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Chapter 2089: my choice


"You are the one who should sit on the throne?" Xia Xia frowned.

"Many years ago, I did sit in that position, but that was a long, long time ago." The old man seemed to be caught up in his memories.

It even seems to be planning to have a good chat with Summer.

"I'm not here to talk nonsense with you, where are my parents?" Xia Xia didn't have time to chat with him slowly.

If the other party talks nonsense again, then he will do it at any time.

"Do you want to see your father or your mother first?" the other party asked.

"You can!" Summer said.

"Your father is on the left, your mother is on the right, your father will completely dissipate in ten minutes, your mother will enter destruction mode in ten minutes, and no matter which direction you go, it will take at least five minutes, and It takes more than ten minutes to go back and forth, and no means of teleportation can be used here, so your choice is your father or your mother?" The old man looked at Xia Xia very easily.


Every minute of delay puts his parents in danger of dying.

He ran directly in the direction of his mother. He had discussed it with his father before, and neither of them had to care about the other.

Right now he.

Never hesitate.

"You can let the clone pass!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"No, this old guy is staring at me. If the clone passes, he will definitely destroy my clone. I don't know how many means he has, but for sure, the clone will never be able to withstand his attack!!" Xia Xia said .

"What if it's not a clone?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"Not a clone?" Xia Xia frowned.

"Have you forgotten about Silent?" Xian Xuanwu said.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"His body is here, the cloned old man is here, and his spirit is also here. Do you think I would let such a good opportunity pass?" Xian Xuanwu said.


"You cloned Silent!!" Xia Xia was stunned.

"That's right, everything is ready-made. Although some resources are missing, there are always a lot of resources in you, so I asked them to try it. The result just told me that it was successful!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"There is such a thing!!!" Xia Xia was also taken aback.

"You've been fighting, I didn't bother you!!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Okay, if you are a half-spirit, it should be no problem to delay for a while!!" Xia Xia nodded.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!!" Wuyin is very excited now that he has his own body, although the previous summer's clone of the moon was also very against the sky.

But that does not belong to his own body. When fighting, he can only follow the way of the clone of the moon.

This not only fails to bring out his true abilities, but even a lot of his previous abilities and experience can't be used.

"Remember, your mission is to sabotage the other party's plan and delay the time, not for you to confront the other party head-on!!" Xia Xia reminded.

Although Wuyin was once the number one expert in China.

But now all his weapons and equipment are not at all in his heyday.

And even in his heyday, he couldn't be the opponent's opponent.

"Don't worry, I won't be impulsive, and I will pass the news to you as soon as possible!!" After Wu Yin finished speaking, he ran directly in the other direction.

The old man just watched all this quietly.

It didn't stop summer.

It didn't stop Silent.

As if he didn't care at all.

"This old guy, his attitude is not right!!!" Xia Tian always felt that something was wrong. Why did this old man not only stop him, but also show himself the way?

Is he really so kind?

Or maybe he pointed himself in the wrong direction.

In other words, the front is simply a trap.

"Forget it, I can't think about it anymore, I have no other time choice, if he is a ghost, then I will kill him first!!!" Xia Xia was also heartbroken, and rushed up to the second level, hungry, and the speed was very fast. , he is really looking forward to it now, he wants to see his mother.

Although I have seen the incarnation of my mother before.

But that was very hazy.


He could finally see his mother.

all of these.

There must be an end eventually.

"It seems that it is really coming to an end." Yang said with emotion.

The battle of the Celestial Clan has finally come to an end, not only here in the summer, but also outside, more and more Shenzhou people have killed the Celestial Clan, they came to the Celestial Clan, they took what they saw, and looked at those invincible people in the past. The Celestial Clan people, they have no mercy.

He even took pride in beheading the Celestials.

Although the people of the Celestial Clan also have a lot of means, more and more people can't bear to rush up, and the people from the ninth party and the tenth party have been stopped.

They also had to deal with the stars in the that was the culprit who took away most of their combat power.

"It's in front!!" Xia Xia can already see the bright place in the whole area, the sacred light can't be wrong, that is to say, the old man didn't give him the wrong direction, this direction is right, he 's mother is in front.


Summer's body kept rolling forward.

After waiting for so long, it was important for him to see his mother. After he saved his mother, he could save his father, and they could talk slowly about the rest.

"Xiamen, don't be so impulsive, it can't be so simple, there must be some conspiracy here, although I can't say it for the time being, but I can be sure!" Yang hurriedly reminded.

He could already feel uneasy.

"No matter what is ahead, it can't stop my progress!!!" Xia Xia said firmly.

He was so close to his mother, how could he stop there.

It was already in front.

"Boy, you're on top!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

He can also see that the current state of summer is not right. If it goes on like this, the chance of being recruited in summer is too great.


Xia Xia stopped: "How could I not be excited, since the day I was born, I haven't seen my mother. When I was in the spiritual world, I thought I could be with my mother, but finally , I still couldn't do it, I chased all the way to the fairyland, and finally killed the Celestial Clan, waiting for this moment."


"Go, no matter what you encounter, it's your own choice!!!" Xian Xuanwu sighed.

He also saw summer's determination.


Xia Xia started to run fast, and his mother was right in front of him: "Mother, I'm here!!!"

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