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Chapter 2072: rebirth


Except for the general, there was no one on the scene who was not affected by this powerful coercion.

Even the king, who had been entangled with the general, was hit hard one after another, but suddenly encountered this kind of pressure, vomited blood, and was broken through by the general.

Seeing that the general is about to kill the fake Tianlong.

"Don't think about it!!" Haotian rushed up again.


His attack collided with the general's attack.

But this time he learned to be smart, and deliberately used long-range attacks to contain the general, rather than confronting the general head-on with melee combat.

"What the **** is going on?" Tian Jin asked in confusion.

The people of the Celestial Clan are the gods of Shenzhou.

But even they don't understand what the situation is, the sudden gathering of faces in the sky, what is the origin, and why a coercion makes the Celestial Clan become like this.

"My brother died, all of you will be buried with me!!" This business appeared again.

Some Celestial Clan people with insufficient strength even exploded to death.

The situation of other masters is also very bad.


The rain in the sky suddenly turned into an entity and kept getting bigger. It was still water at first, but soon, it turned into meteors and meteorites. These are not meteors condensed by the Law of the Stars, but in the endless galaxy. cosmic star.

Countless stars fell from the sky.

Each star is about 10,000 kilometers in diameter.


Completely cover the entire SkyClan.

"Defense!!!" Tian Jin hurriedly shouted.


He thought too simply.

These stars are completely different from the stars of Shenzhou. The stars of Shenzhou can be smashed by a single blow of any Venerable star, but the hardness of these cosmic stars is very terrifying. The star of the sky directly turned into countless meteors and continued to smash down.

The quantity cannot be counted!

And the sky is constantly condensing.


Haotian flew up, trying to find the root cause, such as the five stars who used the Law of the Stars in the previous summer.

But there is nothing on it.

Instead, it brought him directly in front of that face.

When that face saw him.

Haotian felt that he had fallen into the boundless hell, and his body fell down instantly.

"If it weren't for the fact that you have the Tiger Medal, you would already be a dead person!!!" That voice was deeply embedded in Haotian's soul.

As if to completely destroy Haotian.

"Senior, you are..."

"You killed my younger brother, and you will all be buried with you. Everything here will be destroyed. I will land here for three days and three nights of cosmic stars. The one who survives is your creation!!" The face said After that, he disappeared into the sky.

But no one saw it.

before she disappeared.

A tear fell.

Catastrophe occurred.

Although the Celestial Clan is very strong, although the Celestial Clan has a lot of means and cards, the three days and three nights of cosmic star attacks are enough to completely raze the Celestial Clan to the ground.

"Get ready for battle!!!" Tian Jin hurriedly shouted.

They all understand, this time.

It may be the biggest catastrophe of the Celestial Clan.

And they got it.

The younger brother in that mouth is Summer.

Tianjin even ordered his subordinates to open all the teleportation formations of the ninth and tenth parties, and let the teleported people form various large formations to defend against the falling stars from the sky.

The entire Celestial Clan.

Completely messed up.

Nowhere is safe.

And the fake Tianlong who was doing it hesitated. He could see that there was still a last chance for Xia Xia. If he continued like this, Xia Xia would definitely die, and once Xia Xia really died, would the other party be so kind and let it go?

But if summer doesn't die.

Will Tianzu be spared again in summer?


Fake Tianlong's final decision is to kill Xia Xia.


at this time.

The general has already killed here, he quickly put Xia Xia's head on his body, and at the same time he bit off his fingers and smeared the blood in his fingers on Xia Xia's neck.

"What are you doing?" Fake Tianlong asked in confusion.

But soon he saw a magical scene, Xia Xia's body was moving, and Xia Xian's shattered bones began to reconnect, and Xia Xian's cut flesh and blood slowly grew.

"Not good!!" Fake Tianlong finally understood what this sudden appearance was for.


The fake Tianlong has already been killed.

The general also rushed up for the first time.


When the ghost-head knife slashed on the general, it left a deep scar on the general's body.

at the same time.

A tear fell on Summer's body.

The body that was slowly recovering.

Suddenly it started growing like crazy.

The endless vitality erupted from Xia Xia's body.

This powerful vitality dripped into his dantian instantly.

The fire of life in the original summer has begun to go out, and the realm of kings has also stopped, but now, his realm of kings seems to have gained momentum and has been reborn again.

The King of the Realm!

The property of breaking and standing is triggered again.

The power of Kaijue nourished Xia Xia's body and flowed into every part of Xia Xia's body.

The world shook for this.

"I am Xia, I am alive!!!" Xia Xia's hands were clenched, and this control over his body came back again.

Although the eyes did not recover.

But the rest of his body has returned to its best.

That drop of tears madly unleashed its vitality in the Kaijue.

This vitality is constantly igniting the body of summer.


Xia Xia stood up slowly, he walked to the enchantress's side, and fed a drop of his blood essence to the enchantress.

Endless blood light wrapped the whole body of the enchantress.

Her severed limbs grew back.

Hundreds of pairs of blood-red wings also appeared behind him, and a **** glow appeared on his head.


The general smashed the ground with a punch, and the fake Tianlong also took the opportunity to leave a long scar on his body again.

Ghost knife.

It is the second weapon that can damage the general.


Xia Xia grabbed the air with his left hand, and a mass of power was attached to his hands. Then, his right hand grabbed the general's body and pulled him back. The mass of power in his left hand slapped towards him. The fake dragon in front of him.


When this group of power exploded Fake Tianlong quickly dodged.


Xia Tian stood still and took a deep breath.


A pair of blood-red wings appeared behind him, and black ripples and lightning marks began to appear on the wings: "Old friend, it's time to wake up!!!"


at the same time.

His right hand grabbed the air.

The air turned into a sharp blade of ice and slowly condensed in his hand.

"One Spirit, Three Saints, Five Stars, Divine Eye!!!" Xia Xia said slowly.

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