The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2131: burn to the ground[edit]


at this time.

The Tianhan Sword also began to melt, and the Tianhan Sword, which had been fighting with Xia Xia for so many years, could not resist the power of Shenhuo after all.

Promise, attract! !

Devour! !

Summer did not waste time, but at the moment when Tianhan Sword melted, he launched an infinite attraction to Karma, and directly sucked the Shenhuo and Karma in the distance.

Then the Tianhan Sword was used as a medium.

Activated the ability to swallow.

Abruptly absorbed the divine fire and karma into the Tianhan sword.

However, the power of Shenhuo was extremely terrifying.

In an instant, only the hilt of the Tianhan sword was melted.

God fire, karma, has also disappeared.

"What's the situation?" Yang wanted to look for Shenhuo and Karma, but he couldn't find it, neither in Xia's body, Tianhan Sword was destroyed, Shenhuo and Karma seemed to have completely disappeared.

"I don't know!!" Xian Xuanwu obviously didn't understand what happened.

Now, the situation here should only be known in summer.

"Boy, what happened?" Yang asked hurriedly.

"I don't know either!!" Xia Xia looked at the hilt in his hand, full of doubts, he didn't know whether he succeeded or failed.

But one thing is certain.

That is the divine fire, and the karma has completely disappeared.

Summer released all the ghosts: "You are free."


All the ghosts began to cheer, but soon, these ghosts began to gradually dissipate.

"What's the matter?" Summer frowned.

"My lord, we have been trapped here for too long. Normally, our souls should have dissipated long ago, but because of the flames here, we have always existed. Now the flames have disappeared, and there is no burning of the flames. We have no pain, but in the same way, we can't exist without the protection of the flame, but this may be a good thing for us, because now, we can finally get real freedom!!" Those souls grateful Look at the summer, although they are now facing death.

But they were not afraid at all.

Even they are willing to face it bravely.


This kind of life is too painful.

Summer watched them dissipate little by little.


Summer used the hilt to pull the sword flower.

Unfortunately, still no response.

Tianhan sword seems to have completely dissipated.


"I still failed, but I will definitely find a way to recast the Tianhan Sword." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. Originally, this was a big gamble, and he just lost the gamble.

But he doesn't regret it.

Because this is his life, if he doesn't even have the courage to gamble, then what's the point of his life.

He is not the kind of person who does his duty honestly and works hard.

But a person who dares to fight and is not afraid of failure.

Of course, all his big bets are because he has the confidence.

There is the Realm King Jue, there are little bugs, and there are his eyes.

If he was just an ordinary person, it would not be a gamble, but a death sentence.

"Forget it, let's go to the third place, there's not much time left!!!" Xia Xia didn't like to be melancholy. If he failed, he just failed. Instead of staying here.

Might as well hurry up to the next one.

The next one is: Rootless Bridge!

The rootless bridge is the place with the strongest gravity in China. It has ten thousand times the gravity, and no force can resist this gravity. If you walk on the rootless bridge, you will not feel any gravity. If you fall on the root bridge, the gravity will crush you. Even the spirit cannot stand up under that kind of gravity, but the spirit can gradually spread out by its own strength, but it will take a long time. of!

This is what the demon spirit told him.

"The most terrifying thing in the rootless bridge is gravity. If I can master this gravity, I can directly defeat the mother insect!!" Xia Xia's eyes lit up.

"What are you thinking, that level of gravity is simply not something that a normal human body can withstand!!" .

This idea.

It's really a bit insane.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work?" Xia Xia also arrived at Wugen Bridge as soon as possible.

This rootless bridge is the one that spends the most time in summer, because it is simply too hard to find, not only surrounded by mountains, but also all kinds of natural formations. If you can't find such a place, even if you fly over it, you won't have any feeling.

This rootless bridge.

It's like a separate space.

But it does exist in this world.

"This bridge has no roots. If you want to go up, you will have to bear part of the gravity!!!" Yang analyzed.


Xia Tian's body flew up together.


When he was about to fly up, he suddenly sensed a terrifying gravity and almost smashed him down. If it wasn't for his physical toughness, he must have been smashed down by now.

"It's so dangerous!!" If summer hadn't just made preparations, he would have really capsized in the gutter: "Where does the top here lead to?"

He glanced up.

I didn't see anything, only this bridge, it didn't seem to be very far, and it seemed to be very far: "Go up and have a look!"

He just strode up.

Every step is steady.

Every step also brings out a different feeling.

"As long as you walk on the bridge, you won't feel anything, but once..." Xia Tian took out an item and threw it from the side, but the item fell instantly and smashed down: "This is a Ten thousand times the gravity."

You must know that the gravity of Shenzhou is much higher than that of the earth. If an ordinary person on the earth comes to Shenzhou directly, let alone other aspects, the gravity of Shenzhou and the power of laws are both This person can be turned into air in an instant.

Moreover, ordinary people on earth can't bear such abundant spiritual energy and power of heaven and earth in Shenzhou, and they will die.

"You can't conquer this level of gravity!!" Yang said helplessly.

Summer went up step by step like this, no one knew what he was thinking.

But when he reached the end of the rootless bridge, a smile appeared on his face.

"This kid must have some crazy idea!!" Xian Xuanwu understood when he saw Xia Xia's expression.

Summer must have figured out a way.

Although he didn't understand what the summer was thinking.

But absolutely true.

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