Xia sensed it too, but this time it was the same as before, and a powerful Zerg couldn't sense it either. Obviously, they planned to use the crowd tactics to start to consume it.

Although this method is despicable, it is definitely the most effective.

"The crowd tactics are really good, but unfortunately, they bumped into me!!" Xia Xia clapped his hands.

The insect crystals that had just been absorbed flew up in an instant.

These flying insect crystals smashed directly.

Turned into powder, scattered everywhere.

"What is this doing?" Hardy asked in confusion.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!!" A mysterious smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


The endless Zerg is about to rush over.

sky, ground.


Everyone was also nervous.

They were all ready to fight.

"Brothers, do you like watching fireworks?" Xia Tian asked.

Everyone didn't understand what he meant, and all looked at him, waiting for his next performance.


at this time.

People suddenly found out.

Things don't seem right.

Those Zerg who successfully came up began to be ignited with flames, and circles of flames appeared from their bodies.


Summer's hands flicked.

The flame of the law of the sun flew out directly.

When the flames of the law of the sun ignited those shattered insect crystals, fusion occurred, and explosions appeared again and again, and each explosion was an explosion of fusion.

And each explosion can ignite another explosion.

These explosions, like fireworks, lit again and again, and exploded again and again.

Brilliant and colorful.

Sparks shot into the sky.

"It's my turn!!" After Hongfeng's voice fell.

Countless wings flew into the sky, forming a piece of thunderclouds.


Secondary ignition occurs when lightning strikes sparks in the air.

The ground and the sky exploded with flowers.

The ignition time and time again will cover the entire battlefield.

"Brothers, those who have the law of fire, add more fire!!" The people behind reacted.

for a while.

In front of him became an endless sea of ​​fire.

"That's awesome!!" Hardy's eyes also lit up. He knew very well that if the normal people with all fire laws released the attack together, the flames would hardly burn the Zerg's carapace for such a large-scale attack. Open, but now it's so lit in summer, it's powerful.

Plus everyone's fire power.

Directly burn the Zerg in front of you.

"In the insect crystals of the Zerg, there is endless power, which is bred by their Zerg, so once this power is ignited, the instinct can invade their bodies and play the role of breaking the armor." Xia Xia explained road.

"So, we still have hope of winning!!" Hardy's eyes lit up.

"No, didn't you see that these Zerg were the Zerg we fought against before, but in fact our opponent was the invading Zerg who came from behind. Now we kill all the cannon fodder. When the invading Zerg comes, we will It's a real battle, and there's an insect mother on the opposite side!!" Xia Xia's biggest fear is that insect mother.

If there is no female insect he can rush up to capture the king and kill the other female insect, then he will win without a fight.

"It seems that it is still difficult!!" Hardy said with emotion.

"There is always a chance!!" No matter when the summer is, he is optimistic,

The fireworks gradually dissipated.

Insect crystals were scattered all over the ground.

However, instead of picking it up in the summer, he crushed these insect crystals again.

The ancestral tree no longer exists.

Although humans can also rely on insect crystals to practice, but the speed is too slow, it is better to continue to consume here.

Most of the humans rushed up and started to clean the battlefield. Although the insect crystals were gone, there were still many treasures on the Zerg that could be collected.

Lots of loot to keep everyone happy.

If you can survive.

Then these spoils are really profitable. It usually takes at least a few thousand years to get so many spoils.

"Everyone withdrew, they are here again!!" Xia Xia shouted.

Then everyone withdrew.

that's it.

In the summer, he led the crowd to burn these Zerg in batches, and the effect was very good. It even gave everyone a feeling that they could really fight the Zerg here and easily win.

that's it.

After burning at least half a billion Zerg in the summer.

The Zerg in armor appeared.

These armored Zerg and a large number of insect kings, insect kings and insect kings, led their powerful men to rush out.

The real master team appeared.

When the elite team of Zerg rushed over, they directly passed through the flames they ignited in the summer. This flame could not break through their defenses, so they rushed towards the crowd.

"It's about to start!" Xia Xia's body moved, and Hongfeng returned behind him.

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