The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2006: end the battlefield

The power in Prometheus' body is being rapidly absorbed by the dzi beads, and there is no power to restore the body.

And the summer just keeps flying forward.

The cold glow of the Tianhan Sword in his hand is extremely long.

Prometheus hangs above this ten thousand feet of cold light.

Pushed to fly by summer.


Screams kept coming out of Prometheus's mouth, and he was about to fall into a state of madness now.

Waiting to die is always more terrifying than direct death.

He was able to sense the passing of his own life.

"Summer, I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!!" Prometheus shouted frantically.

But Xia Xia ignored him at all.

On the main battlefield.

The people who were fighting suddenly heard a huge shout, and their eyes also focused.

Then they saw the cold glow of Tianhan Sword.

When they saw the people hanging above the cold light, they were all stunned. Isn't this Prometheus, the half-spirit who betrayed them?

"There is grievance for revenge, revenge for revenge, who wants to kill him, do it yourself, he can't be resurrected!!" Xia Xia used dzi beads to drain all the power in Prometheus, and now he is a waste. , not even the ability to resurrect.

When hearing this.

Thousands of attacks smashed over.

They all wanted to kill Prometheus who betrayed them.


At this moment, a ray of light flashed, directly blocking the thousands of attacks.

It is the Great Universe.

"He's mine!!" Da Zhou directly killed Prometheus and grabbed him: "You bastard!!!"



A generation of half-spirits was crushed into powder by him like this.

"Brothers, the female worms in front of me have been killed by me. I secretly calculated that our black tree will be driven away by me, and Prometheus has also died. Now the zerg here are in complete chaos. Kill them all, and we will There will be a temporary victory and a break!!!" Xia Xia shouted.

These zerg.

Although very confused, but did not escape.

They are just fighting each other.

Hear the words of summer.

Humans here are much more confident.

With summer here, nothing seems impossible.

Da Zhou glanced at Xia Xia and wanted to say something, but in the end he held back.

Xia Tian glanced at Da Zhou and smiled at the same time.

He naturally understood the embarrassment of Da Zhou.

See his smile.

Da Zhou shook his head, he admitted that he was stingy: "Thank you!!"

"What are you talking about, just kill a few more Zerg!!" The Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's hand swept away and directly killed an insect king.


Da Zhou's attack was also fired, killing the Zerg that rushed over from the other end.

"Can we win?" Da Zhou asked.

"Yes!!" Summer replied.

"Okay!!" Da Zhou disappeared directly in place, and then fell from the sky.

Smashed into the center of the Zerg.

The surrounding Zerg bodies were completely shattered.

"Take a rest!!" Hongfeng reminded.

After the continuous battle just now, the current summer, including the red phoenix and the five clones, has reached its limit.

"I can't rest!!" Xia Xia is very clear about his role now. Anyone can rest, but he can't. If he rests, people here will think that he also has a limit.

Now he is the fighting force that supports the dreams of everyone here.

As long as he is there, the people here can exert 150% of their combat effectiveness.

If he goes down to rest.

These people will now only have 100% of their fighting power left.

This is a big gap.

Although the Zerg here are now showing signs of extinction, these Zerg themselves are high-level Zerg, and the Zerg wearing armor, the combat capability of individual soldiers is still very terrifying.

boom! boom! boom!

Xia Xia fought while saving people, going back and forth, saving more than 700 people, but he did not save the Celestial Clan people.

Several Celestial Clan people died in front of him.

Normally, in this kind of war, Xia Xian did not do it the same way, but he didn't have the slightest air, and he never changed his attitude towards the people of the Celestial Clan.

This made the Celestials hate summer very much.

But they didn't dare to do anything.

After all, everyone here supports summer.

"It's almost done. We have killed more than 100 people, more than 800 people were seriously injured, and the rest were lightly injured!!!" Hardy flew over.


"If you can collect the corpses, collect the corpses of the more than 100 brothers, bring them back to China, and choose a good place for them to bury!!" Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xia, just leave this to us!" said the person behind.

"Everyone clean up the battlefield. These Zerg are treasures. The armor on those Zerg can be enlarged and reduced, and we can also wear them." Xia Xia reminded.

No summer words.

No one went to clean the battlefield.

Now this summer gives everyone a These people on the scene have also begun to really clean the battlefield.

The people at the scene immediately cheered.

Usually encountering an insect king can make them extremely happy and show off for tens of thousands of years. Now the corpses of various advanced insect races are everywhere.

How could they not be excited.

"Everyone is very happy!!" Hardy said with emotion.


"By the way, I plan to ask everyone to withdraw to Shenzhou, do you have any opinion?" Xia Xia asked.

"Withdraw Shenzhou?" Hardy was taken aback.

"Yes, everyone goes back!!" Xia Xia said.

"With the strength of the few of us, it is not difficult to break the gap, but if we go back, the Zerg will definitely use this gap to chase after them. Once they enter Shenzhou, the power of heaven and earth in Shenzhou can be Let them reproduce and grow quickly, then we will be even less opponents!!" Hardy said.

"I have a way to prevent them from entering China!!" Xia Xia said.

"How?" Hardy asked hastily.

"I can't tell you for the time being, just say, are you willing to cooperate with me!!" Xia Xia said.

"Of course no problem!!" Hardy said.

"If, I mean, if I'm gone in the future, can you help me take care of my brothers?" Xia Tian asked.

"What do you mean?" Hardy frowned.

"What I'm talking about is if, after all, I want to kill the Celestial Clan, I asked a prophet before, and he said that I would definitely die!!" Xia Xia said.

"I can't help you deal with the Celestial Clan, but I can help you take care of a few of them. With me here, I won't let others hurt them!!" Hardy promised.

"Enough!" Summer smiled.

"It seems that you have already made a decision!!" Yang said with emotion.

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