The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2180: winner

Countless threads appeared behind Xingchen again. This time, the threads seemed to rise from under the ground, injecting power into Xingchen's body.

For a moment.

The vast stars turned into streaks of black energy, rushing into the crowd.

burst! ! !

Endless stars exploded directly around those masters.

Explosion after explosion.

Blow up everyone around you.

The real emperor and the Nihuang brothers and sisters are also the first to release the killer. The cooperation of the three is really terrifying, and their every attack is also extremely terrifying.

"Looks like it's almost there!!" Tu Ling said.

"Yeah, if it's a fight to the death, the outcome is unknown, but the Xia family's army is obviously just trying to snatch, but not trying to fight!!" Wuyin has already seen that, Di Ling and the others are not desperate. Intend.

They also don't want their brothers to die in order to **** dragon energy.

Therefore, as long as the status of each of their subordinates drops to 70%, they will let the other party withdraw from the battle.

And this time.

Because these three joined forces, the battle situation changed suddenly.

The three of them have begun to gradually control the scene.

Although there are still some hidden masters in the dark, there are also many masters who haven't done anything. Before those hidden masters are fully confident, they don't dare to make a move rashly.


The three took control of the scene.

"Who else wants to fight?" The real emperor looked around.

Although the people around were very unconvinced, they did not dare to rush forward.

"I promise, if I become a spirit, then I will be the human spirit of Shenzhou. When the three islands and ten prefectures are reunited, we will have a spirit in Shenzhou, even if there is any interest competition in the future, with me, They don't dare to rashly attack everyone, and if China has the human spirit, it will not be bullied by other states." The real emperor also understood that if these people around them really wanted to work hard, then the three of them would definitely It is impossible to be an opponent of so many people, and he has no chance to absorb power.

So he wants to be kind and powerful.

Now that his strength has been shown, the next thing he has to do is Huairou's tactics.

In this case.

Most of the people here will give up, even if there are a few restless people, they will not dare to rashly take action, and their sister and Xingchen are guarding here.

Those who were dissatisfied did not dare to attack him rashly.

"Don't fight!!!" Although Thirteen didn't like the real emperor, he also understood that if he fought like this, he would definitely die, and if he was killed by these masters here, he would not even have a chance to be resurrected.

He didn't want to kill several other brothers in order to breathe out.


The others also nodded.

There must be a human spirit in Shenzhou, otherwise, the human beings in Shenzhou will definitely be bullied by others in the future.

Naturally, the stronger the person, the better.

The real emperor has shown his strength just now, and he is a very mysterious person, and he will never be easily seen by people from other states.

"It seems that it is over. Although there are still a few masters hidden around, they didn't dare to do anything until the real emperor showed his flaws. Now the real emperor is so vigilant, and there are Nihuang and Xingchen guards around them. It is absolutely impossible for a sneak attack to succeed!!" Wu Yin said with emotion.

Going around.

Finally, the real king.


The most unpleasant people here are their brothers and sisters.

If it was someone from the Xia family or Xingchen, no one would say what it was, because there would be many people behind them who had a good impression of them.

Xia Jiajun stabilized the situation in Shenzhou, and the rules he set were all very benevolent and righteous, plus the existence of Xia Xia.

Therefore, everyone admires Xia Jiajun very much.

And although Xingchen caught a lot of masters before, the strength of those masters increased greatly, so those masters not only did not complain about him, but they could even be said to be very grateful to him.

But the siblings are different.

Whether they are in the ancient battlefield or in China, they have not done anything good.

So everyone doesn't really like it.

But now that things have come to this point, they have nothing to do.

"Okay, since there is no objection, then I will start to absorb the power of the Immortal Dao Emperor's Ranking, but I will say the ugly before. If anyone dares to attack me next, then I will definitely not be merciful." Really. The meaning of the emperor is very simple. I have been merciful before, but if anyone dares to attack me, I will do my best to kill you first.

His strength is obvious to all.

So no one wants to bear his wrath.

Once he is targeted, I am afraid that there is really no good end.

"It's almost a foregone conclusion, so we can only wait and see!!" Haotian had already flown back, although he had participated in the battle before, but it was just to join in the fun, just when he was in He was still doing well Saved a few people.

"Then let's see how he became the human spirit of our Divine State. After so many years, he will finally appear!!!" Wuyin also wanted to see what the human spirit was like.

Although he saw a lot in the summer of all things.

But those are already dead.

What he will see next is the real human spirit alive.

It can be said.

The people present were extremely excited, and they were also full of curiosity about the human spirit.

Nihuang and Xingchen stood in two different directions, and the two of them paid close attention to the situation around them.

The real emperor started to absorb it directly, but he also had his own selfishness.

His location is close to Nihuang's side.

And when he was absorbing power, he was absorbing it with one hand, and the hand close to the stars was not used to absorb it.

"This real emperor is really cautious!!" Wuyin has already seen the real emperor's mind.

"What he did is not very obvious. Doing so is also a warning, reminding Xingchen not to mess around!!" Haotian explained.


"Such a person becomes the human spirit of Shenzhou, and I don't know if it's good or bad!!" Wuyin didn't know how to describe it, in short, he didn't think that the real emperor was the most suitable candidate.

"Who knows, but with him here, Shenzhou will not be bullied by other states for the time being!!" Haotian said.


Four dragons connect the heaven and earth.

The power in the Immortal Dao Emperor Ranking began to be injected into the body of the true emperor from the four dragon qi.


The real emperor's body began to sparkle, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into the purest life.

The tissues and cells in his body began to be torn apart little by little.

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