The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2002: Fusion Black Tree

Humanity's counter-offensive has begun. No matter how angry Prometheus is, the situation here is not under his control. Even the Zerg here have begun to attack him. The reason why he can command these Zerg before is because of him. There is already some kind of connection between it and the female worm.

But now.

When the female worm dies, the connection is broken.

He could no longer order those zerg.

This made him even more angry: "Summer, I must smash you to pieces!!!"

"It's just you?" Xia Xia shook his head in disappointment.

Didn't even look at him.

He directly began to kill these panicked Zerg. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

Even the summer himself did not find it.

I don't know how many Zerg corpses he threw into all kinds of things, and under the nourishment of these Zerg corpses, all things are growing wildly, and even a small tree has grown in an unknown place. Saplings.

"How dare you underestimate me so much!!" Prometheus killed Xia Tian directly.

However, when he was halfway through, his body suddenly stopped.


"It's a pity, it's that black tree again, otherwise, he would definitely rush over." Hongfeng sighed, he had just felt that Prometheus was fooled.

Summer has been using the jigsaw on Prometheus.

Seeing that Prometheus has been hit.


Black Tree stopped him.

Don't let him come to die.

"With the black tree here, I didn't think it would be so easy to solve the battle, but now, before their new female insects arrive, kill as many Zerg as possible here, once the new female insects arrive, then the Zerg here The situation will stabilize again soon, and the combat power is ten times stronger than it is now!!" Xia Xia didn't want to waste the opportunity.

He knew from the start of the war that the battle would never end easily.

Can now kill a female worm.

That's not easy anymore.

"Look, Prometheus is in a wrong state!!" Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.

It was only in the summer that he discovered that Prometheus was bubbling with black air all over his body. His eyes became extremely dark, and there were no white eyes. His hair also changed from fiery red to black, and his lips became black.

A dark robe appeared on his body.

"He is evolving with the black tree!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"Is this still possible?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Of course there is. In this case, Hei Shu's action ability will be greatly improved. Although he can't show his true strength, he can already do a lot of things!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"Then why didn't Ancestral Tree do that?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"If he does that, everyone will see, who is not afraid of him, who can protect him? It is better to run away directly, and his escape should be premeditated, and preparations have been made long ago, otherwise it would not be so fast. "Xian Xuanwu reminded.


"Excusable, he definitely doesn't want to die!!" Xia Xia didn't blame Zu Shu.

After all, the ancestral tree has protected Shenzhou for so many years.

mutual need.

Now he feels like he might die, and it's okay to leave here.

"You are really different from others. The other people here are complaining that the ancestral tree has abandoned them, but they have forgotten, if there is no ancestral tree, how would their inheritance be formed over the years, and what is their strength? Ascension, if there is no ancestral tree, how is the external power of the gods introduced in Shenzhou." Xian Xuanwu said with admiration.

"Then now that the ancestral tree is gone, what will the future of China be like?" Xia Xia asked.

"In the future Shenzhou, although the power of immortals will continue to flow in, but the power of immortals that flows in is not digested by the ancestral tree, and it is very violent. Direct cultivation will cause great loss to the cultivator's body. If so, the cultivator's overall lifespan will be greatly reduced, but there will also be a lot of cosmic power flowing into Shenzhou, which will give people in Shenzhou more opportunities, it can only be said to be mixed!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"I understand, in the past Shenzhou was a comfort zone, there were no surprises, but there would be no surprises, everyone's lifespan was very long, everyone's cultivation was stable, and the chance of going crazy was very low; but in the future, there will be no comfort zone. Yes!!" Summer reacted.

"That's right, from now on, Shenzhou will not have any comfort zone. People here will practice faster, be more likely to go crazy, lose a lot of body, and even cut their lifespan by half, but the power of the universe will bring you a surprise. It will also be bigger, but your previous Shenzhou Bafang will be broken, because the power of the universe has just invaded Shenzhou, which will cause great damage and changes in many places in Shenzhou, and even if many people are directly hit by the power of the universe, they will directly It will be smashed to pieces, at the beginning, this is definitely a disaster!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"It doesn't matter, let's survive from here first!!" Xia Xia's eyes turned to the Now killing more Zerg is the most important thing.

If the Zerg here are not killed, there will be no future.


On Prometheus' side, endless black gas erupted around his body, and these black gas directly blew all the Zerg around him.

"His evolution seems to be complete!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"I don't know what new tricks there will be. Don't fight him head-on, go around him first, and let him use up his three axes first." Xia Xia knew very well the character of Prometheus, no matter how he changed, that kind of The character of wanting to express in a hurry will not change.

He must be eager to show his abilities.

at this time.

In the summer, you can first observe his ability, and then find the flaws in the middle.

"He's here!!" Hongfeng reminded.

Xia Xia also saw the opportunity, his body flickered, and he directly avoided the attack of Prometheus, and the attack of Prometheus hit the Zerg.

Kill the Insect King directly.

"His flame has changed!!" Xia Xia saw the extraordinaryness of this flame.

The power of this flame is at least five times stronger than before. If his body is burned, he will be injured.

"It seems that the black tree has really given him a lot of power!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

"The biggest problem now is that the Zerg has stopped attacking him. If he can control the Zerg, then the good situation will be gone!!" Xia Xia is most worried about this, and now is the best time for them to counterattack.

"No!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.


Hearing Xian Xuanwu's answer, Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Then I will kill, just use the ability of this idiot to help me kill together."

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