The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2008: nothing i can't do

Everyone's eyes lit up.

They really want to go back to Shenzhou. For many real masters here, they have lived in the ancient battlefield almost all their lives. They also know that the environment of Shenzhou is the best, but at that time, for stronger strength, In order to live longer, they chose Shenzhou.

But now that the ancestral tree is gone, this ancient battlefield can no longer increase their lifespan.

Moreover, the environment here is increasingly unsuitable for cultivation.

"Mr. Xia, you just said, you have a way, can you tell us about it?" Suddenly someone realized that something was wrong.

"It's nothing, if you believe me, go back first!!" Xia Xia said.

"I understand, you want us to go back, you stay by yourself, right!!" Da Zhou suddenly reacted, although he had some minor conflicts with Xia Xia before, but he was also convinced by Xia Xia's spirit later.

Now he suddenly heard what Xia Xia said, and he guessed what Xia Xia wanted to do.


"I already have a way to deal with them. If I succeed, then I can completely eliminate the Zerg here. If I fail, it's up to you!!" Xia Xia looked at the people in front of him.

"Even if you succeed, I'm afraid you can't escape, right?" Although Da Zhou didn't understand what Xia Xia wanted to do.

But he can be sure.

Summer must be ready to die.

When they heard this, everyone was stunned.

Especially Thirteen and others, they flew over immediately: "I don't agree!!!"

They can usually listen to summer for everything, but this thing is not good, this thing must not listen to summer.

"I've decided, everyone will go back!!" Xia Xia said very seriously.

"Why do you carry everything alone every time?" Thirteen asked.

"Because no one can do it except what I thought!!" Xia Xia patted Thirteen on the shoulder: "I know you all want to help me, but I want to find the weakest point in the center of the ancient land, and I have to deceive the other party. All the big moves are gathered at that point, do you think this can be done with a lot of people?"

He also understood that saying that would definitely hit Thirteen.

But with Thirteen's character, if he doesn't give Thirteen an explanation, Thirteen is absolutely impossible to agree.

Thirteen wants to say something.

But it is very powerless.

He has no choice.

"Forget it, no one can change the decision made in the summer. What we have to do is not how to refute him, but to return to Shenzhou to guard the half-month time, if no Zerg enters within half a month. , then we have completed what he told us." Di Ling comforted.

a few of them.

Everyone's relationship with Summer is very deep.

Neither of them wanted to let Xia Xia face the next thing alone, but they had to understand what they should do next.

"If I can't go back, you can set up your own schools and live a good life!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Although it seems to be saying a last word.

But he has no regrets for these brothers.

He has already paved the way for these brothers. As long as they don't die, it will be no problem to cultivate to the Venerable Hundred Stars in the future. As for the road to half-spirit, he has also paved the way for these people, but that is not the case. It's not about paving.

"Come back alive." Qu Xi nodded to Xia Tian.

"Here, except for the Celestial Clan, everyone should hope that I can go back alive, but if I really can go back alive, the Celestial Clan may not be able to sleep." Xia Xia's eyes turned to the Celestial Clan.


"Our Celestial Clan is not afraid of you!!" The Celestial Clan snorted.

If they thought of normal people, they would definitely hope that they could survive in summer, because when there is summer, there will always be someone to guard in Shenzhou.

And summer is not the kind of person who likes to bully others.

They also don't have to worry about being suppressed by summer in the future.


As Summer himself said.

The Celestial Clan people definitely do not want to live in the summer.

Because the summer is alive, then they really can't sleep.

A man who can destroy the Zerg.

To kill the Celestial Clan.

How could they not be afraid.

summer now.

He really has the ability to kill the Celestial Clan.

As for the outcome, no one knows.

"Okay, let everyone evacuate in an orderly manner!!" Xia Xia comforted.

Although everyone was very reluctant, they still stepped forward to say goodbye to Xia Xia one by one.

"I just heard that a lot of people want to talk to you. You don't need my consent, as long as you think it's okay. Of course, I only have one request for them, that is, don't do anything wrong!!" Xia Xia was right. Those people don't have much demands.

But nature must be good.

"We are waiting for you!!" Thirteen said firmly.

"Okay!!" Summer said goodbye to everyone one by one.

When those who left looked at Xia Xia, their eyes were full of admiration, and they thought they could not be so righteous as Xia Xia.

Leave yourself alone and let others leave alive.

"Come back alive!!" Hadi patted Xia Xia's shoulder.

"Wait for I'll have a good fight with you then!!" Xia Xia said.


"By the way, is there anything else I can help with?" Hardy asked.

"No more!!" Summer has already said everything he should say.

The only thing he can't let go of for the time being is those brothers.

Hardy also promised him to help guard.

In fact, summer is too much to worry about.

Now that this group of people returns to China, they are the peak combat power in China, and other masters in the whole China can't compete with them at all.

And these people.

I admire everyone in the summer team.

Naturally, he would not take action against these people.

Even if someone has a brain problem and wants to attack these people, other people will definitely not agree.

"The final battle of the ancient battlefield is actually in your hands!!" Bone God shook his head.

"If you can come back alive, let's talk!!" Da Zhou nodded to Xia Xia.


Summer bids farewell to everyone one by one.

He put on a new white robe.

Leaving everyone behind.

There is a summer character on the back.

He didn't look back, but waved his hands with his back to everyone: "Believe me, there is nothing in this world that I can't do."

people outside.

Gradually lose sight of summer.

"He sealed the way back there!!" Hardy glanced at the other two.

"Yes, he has already made preparations and will not come back from here. He said it will be half a month, but at most ten days, this space will be completely restored, and the Zerg will never have a chance to come back." Bone God said.

Xia Tian glanced at the teleportation array at hand.

Then pinch with your hand.

The teleportation array shatters.

"It's time for a decisive battle."

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