The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1175: real cow B

When summer stood up, it was only a moment.

All eyes are on the summer.

And the few people around Xia Xia who kept mocking Xia Xia opened their mouths instantly.

Could it be that the person they have been mocking all the time is Xia Xia, the boss of the Xia Group?

Wang Bing took Xia Xia's arm and walked directly to the stage. Just for a moment, the scene was like an atomic bomb was detonated, and it exploded directly. Everyone took out their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures.

Shoot non-stop.

Some people know Wang Bing, and those who know Wang Bing are also very surprised. They did not expect that Wang Bing actually hooked up with the boss of the Xia Group. The boss of the group is a young man, but when they saw Summer with their own eyes, they were speechless in surprise.

"He... he's actually the boss of the Xia Group." President Chen looked at Xia with disbelief.

"No, it's impossible. How could he be the boss of the Xia Group? No, I must be dreaming." Young Master Ruan kept shaking his head, he didn't want to believe what he saw.

The two of them now have a feeling that the person who pretends to be a B has actually met someone who is a real B. It is like a platoon leader who has been pretending to be an official in front of a military commission chairman.

This is completely to install themselves sb.

"Wang Bing actually hooked up with the boss of the Xia Group, no, how could she have such good luck." Wenwen looked at Wang Bing with an incredible face, she felt that she hooked up with Ruan Dashao, it was already very good It's about Niubi, she's going to blow it wherever she goes, but she didn't expect that Wang Bing, who she's been mocking all the time, would actually hook up with the boss of the Xia Group, which is too terrifying.

"Why, why, her luck has always been so good." Lily's face is full of resentment, she has always belonged to the person behind Wang Bing, even if she robbed Wang Bing last time, she also paid for it Body.

But in the end?

Although she knew some big people, she was nothing compared to Wang Bing's.

"Isn't he the one who just started quarreling with the Xia family." Suddenly someone found out.

At this time, Xia Xia has reached the top, Wang Bing sat on a chair, but Xia Xia pointed at the microphone: "I don't like nonsense, so I announced the first thing, this time Xia Group will Donate 100 billion US dollars to the disaster area."

As soon as the summer came on stage, a nuclear weapon-level explosive news was uttered.

One hundred billion dollars!

That's 100 billion. When they heard this number, everyone almost collapsed.

They had been speculating about how much money the Xia Group would donate, and they even took out their 600 million total for comparison, but now, in just an instant, their 600 million was completely killed.

Killed without breath.

How does 600 million Huaxia coins compare to 100 billion US dollars?

Several elders of the Xia family almost fell to the ground, and they almost went over without coming up. Some of the people at the scene couldn't take it anymore and fell directly to the ground. They originally thought that they could unite to stop the Xia family group. but now they know they were wrong.

Very wrong.

Their combined strength can't even compare to a single leg of the Xia clan's group.

One hundred billion US dollars is already beyond the number that everyone can imagine, and Huaxia's No. 2 also stood up and walked directly to the stage. After seeing this scene, everyone finally understood that the original purpose of Huaxia's No. 2 came here. Just to hand over the hundreds of billions of dollars in summer.

I am afraid that China's No. 2 person has already received the news, so he will come here.

Otherwise, how could the mere 600 million shock the number two person in China.

"Thank you for the generosity of the Xia Group. The chief has already heard about this matter, and the chief also asked me to bring a gift to Mr. Xia in person." Huaxia's No. 2 took out a word and opened it directly.

Chinese good boy!

Five characters.

The name of the signer is the head of Huaxia.

When they saw these five words, everyone was stunned. They were actually handwritten by the chief. These entrepreneurs in Kyoto used to think that they were amazing and that they had a lot of backers.

They thought that the strong dragon of the Xia Group would definitely not be able to stand without a backer here.

But now that the backer of the Xia Group has come out, it is the head of Huaxia. How can their backer be better than the head of Huaxia? Would you like to compare? That is simply to die.

How does this compare?

Now the Xia Group not only donated money, but even the head of Huaxia took the initiative to stand up and support the wine jar, which made everyone take it seriously.

At this time, the nine elders of the Xia family were almost not directly angry.

They originally wanted to deal with Xia Xia, so they found so many people to set off the donations of the Xia Group, so that the Xia Group will donate less in the future. They are so mocking, but now it's better.

What they were holding just now actually turned into a holding.

They belonged to the change of direction and set off the Xia Group, and became a green leaf for the bright flower of the Xia Group.

"Thank you, Chief." Xia Xia saluted directly.

"Okay, okay, the handover is over, I have to leave, I want to turn the money into materials as soon as possible, and then rebuild the disaster area, with your money, the disaster area can be rebuilt soon, I Thank you for everyone in the disaster area." Huaxia's No. 2 said.

"Goodbye, Chief." Xia Xia saluted again.

Everyone stood up and saluted to send Huaxia's No. 2 character.

The mighty donation ceremony is now over, but Xia's words are not over yet.

These people pretending to be bullies on the scene, today is also a summer when they meet real bullies. Summer lets them see what a real bully is. The donation of 100 billion US dollars has broken the record in the history of the world.

Moreover, the donations of the Xia Group have accumulated to 130 billion US dollars.

President Chen and Dashao Ruan could not wait to find a hole to dig in. The two of them only donated 3.5 million, just like Xia Xia for one night, and they also said that Xia Xia would definitely not donate, have no money, be poor or something.

But now in the summer, they donated 100 billion US dollars all at once, and they killed them without leaving any scum.

"Next, I will announce the second thing. The company that our Xia Group is going to establish in Kyoto is a film and television industry investment company. You don't have to worry about our lack of money. Xia Group's current funds still have 200 billion yuan. U.S. dollars, I think this money is enough for us to do anything." When Xia Xian spoke here, half of the people at the scene almost fainted.

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