The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1999: come to kill you

All eyes are on the summer.

At this time, on the body of summer, countless colored silk threads appeared, and these silk threads were surrounded by rings.

These threads drifted around.

Very soft, very soft.

As if there was no power whatsoever.

But soon, everyone found that these silk threads began to wrap around the Zerg. Although the Zerg wanted to knock these silk threads into the air, no matter what they did, they could not cause any damage to the silk threads.

that's it.

The silk thread wrapped the body of the Zerg little by little.


Tighten slowly.

at this time.

The silk thread that could not even be touched before suddenly completely bound the bodies of those Zerg, and tens of thousands of Zerg were directly trapped by the silk thread.

Summer's hands began to swirl up.

Very fast.

It's getting faster.

The bodies of these Zerg are extremely hard, and when they are turned around, they also become the strongest weapons.

All the Zerg that hit it were knocked into the air, some were killed directly, and some were beaten without being able to fight back, and were directly beheaded by others around them.

It was supposed to be a **** battle.

But now it has been turned into a simple mode by summer! !

"Brothers, with Mr. Xia here, it is impossible for us to lose. Let the Zerg see how powerful we are."

"After being suppressed by them for so many years, this time is a decisive battle, kill these Zerg and save our own lives."

"From today, Mr. Xia is my belief and my life goal!!"

The people in the back were very excited one by one.

Although there is only one person in front of Xia Xia, his fighting power is more terrifying than that of thousands of horses. Those Zerg who are powerful in everyone's eyes are like children in front of him, and they have no resistance at all.

"It seems that everyone's morale has been completely ignited now!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"If there is no morale, we will never have a chance to win the battle. The reason why I keep fighting like this is to inspire the strong hearts of each of them. Only in this way can they be regarded as true warriors. Withstanding the round after round of Zerg attacks!!" Xia Xia looked at the female insect in front of her.

The female worm over there is his next target.

When the morale of the people here stabilizes, he will kill in the direction of the female worm.

At that time, as long as he can kill the female worm.

The battle situation here is temporarily stable.

Although there is still a worm inside.

But for the time being, the worm mother will definitely not appear casually.

"It's almost here now!!" Hongfeng saw that the morale here is very high now, and also thinks that the situation here should be stable now.

"It's not enough. They have seen me now, so their morale is high. If I disappear for too long, their morale will still drop to the lowest level." Xia Xia is very clear about the current situation here, and the current morale depends on him supported by one person.

Next he had to deal with the female worm.

It will definitely take a long time.

If he does not appear here for a long time, the people here may think he is dead.

Or trapped by the Zerg.

There would be no hope for the people here.

"They are no longer children, and they still have to rely on you at such a time. Don't they have the preparations to take death as their own?" Hong Feng said very unhappily.

"Seeing death as home is different from seeing death as home." Xia Xia said with emotion.


Hongfeng seems to understand the meaning of summer.

A battle without hope is not something normal people can endure.

Not everyone has the strong heart of summer.

Even Thirteen and the others, if they don't have the belief of Xia Xia in their hearts, they can't bear this kind of pressure.

that's it.

Xia Xia pulled the tens of thousands of Zerg and kept smashing them.

"Boss, is his power inexhaustible? Why is he holding so many Zerg all the time without the slightest fatigue, and from the battle to now, he has always been a high-intensity fighting method, but he has never been It's as if the power can be endless." Those ancient gods of war always felt that Xia Xia's combat power was unscientific, not only powerful, but also defense and attack power far surpassed those of the same level.

Physical toughness and strength are endless.

It seems to never be the limit.

"So he is Summer!!" Hardy still remembers the first time he went to see Summer.

At that time, he was still talking to Xia Xia in the attitude of a senior. Although he was not disrespectful at all, he believed that Xia Xia's overall strength was definitely weaker than him at that time. I feel that the strength of the summer should not be very different from my own.

But now.

He understands that his overall combat effectiveness is really much worse than Xia's. Although he can rush in seven in seven out now, his role is even one-tenth of Xia's. No, and it can't reach such a long-lasting combat effectiveness in summer.

" I'm going to deal with the female insects inside. It may take a long time. Is it okay to leave it to you here?" Xia Xia's voice came.

"No problem!!" The morale of the scene has reached its peak.

When they heard that they were going to deal with the female worms in the summer, they all seemed to see hope.

in their eyes.

The mother bug is everything.

As long as they can kill the female worm in summer, then they will win.

"It's time for me to take action!!" Xia Xia's body moved and rushed directly into the distance.

Seeing that Xia Xia went to the female insect, the surrounding Zerg also began to use insect wall tactics to block Xia Xia.

It can be done with the cooperation of Golden Knife and Senluo Vientiane.

The so-called bug wall tactic is a joke.

Instead, it's summer.

Let Xia Xia kill a large number of high-level Zerg again.

Then kill it.

that's it.

Along the way, in the summer, I saw Insect Zun Killing Insect Zun, and I saw Insect King Killing Insect King.

The means are endless.

These Zerg were dizzy.

"I see!!" Hongfeng reminded.


At this time, Prometheus was also beside the female worm.

When Prometheus saw Xia Xia, his face was full of puzzlement: "How did you kill it?"

"Do you think you can stop me by relying on these beasts?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.


"Then what are you doing here?" Prometheus asked.

"Kill you!!" The Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's hand pointed directly at Prometheus in front of him.

"It's just you?" Prometheus's face was full of disdain: "The me now is not the me I used to be, even if it is a duel, you are not my opponent, not to mention that there are still others here. So many zerg."

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