The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2004: biggest mistake

Enemy meet.

Extraordinarily red eyes!

The two of them, the Bone God Bit, were attacked from behind by Prometheus and almost beheaded. They remembered this feud.

The twenty ancient gods of war even felt that Prometheus betrayed their beliefs and actually cooperated with the enemy who killed them.

This makes them also full of hatred.

See Prometheus again.

"Hmph, a group of rabble!!" Prometheus was a little nervous at first, but when he thought about his strength, he didn't care.

"Prometheus, you bastard!!" Da Zhou looked at Prometheus angrily.

He has now taken his life.

This life seems to prepare him for revenge.

"Don't be impulsive, now his strength is completely different from before. If you rush up like this, the chance of getting hit is still very high!!" Xia Xia reassured.

"No, I have to kill him today!" No matter what, Da Zhou was considered a top-notch expert.

And he is a half-spirit master.

How can his temper be controlled by others?

Xia Xia's eyes widened: "I saved your life. If you want to die, just turn around and jump into that pit by yourself!!"

His expression was very serious.

This was the first time he was angry with these people.


cannot solve the problem.

"You..." Da Zhou also has a good face. When Xia Tian said this, it was as if he was going to get angry at Xia Xia.

Bone God Bit stepped forward to dissuade him: "He's right, even if we want to take revenge, we can't be in a hurry. Now the situation outside is not stable, and Ancestral Tree is running away, and everyone's morale must be very low!!"


Da Zhou snorted heavily, if it was normal, he would definitely rush up and fight Xia Xia fiercely.

Let Xia Xia understand that he is not easy to bully.

But now.

He also understands that when it is not impulsive, he has already died once, and he does not want to really die here. Even if he does, he will see his descendants again.

But being reprimanded here by Xia Xia, he was also very upset.

"Leave it to me here, you go out and meet with everyone, the Zerg here are the elites of this batch of Zerg, and now there are no female insects here, they are very messy, it is the best time to kill them, it is best to support them. Before we arrive, kill these Zerg, then our chances will be greater." Xia Xia's eyes have always been on Prometheus.

I didn't look at the people around me.

"Then be careful!!" The Bone God Bit pulled Lada Zhou.

He also understands Dae Joo's character.

But now is not the time to be mad.

When Da Zhou left, he glared at Xia Xia fiercely.

"He seems to hate you!!" Hong Feng reminded.

"Let's do it, I don't ask everyone to like me. After getting through this difficulty, they can do whatever they want. Even if they want to fight me, I don't care!!" Xia didn't want to go Manage the universe.

"Xiamen, do you really think that you can win this way?" Prometheus looked at Xia Xia viciously.

It can be said.

All his plans were ruined by summer.

No matter what he does.

Will be seen by summer.

This made him very angry.

"My favorite thing to do is to create the impossible!!" Xia Xia responded.

"You're just procrastinating. The Zerg has ten female worms and one female worm. Do you think that when all ten female worms arrive, do you still have a chance? When the female worm arrives, do you still have a chance? ?" Prometheus looked at Summer with disdain.

Although the current summer is doing well.

But in the face of absolute strength.

The means of summer are not enough.

"At the beginning, you also thought that when I faced the Zerg here, I wouldn't have a chance, but I'm still standing here!!" Xia Xia's response was very simple.

He is slapping his face with facts.

No matter how powerful the opponent is boasting.

As a result, it is now the summer that has the upper hand.

"Okay, since you are the biggest accident, then I will kill your accident!!" Prometheus's expression turned cold, and then his body suddenly began to swell, and then the whole body exploded, and countless black branches from Flying out of his body, the branches smashed into the summer.

The original appearance of the black tree.

It finally appeared.

At the moment when the black tree appeared.

Prometheus has turned into a monster.

A monster with a human head and a tree body.

"In order to gain power, look at what you have become now, not a human being, a ghost or a ghost!!" Xia Xia said with great disappointment.


"How can you, the lowest human being, understand what kind of existence I am now, I call this evolution, and now I, fundamentally, have surpassed the level of human beings, you are only worthy of prostrate at my feet!!! "Prometheus was very excited.


Xia Xia sighed: "You've gone crazy, what's the difference between you and a puppet now?"

The Tianhan Sword directly smashed the numerical values ​​that hit him.

boom! boom! boom!

The power of the branches is very large, but the power of summer is not small.

But the number of branches is also increasing.

As if to completely swallow the summer in general.

The five clones appeared and knocked the surrounding branches into the air.

Boom! !

"Xiamen, stop resisting, you can't be my opponent!!" Prometheus shouted loudly.

He believed that even if he was facing a spirit, he would definitely win. The Black Tree's body was incomparably powerful.

"Do you know what was the worst thing you did?" Xia Tian asked.

"I can't be wrong!!" Prometheus shook his head.

"No, I'm not talking about you, but the black tree in your body!!" Xia Xia rushed forward without waiting for the other party to answer: "Your biggest mistake is that you don't understand my Xia Xia well enough to expose your own body too early. in front of me."

On the golden light.

A branch was cut off directly by summer.

The extremely hard branch was cut off in front of the golden knife.

"What?" Prometheus panicked.

This kind of branch, but even the ancient gods can't cut it, has infinite power.

But now.

It was cut off by summer.

In this state, it is very difficult for him to move, and he is simply a living target.

"I killed you!!" He couldn't let Xia Xia continue to attack.


He started his own frantic attack.


The five avatars have been guarding Xia Xia. They opened the way for Xia Xia and blocked the surrounding stormy attacks.

In the summer, it also directly killed the trunk of the black tree.

There are six branches on it.

The golden knife fell.

One of the branches was directly cut off by him.

Income into everything.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" A huge roar appeared, this was not the voice of Prometheus, but the black tree.

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