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Chapter 2022: Shadow VS Quxi

"Hell is not a good place!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"You know hell?" Yang asked.

"I know a little bit, but it is said that the current **** is different. It seems that a huge change has occurred. What happened, then I don't know!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"Do people go to **** when they die?" Xia Xia asked.

"What do you think, when a person dies, he dies, but a part of a person's soul will be taken into hell, and after entering hell, it will form a reincarnation!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Isn't that a meaning?" Xia Xia was very puzzled.

"Of course not. For example, after a normal master dies, there will be a special power in the soul that will be sucked into hell. The trace of power that entered **** no longer belongs to you, and countless powers are absorbed by some kind of power. Things are digested and new spirits are formed. These spirits are injected into the bodies of new babies in the world. This is why some babies are born with stronger souls than others, and some babies look stupid when they are born. Stupid, in fact, this is because the injected divine soul is too powerful and the baby can't bear it, so such a scene will appear!!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

He doesn't know much about **** either.

But when I heard this, Summer probably understood what it meant.

He really thought before that **** is a place where people can reincarnate after death.

Now it seems.

This world is far more complicated than he imagined.

"Forget it, let's find a way to go back to Shenzhou first, other things have nothing to do with me." Xia Xia's biggest idea now is to return to Shenzhou, there are still two months left, if he can't go back , that would be troublesome. If you go to other continents, it will be even more troublesome. It is not so easy to return to China from other continents.

"If you are lucky next time, you will go back without encountering Quxi!!" Yang teased.

Summer is a black line.

He was really speechless.

If it wasn't for Qu Xi, he would have gone back now.

At this time, Qu Xi didn't know that with a slap, she would slap back the summer when she was about to return to Shenzhou.

Now she is continuing to fight with Qu Yi Yi: "You are not my opponent!!"

"So what?" Qu Yiyi obviously knew that she was not yet Qu Xi's opponent, but she just wasn't convinced. No matter how strong Qu Xi was, she had to fight with Qu Xi and wanted to separate from Qu Xi. Win or lose.

"You have no chance to take summer away!!!" Qu Xi said.

"That's about me and him, it has nothing to do with you, you have nothing to do with this matter!!" Qu Yiyi was the one who took over from Qu Xi.


Qu Xi can not continue the task, but she must complete this task.

"Take summer away?" When Ying heard these words, his voice became cold.

At the same time, the songs were directly screened.

If it was a personal grievance between Qu Xi and Qu Yiyi, then he really wouldn't shoot it casually, but when he heard that Qu Yiyi's purpose was to capture Xia Xia, he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Shadow!!" Qu Xi turned back instantly and directly stopped the rushing Ying: "This is my business."

"No, it's not just about you anymore. The person he wants to deal with is Xia Xia, so I can't let him go!!" Ying owes Xia Xia too much, if it weren't for Xia Xia, he wouldn't be here This life will not have today's achievements.


in his heart.

Summer is above all else.

Someone wants to take Xia Xia away, no matter who the other party is.

"Give me a face, I'll handle this matter!!" Qu Xi said.

"I can give you this face, but if you can't solve it, I'll solve it in my way!!" Ying's attitude was very firm, he could let Qu Xi solve it first, but if Qu Xi couldn't give If he had a perfect explanation, then he would definitely exhale his hand to kill Qu Yiyi.

Dare to make summer a goal, no matter who he is, he will not agree.

Qu Xi looked at Qu Yiyi: "I know that you are different from me and have no other choice, but you should also understand that it is impossible for us to let you take the summer away, if you insist on doing it, I will force you seal!!!"

"Then give it a try!!" Qu Yi responded.

"Looking for death!!" Ying didn't talk nonsense, and slapped Qu Yiyi with a slap.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of Qu Yiyi's mouth.

"What are you doing?" Qu Xi asked very dissatisfied.

"If you can't solve it, then I will solve it in my own way!!!" Ying scolded.

"You dare!!" Qu Xi saw that Ying wanted to kill Qu Yi Yi, but she also stopped there directly.

The nine people behind the shadow rushed up immediately.

Qu Xi's five subordinates also stopped the nine people.

These are all venerable people.

Everyone's strength is also extremely powerful.

"You're not my opponent!!" Ying obviously didn't want to fight with Qu Xi, after all, they were both members of Xia's squad, comrades-in-arms who had been born and died together.

"I can't let you kill her!!" Qu Xi said.

"Do you think this is worthy of summer?" Shadow asked.

He thinks that summer is very good to them, including Quxi. If there is no summer, what is the realm of Quxi now?

Not even a half-step Venerable, right?

It was Xia Xia who made her practice step by step until now, but she was actually helping someone who wanted to take Xia Xia away. Although Qu Yiyi's strength was not as strong as theirs, who knew that Qu Yiyi had no special means to do it? Take summer away.

If there is.

That's trouble.

He absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

"I will explain it myself in Xia Xia, and I will never let her hurt Xia Xia!!!" Qu Xi said.

"I only believe in myself!!" Shadow said.

"Ying, do you have to fight me?" Qu Xi looked back at Qu Yi Yi: "Run!!"

Ying's expression turned completely and then quickly rushed towards Qu Yiyi.

Qu Yiyi didn't dare to stop at all. Although she didn't like being helped by Qu Xi, she could see that Ying was definitely not the kind of person who would get used to her. If she didn't leave, Ying would definitely kill her. of.


Qu Xi blocked the shadow again.

"Don't force me, or I'll kill you together!!!" Ying shouted angrily.

"Come on then!!!" Qu Xi refused to give in at all.

At this time, the people behind the shadow and Qu Xi's five subordinates also completely confronted each other.

A war between the two sides is imminent.

You can call at any time.

"Hit, why don't you fight?" A familiar voice came.

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