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Chapter 2082: 3 ancient fairy treasures

"Oh?" Xia Xia looked at Tianlong's body: "What changes?"

"The more ordinary people drink the blood of the clone, the more obvious the evolution will be, but there is an upper limit!!" Tianlong said.

heard here.

Xia Xia suddenly determined a certain idea in his heart.

Are you also a clone?


I am the son of a clone, so there is a mutation?

"Summer, let's make a deal!!!" Tianlong looked at the summer with great interest.

"What deal?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'll return your father and mother the freedom, and your body and sea of ​​consciousness will be mine in the future!!!" Tianlong's body is looking at Xia's sea of ​​consciousness and his body.

Maybe he only cared about Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness before.

But now he also took a fancy to this body in summer.

In the past, he only thought that Xia Xia's body was on the same level as the other four major Shenzhou masters, but now he found that Xia Xia's body was definitely much stronger than those of the four major masters.

If only he could clone and experiment with Summer's body.

The obtained cells are certainly unimaginable.

"Do you think my parents will agree?" Xia Tian asked.

"It depends on whether you really want to save your parents. If so, why would you care about your own life, and by doing this, I'm giving you a chance to live forever. As long as the clone is successful, then You can get immortality." Tianlong's body tempted.

"Do you think I'm a child?" Xia Tian felt that Tianlong's body was very ridiculous.

The initiative is in the opponent's hands?

What do you take for protection?

At that time, whether the other party will let you go will depend on whether the other party is in a good mood.

"Then there is no way, your father will gradually disappear in my body, completely disappear, and your mother will be completely destroyed by Tianxing." Tianlong said.

"With me here, I'll let you die first, and save my mother before the stars fall completely!!" Xia Xia's answer was also very simple.

"Naive!!" Tianlong's finger pointed at Xia Tian.

A cloud of bubbles drifted toward summer.

The bubbles are not fast.

Xia Xia can dodge easily, but Xia Xia didn't dodge. He also understands that since the other party activates this ability, it proves that even if he dodges, the bubble will definitely follow, it is better not to dodge.

He just happened to be able to see what the means of opposite hair were.


When the bubbles came to Xia Xia, they directly enveloped Xia Xia's body.

Summer punches the bubble hard.

However, the bubbles directly dispersed the pressure and resolved the summer's attack.

"Then break it with one click!!"

Unlimited power.


The bubbles begin to deform, but eventually return to their original shape.

"Xianbao?" Xia Tian was taken aback.

"Yes, it is a treasure, but it is not an immortal treasure, but an ancient immortal treasure, which is of a higher level than the ancient immortal treasure!!!" Tianlong said.


at this time.

A pair of invisible thugs shredded the bubble directly from the outside: "It seems that the ancient fairy treasure is not very good!!"

As soon as Xia's words were finished, he felt a little regretful himself.

Because the Tianlong body in front of him then released hundreds of bubbles.

"You can shred one by the ancient immortal skills, but what about hundreds? How long will it take you? Those stars in the sky won't give you time!!!" Tianlong's body looked at the summer like this.

As if waiting for summer to find a way.

That's what he likes to see the most.

In the summer when I think I have hope.

He went to destroy the other party's hope again: "Oh, by the way, you don't need to call me Tianlong, that is the name of your father's clone, and my name is Tianwang!!"


Xia Tian snorted softly, and then looked at the bubbles in front of him.

He wanted to dodge, but as soon as he moved, he jumped into the bubble by himself.

"Is there anything you can do?" Summer now has a cornucopia.

A huge fortune.

That is this group of spirits and immortal Xuanwu.

as long as they are there.

Then there will be many ways for them.

"Everyone has discussed it, there are ways, but be quick!!!" Yang responded.

"How?" Summer asked.

"In this field, no matter how you move or how fast you are, you will be caught by the ancient fairy treasure, but any treasure has a limit speed, as long as you use your limit speed and walk in an empty space. Click, then turn quickly, and rush to the throne." Yang meant to let Xia Xia use a fake action to fool the limit reaction speed of these bubbles.

"It's just to use all kinds of things!" Xia Xia said.

"That's right, the clone quickly threw the particles into the throne, so that you can achieve real teleportation!!" Yang reminded.

This teleportation is different from other teleportation.

No matter what the space is, he can take advantage of everything to disappear quickly and appear En!

After thinking about this.

Xia Xia used the self-created ancient immortal technique again, directly shredding the bubbles, and then rushed back, while the clone threw everything forward, just when the bubbles were about to put Xia Xia up, Xia Xia disappeared out of thin air. , when he appeared again, he had already come to the side of Tianlong's body.

The king is here.

The five-star attack directly hit the body of the bubble.


An invisible cover appeared around the body of Tianlong.

"This is Taihao's ancient fairy treasure, Taihao Bell." Yang hurriedly reminded.

"Tai Hao died, didn't he leave the treasure to someone who was destined?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"After he died, he divided his treasures and inheritance into two parts, one part stayed in the Celestial Clan, the other stayed in the Tiankeng, and the one who stayed in the Celestial Clan was Taihao Zhong!!" Yang reminded.

"Since the treasure is his, then he should know the weakness!!" Xia Xia said very excitedly.

"I asked, and he said that Taihaozhong has no weaknesses, and even he did not fully develop the full power of Taihaozhong. To put it simply, Taihaozhong may be stronger than he thinks. !!" Yang said helplessly.


Xia Xia also has a black line on his face: "This is troublesome!!"

"It's not just trouble, take a good look at it yourself, the palace you're in now is also an ancient fairy treasure, known as the Linglong Pagoda.

"Three ancient fairy treasures, how can I fight this?" Xia Tian was a little speechless.

And the other party might have other hole cards right now.

"Summer, you are wasting time, but you can see your mother first!!!" Tianlong said.

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