The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2108: today's summer

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The seventh floor of the Realm King Judgment.

Devour: You can devour the enemy's power to supplement your own body's consumption (kill the enemy, you can condense the realm, the great realm, the fairy realm and the ???)

The Domain of Immortals: The realm of the realm, everything in the domain will be swallowed up.

The Law of Immortals: Based on Jie Wang Jue, a pair of invisible big hands are formed, injected with spiritual power, to attack and defend.

The heart of the strong!

Domain of Immortals: Open your own absolute domain and change with your own momentum.

Know the sea!

Soul Bound: Trap the opponent's soul for 5 seconds.

Divine Soul Stripping: Directly strips the enemy's Divine Soul forcibly.

Left eye, divine eye.

Instant: Invincible for three seconds, speed increases by 100% (once a day.)

Right eye, sky eye.

Promise: Attract and Defense.

Heavenly Power: Knockback and Rebound.

All kinds of things: It is self-contained, and you can start to gather the power of the spirit.

Absolute eyes.

The powerful skills derived from the fusion of One Spirit, Three Saints and Five Stars can strip the law of the opponent's body (not fully grasped for the time being.)

Dzi Beads: The treasures bred in the universe are extremely mysterious.

Life Crystal: Give others a strong vitality, endless life.

Main weapons: golden knife, red phoenix, Tianhan sword.

"Actually awakened the realm of the two immortals directly, and it is even more surprising when fighting!!!" Yang said with emotion.

summer now.

Except for the difference in realm, there is no difference between it and the spirit.

"The soul binding and soul stripping of the sea of ​​consciousness are somewhat stronger. In the past, they could only be used when they could only catch the opponent's flaws. Now they can be used on a person with a completely closed soul, and there will be a certain success rate. Silently induce the other party's spirit to appear, and quickly kill the other party!!" Xia Xia found that his sea of ​​consciousness had grown too much this time, and his overall strength had been improved by this growth.


"The instant body of the left eye, you can be a real man for three seconds. If this ability is easy to use, it is almost invincible; if it is not easy to use, this ability may also be useless. It depends on how you go about it. I used it!!!" Yang felt that if this ability was used properly, it would be an invincible ability.

If it doesn't work well.

That is of no use at all.

The ability of the right eye has not changed for the time being, except for the growth of everything.

"But now I finally understand the attack method of the Absolute God's Eye, which is to strip all the power of the law from the enemy's body. If at this time, the enemy happens to be brewing all the power of the law in the whole body, then even if this person is a spirit, he will Killed by me!!" What Xia Xia was most excited about was this divine eye.

However, he has not yet fully mastered this ability.

He can't guarantee that he will be able to use the eyes of absolute magic.

If he really masters this ability, then he will become an existence capable of killing spirits.

Of course.

Such a heaven-defying ability is not something that can be mastered by mastering it.

"We are all familiar with the dzi beads, and the power needs to be developed by you a little bit, and you have only developed a little bit of its power; the life crystal, I don't know very well, I only know that it can increase the vitality!!!" ability to analyze one by one.

have to say.

Even he is very jealous of summer.

summer now.

The physical body not only cultivates the Yang Tianjing, but also has the power of Mo Weiyang, and the power of the fusion of the four avatars of Tianlong.

Physically invincible.

Ink skeletons are also high grade.

The means are endless.

"What you should consider is not his own situation now. His own situation needs to be explored a little bit. If there is no actual combat, these data are just numbers, and it is useless to write them, and some seem to be very simple to introduce. It can play an unexpected role in battle." Xian Xuanwu reminded.


Everyone nodded.

"The spoils!!!" Xian Xuanwu said again.

"By the way, you can get a lot of loot, and there are three ancient immortal treasures: Immortal Bubble; Taihao Bell and Linglong Pagoda." Xia Tian remembered.

He remembered the power of these three ancient immortal treasures very clearly during the battle.

These three ancient fairy treasures.

any one.

All are invincible.

At the time, he felt it himself.

However, if you encounter a spirit, the effect will not be so great, because the spirit has awakened the law of immortality or the domain of the ancestors, which can temporarily offset this ability.

"This is only part of it. There are still eighteen spirits living in your current forest. Although they are all dead spirits, you captured the cloned old man. If he can really study something that defies the sky in the future With the cloning technique, then eighteen of them can also be resurrected!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"No, clones are too much against the sky. Although resurrecting them can give me more combat power, I will never do that kind of hurtful to catch a large number of people and let him come. Research!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand and summoned the old man.

The old man clone looked at Xia Xia: "You want to kill me?"

"I don't want to kill you, you can go, but from now on, don't touch clones again. I used to be forced by others, so I won't mind my own business, but if you take the initiative to study clones and let me know, I will It will still kill you!!!" Xia Xia is not the kind of inhuman existence.

But he also read some books about cloning.

He didn't know anything about cloning before, and he didn't feel anything.

But after reading those books, he realized that over the years, in order to successfully study the technology of cloning, the Celestial Clan has killed at least billions of people, and there are countless masters of all kinds.

"Thank you, my lord!!" After the old man clone finished speaking, he turned and left.

"You are really strange, they have helped you so much, don't you want to give them hope?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"Life and death are my own choice. The eighteen spirits are already dead. If they have any hope of surviving by chance in the future, then I naturally hope that they can survive, but if I come with the lives of those innocent people. In exchange for their lives, this is something I absolutely cannot agree to!!!" Xia Xia said very firmly.

"Why are you so good?" Xian Xuanwu asked helplessly.

"Because I have studied nine years of compulsory education!!!" Xia Xia responded.


The black line on Xian Xuanwu's face.

"By the way, the real treasure is in the storage equipment that fell from that guy. You had already put it away at that time. It is estimated that there will be a lot of good things in it, and the wealth accumulated by the Celestial Clan over the years must be quite a lot. , since he is already prepared, then maybe those wealth have been hidden by him in advance."

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