The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2019: Spirit City List

The top 100 of the Lingcheng list have come out.

The missing people are not counted, and the people from the Celestial Clan are not counted, so the accuracy of this spiritual city list is only about 80%. In addition, there are many people on this list who have not really tried their best, so if you add it up, The accuracy is about seventy percent.

first place.

Still the first person in China, Haotian.

The other three also agreed with this.

This is not humility, but the other three think they can't beat Haotian.

Because Haotian has never used all his strength since the Haotian catastrophe that year, even in the face of summer, he just went through the motions.

Second place.

Hardy, needless to say this, when they were fighting against the female worm, the two of them asked Hardy to sneak attack, naturally by default Hardy's strength was the strongest among them.

Inside the trio.

It's no problem for him to be second.

3rd place.

Great universe! !

fourth place.

Bit! !

These four are the current four and a half spirits of Shenzhou, a position that no one can shake.

Because almost all the masters of Shenzhou have disappeared, they can only be selected from the ancient gods of war. They are all masters of the Venerable Hundred Stars, and they have been fighting all year round, and they have very rich combat experience.

So the fifth place is: Kapi! !

A person who is said to be invincible under the half-spirit, he is burly, and when fighting, he can become a thousand feet tall, and every attack is infinitely powerful.

Sixth place: Xingyan! !

This is a person who looks very thin and sick. The first impression of normal people when they see him is that this person may die at any time. Know how terrifying he is.

Very slippery.

when fighting.

Almost no one can catch him.

Sixth place: One-eyed King! !

He has only one eye and one mouth on his face. He belongs to a special race. Because of his appearance, he has few friends around him, but when fighting, he is also the most deadly. His only weakness is his eyes. , but that is also where he is the strongest.

Seventh place: armored sword demon, battle.

He wears a special armor all the year round and never takes it off. Even the people around him have never seen the inside of his armor. Although the armor has been damaged during battle, the armor seems to have life and will repair itself. , his knife is extremely sharp and can cut everything.

Eighth place: heavy hammer, high! !

This is a person holding a double hammer. The double hammer in his hand is a pseudo-antiquity divine weapon. It is said to be heavier than the stars in the sky. No one can hold it except him, so his attack is also the most violent.

Ninth place: Coulee.

This man is a big handsome guy, the most handsome among all the fighters. Many people think that if he is not smug every day, his strength will definitely be in the top five.

He spends a third of every day grooming himself.

Tenth: Shadow.

He is also the only person in the top 30 who has not reached the Venerable Hundred Stars, but his strength is admired by everyone, even the masters of the Venerable Hundred Stars are ashamed.

It is the only person in the summer team who entered the top 50.

And Di Ling himself was ranked 50th.

Emperor Jin Yu, ranked 61st.

Quxi, ranked 71st.

Thirteen, ranking eighty-first.

White Dragon King, ranked eighty-two.

The six brothers all entered the top 100, but except for Ying, their rankings are not very high. At the same time, most of these people are also gathered in Lingcheng, because they also want to know who is catching the top masters of Shenzhou. .

"There is nothing wrong with this ranking, but once it is released, the person on the ranking may become the opponent's target!!" Haotian reminded.

"As long as they are targeted by the other party, even if this ranking is not released, the other party will probably not let it go!!" Di Ling said.

"Yes, just a few days ago, I just received news that even the one from Fangcun Mountain and the one from Kunlun Mountain are missing!!!" Haotian said.

"Aren't they guarded by Immortal Mountain, why are they even recruited!!" Di Ling was also stunned.

"That's right, this is what I am most confused about, and when I went to investigate some time ago, I found that there were some special battles in several places, all of which were large in scale. It should be what masters they were catching, those masters. I don't know who it is, but apparently it hasn't been caught yet." Haotian said.

"If I have to say that I still know the masters, it should be the greedy wolf on the Void Throne, and the Baichuan with the ruthless sword!!!" Di Ling thought of these two people.

Because summer's attitude towards these two people is different.

It was also said that the strength of these two people is unfathomable now.


"That should mean that the two of them haven't been caught yet. If they can be contacted, then maybe they can know the details of each other." Haotian naturally heard of these two people, but this He didn't know both of them very well.

"It would be nice if Xia Xia was here, he must have a way to contact these two people," said Di Ling.

"If he was there, it would definitely be different, but now he can't come back for the time being. We can only rely on ourselves. If we don't take the initiative, then all of us will be arrested!!" Haotian believes that unless he hides in the Celestial Clan, even himself, I am afraid that he will not be spared.

"Since the list has been released and the people on the list have been notified, there should be an echo soon. After all, everyone is on guard now. As long as you catch the other side's clues, you can win!!" Ha Dee said.


Di Ling will be the place where we will change China. "Di Ling didn't know that the Spirit City List he created has influenced China for hundreds of millions of years.


That's already a story.

The current Shenzhou people are very confused when they see the Lingcheng list, especially the local people in Shenzhou. They have only heard of Haotian, and almost no other people have heard of the name.


Those forces who were taken away from the boss began to rush towards Lingcheng one after another.

They want to find a way to find their boss here and save their boss.

Ying took the initiative to find Shenwei, but the current Shenwei is completely different from before. Shenwei's headquarters has been severely attacked, and the boss of Shenwei has also been captured.

"You're here!!" When they saw the shadow, several other divine guards raised their heads.

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