The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2010: talent level

Looking at the black tree in front of Xia Xia, it feels very funny.

A majestic tree.

It got mixed up like this.

"Xia Xia, I admit that your talent and means are the strongest among the people I have ever met, but you shouldn't come to provoke me!!!" Hei Shu shouted loudly.

Every word of his seems to be squeezed out of the gap between his teeth.


He has no teeth.

"I shouldn't provoke too many people, how old are you?" Xia Xia asked.


"Don't talk too fast, do you think you still have a chance to survive? Billions of zerg are surrounded here, and ten female worms will arrive here soon. When they arrive, ten of them will come from here. Attacking you from different angles, what will your end be like?" Hei Shu seemed to have seen what it looked like when the summer died.

in his eyes.

Summer is a dead man.

Although he didn't understand why Xia Xia came to die alone.

But when he thought about the previous summer's battle, he came to rampage by himself, and he was relieved.


Although he performed very well before the summer, and even killed a female worm, the same method would never succeed a second time.


"Every time you say you can kill me, and every time you have plans, but in the end, I'm still standing here, I prefer you to use your strength to talk to me!!" Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's hand pointed to the front The black tree: "You have to be careful, if you give me any chance, I will kill you. The few branches you have left are not enough for me to cut!"

Said by summer.

Black Tree's instinctive body trembled.

He seemed to be cut out of the shadows by Xia Xia. As soon as Xia Xia said that, his body would have instincts.

"Summer, you don't have to be too arrogant, wait for you to look good!!" Hei Shu would only speak ruthlessly incompetently.

Ha ha ha ha!

"You are the most incompetent tree I have ever seen. You will only stand aside and shout. If you have the ability, come down and fight me. I never ask for a duel, as long as you dare to go up!!" Xia Xia looked at it with contempt. black tree.


"I won't be quick with you!!!" Hei Shu obviously didn't dare to face the summer.

In the bottom of his heart, Xia Xia was like a demonic barrier, deeply engraved in his bones.

He must not dare to face summer.

"Trash!!" Xia Tian simply said two words, but the lethality of these two words is very sufficient.

To ordinary people, these two words may be nothing, but to the existence of the black tree, these two words are very terrifying.

They are trees.

in the eyes of these trees.

Humans are their servants.

Now being called a waste by a servant, how can he not be angry: "You are just the most **** human being, as long as you do not cultivate spiritually, you will only live a few million years at most, but I am different, I can live Hundreds of millions of years, or even billions of years, no matter how much skill you have now, in my eyes, you are just passing by!!"

"You have cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and you are still such a waste after billions of years. What's the point of your cultivation?" Xia Xia's face was full of sarcasm.

He has only been practicing for about a hundred years.

The result is stronger than the opponent's cultivation for hundreds of millions of years.

"I've seen a lot of human beings like you. After all, you're just a low-class person. Except for people from the ancient immortal race, no human being can be compared to our tree!!" Hei Shu shouted angrily.

"Although people are divided into three, six and nine, they are not high or low. Everyone, as long as they do their best, they are noble." Xia Xia responded.

"You are too naive, do you really think that you outsiders can be called immortals?" The corner of Hei Shu's mouth rose slightly: "You so-called local immortals and ascended immortals are all drawn The ones who came up, if calculated according to the talent level, most of them are baron level, and there are very few viscount levels. Those who can cultivate to the venerable level are generally earl level, and those who can reach the marquis level are very few. Your talent should be considered the strongest I have ever seen. Although it has not been rated, it is at most a Duke-level, but the ancient immortals are different. They are all Duke-level, just like the ancient gods of war here. They are the descendants of the ancient gods, and they have been at the marquis level since birth, if they are lower than this level, they will ruthlessly kill this waste!!!"

"Oh?" Xia Xia raised his brows: "What about those who can cultivate spirituality?"

"Every one from Hundred Stars to Spirit is at least Duke level, that is to say, everyone in the ancient immortal race has the potential to cultivate to Hundred Stars; and those who can cultivate to Spirit, their talents are beyond Duke level, the existence of prince level!!!" Hei Shu seemed to recall something: "Prince level aptitude, even in the ancient immortal clan, is rare!!"

"Then what level are you?" Xia Xia looked at the black tree and Our tree is not graded by this, our tree is graded by realm! ! ! " said the black tree.

"Then all your trees have the same talent from birth, right!!" Xia Xia said.

"Of course not, your ancestral tree is the most common tree, and it is also the most common, but I am a black tree, and I am a mutant tree, so in terms of level, I am one level higher than him. There are other special mutant trees..." Hei Shu stopped halfway through his words: "You kid is kidding me."

"Anyway, you think I'm dead, so what are you afraid of if you say more!!" Xia Xia said.

"That's right, anyway, you are also a dead person, then I will let you die to understand that the ultimate goal of you human beings is the spirit, once you cultivate to the spirit, you will no longer be bound by any power of the world, and you will also be It will become a pure spiritual body. To put it simply, it is an endless source of power and the best nourishment. At that time, it will not only be our tree, but also the Zerg and other special races, so to put it plainly, You poor human beings, you have cultivated for a lifetime and stood out from countless people, just to be our food!!!" The tree explained.

"But as far as I know, there are still many spirits alive now!!" Xia Xia said.

"So what, look at which of them is not lingering, staying in your world and daring to come out, including the current level of war, they don't dare to come out, because they know that once they leave that world If they are sheltered, then their spiritual energy will attract countless powerful beings to attack, and they will only be eaten in the end, but it will not be long before your so-called heaven and earth will not be able to protect them!!!"

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