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Chapter 2036: cosmic storm

Xia Xia believes that Tian Qi is someone who knows a lot, and he must be able to analyze the results of the war.

"No!!" Tian Qi shook his head.

Xia Tian didn't say anything, but looked into the distance: "Now things are getting clearer!!"

"With your current strength, it's easy to investigate what you want to investigate, and the information you've investigated is generally not the most accurate, but it's not too different." Tian Qi also looked at Xia Xia with admiration.

He had seen the summer grow up with his own eyes.

In the previous summer, he was still a fledgling boy, not even in the realm of the Venerable.

But now in the summer, it is already the first human being in Shenzhou.

There is no one in the entire Shenzhou who can match him.

He even became a dragon-level hero and won a dragon-level medal, which is very powerful.

"It's still a long way off, it's still a bit far from what I want to know, the truth I want!!" Xia Xia said.

"Actually, the truth is not necessarily good, so I don't recommend you to know the truth, because even if you know it, it may not be a good thing!!!" Tian Qi reminded.

"Whether it's a good thing or not, it's up to me to decide later, isn't it?" Xia Tian smiled.


"That's right, then I'll continue to tell you about the Demon God. This Demon God is really amazing. He has practiced so many exercises and has so much experience. If he realizes success, then I really can't imagine who else and what ability can beat him. In my opinion, his approach is no different from turning into a tree. The difference is that the Patriarch shared the Cloudy Sky Sutra with everyone, so that If it is, everyone who cultivates is all about the ability of the Yin Tian Jing. In the future, if humans who practice the Yin Tian Jing want to deal with the ancestral tree, it will be impossible. Unlike the Demon God, he has created 90,000 cultivation methods. , can let the people of Shenzhou practice different methods and different perceptions, but the same is, as long as you practice, then you will not be the opponent of the devil in the future, because your every move has been recorded by the devil! !!" Tian Qi shook his head.

In his opinion.

Cultivating with the Demon God is beneficial, because it allows many people who have been unable to break through for many years to break through again.

It can also allow many people who cannot find the direction of cultivation to find the direction of cultivation.

But such a person would never be able to surpass the devil in a lifetime.

Of course.

Maybe people's pursuit is not so high.

"That's why you don't practice the Cloudy Sky Sutra?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't practice the Cloudy Sky Sutra because I already have a cultivation method, but it is incomplete. For so many years, I have been studying and groping for cultivation. The reason for infinite rebirth cultivation is for this incomplete cultivation method. , but you also know that groping and cultivating on your own is the easiest way to get into trouble, and if the Queen Mother of the West hadn’t rescued me last time, I might have died!!” Tian Qi really knew how terrifying groping and cultivating.

Every time you reach a critical moment in cultivation, there will be no more, and then you have to try to cultivate by yourself.

"Your talent is Duke level?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, my talent is the Duke level. When I tested this level, I shocked the entire Celestial Clan. The Celestial Clan thought that I would become the future hope of the Celestial Clan, but unfortunately..." Tian Qi didn't say anything. Done.

Apparently something special happened later.

But he couldn't say it directly.


"Your lowest talent is Duke level!!" Tian Qi said.

"I don't know, how is this thing tested?" Xia Tian asked.

"Among the humans in China now, only the Celestial Clan can test!!" Tian Qi said.

"Then it seems that I have no chance!!" Xia Xia said.

"Actually, Shenzhou is already changing. Even if you don't shake the status of the Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clan may not be able to continue to dominate. Let's not talk about these masters who came back from the ancient battlefield, the three islands and ten prefectures have been completely connected. Together, and the channel is opened, it will not take long for the teleportation array to be re-supported. The other three islands and ten states are not like our Shenzhou. Their strength is stronger, and even there are spirits in the human race, so for the sake of Fighting for resources, war is definitely indispensable!!" Tian Qi shook his head.

Shenzhou has been working behind closed doors for so many years, and Tianzu has kept all Shenzhou people in the back garden. Although Shenzhou has been stable for hundreds of millions of years, it is these hundreds of millions of years that have made Shenzhou completely backward.

"Resources, does Shenzhou have any other resources?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"For so many years, although the ancestral tree has been protecting Shenzhou, in fact, the ancestral tree has also made Shenzhou weak. Under normal circumstances, after the baptism of the cosmic storm, whether it is people or things here, it will become incomparable. Tough and full of the power of the universe, but the ancestral tree digested the power of the universe and released the purest power. Although such Shenzhou people absorbed clean power, it also made the Shenzhou people's bodies unable to withstand any strong winds and waves. Shenzhou The immortal crystals can only be used purely to condense power. If the immortal crystals of Shenzhou and every plant and tree have experienced the baptism of the cosmic storm, they will become cosmic immortal crystals, which are the three islands and ten states outside. Trade currency, such alchemy materials and utensil refining materials, can make good things that are really suitable for human cultivation and breakthrough!!!" Tian Qi explained.

"That is to say, the current Shenzhou is a big treasure house, and those outside forces cannot be unmoved, especially the spiritual power of Shenzhou, because the human beings in Shenzhou have no spirits, and the spirits of monsters and beasts can only digest the spirits belonging to Their part of the spiritual power, so there is a lot of spiritual power wandering in the current Shenzhou. These spiritual powers are enough to feed the spirits of the other three islands and ten prefectures. The fed spirits are not only the strongest in combat. Yes, and their lifespan will be greatly increased!!!" Tian Qi explained patiently.

He said so in fact, to make the summer full of expectations for the future.

Thus giving up killing the Celestial Clan.

However, he also understood that no matter what he said, Xia Xia probably would not give up killing the Celestial Clan.

But he still wanted to find a way to remind him.

"By the way, why did Zhenhuang and Nihuang want to rob Kunlun Xianshan?" Xia Tian suddenly remembered this matter.

Kunlun Xianshan is still with the real emperor, and the real emperor's attitude was very firm at that time, and he would never return it.

To know.

That is the most powerful weapon of the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West, who owns the Kunlun Xianshan Mountain, even Haotian would not dare to provoke her.

"Speaking of this, then I will talk about the ancient fairyland!!!"

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