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Chapter 2195: Communication Fairy Way

"How many treasures is this for me in the summer?" Thirteen was dumbfounded when he saw the treasures inside!

Locking Demon Tower, Trapped Beast Array, Tian Cong Cloud, Soul Destroyer Bell, and all the spoils of war in the previous battle of the Celestial Clan.

Although Thirteen and the others have already obtained treasures in all kinds of things.

Also gained some heritage.

But this level of treasure is naturally the more the better.


"This is..." Just when Thirteen was extremely shocked, he suddenly saw the sword in the corner and a jade slip: "This is the weapon of the true emperor!!!"

He remembered that this was the weapon used by the True Emperor when he fought before.

It is made by combining the power of the Relentless Sword, Kunlun Mountain and the Void Throne.

This kind of weapon can just be handed over to Baichuan.

"Brothers, the treasure is released!!" Thirteen waved to the other brothers.

After Xia Xia left, he continued on the road with his wives. This time he was looking for the key to the immortal path. Whether it was against the king of the heavenly clan or the true emperor, he found some news.

"These three news are too general!!!" Ye Qingxue said with emotion.

"Yeah!!" Xia Xia read these three messages.

The first news is that according to the records of the ancient immortal world, the immortal way is formed by heaven and earth, and there are two ways to communicate with the immortal way, one is to become a spirit, and the other is to become the master of a piece of heaven and earth.

In short, you can control the fate of countless people.

The second disappearance is that there is a very terrifying organization in the three islands and ten states. The name of the organization is Lun. They are looking for the huge secret of the ancient times, and it seems to be related to the core of the ancient fairyland.

The third is that once the ancient fairyland returns, many ancient existences that have been sealed and suppressed may appear. At that time, the ancient fairyland may usher in a hell-level disaster.

"It seems that the closer it is to the day we return to Earth, the more danger there will be!!" Summer has now found the way back to Earth.


The road does not seem to be easy.

"I hope it won't affect the earth!!!" Ye Qingxue said with emotion.

Xia Xia smiled, I should have been qualified to communicate with Immortal Dao now, but the records from the King of the Celestial Clan are not very detailed, and I need to find the Shenzhou Elf again.

Hope he can help me.

Along with his strength.

Now it's very easy for him to do anything.

And after the previous battle.

The human beings in Shenzhou have completely stabilized. Everyone believes that Xia is the master of Shenzhou, and those in the Xia family are naturally noble, and no one dares to provoke them casually.

However, Xia Jiajun is also very strict with his own people. If there is bullying, they will never tolerate it.

It is because of this.

The forces under Xia Jiajun have been recognized by all the masters in China.

However, Shenzhou is also surging under the tide.

A new round of crises may break out at any time, especially when the three islands and ten prefectures are integrated, the battle begins, and when they finally return to the ancient fairyland, the real crisis will break out.

"Boy, why are you here again!!!" After the Shenzhou Elf came, he also had questions.

"Senior, I am now the Lord of the Divine State in terms of identity and status. How can I contact Immortal Dao!!" Xia Xia said.

"Why do you have to think about contacting Immortal Dao?" asked the Shenzhou Elf.

"Because I have to get the Immortal Dao key!!" Xia Xia said firmly.

"You have to think about it, once you contact Xiandao, you will be recognized by Xiandao, but you also have to pay." Shenzhou Elf is reminding.

He wanted to tell Summer.

If you have gain, you must give.

You are at least free now.

"If it can be exchanged, I can also find a way to complete it!!!" Xia Xia said.

"This is not so easy, you should think about it again. If it is not necessary, I don't want you to communicate with Xiandao." Shenzhou Elf reminded again.

Summer was silent for a moment.

He knew that the Spirit of China had always valued him very much.

I don't want him to go down that path.

but now.

He seems to have no other choice. If he wants to save his parents, he has to take this step, because he has no choice other than this step.

"I want to communicate!!" After the summer decided this time.

it is good!

Shenzhou Elf can see that Xia Xia has made a decision, so he will not say anything more: "In fact, I didn't want to help you in the past, but now you already have that position in Shenzhou, especially when you just killed it. With two spirits, you already have that qualification."

"You know all this?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"I am a Shenzhou elf. In Shenzhou, I can see a lot of things that others can't see, let alone you make such a big noise!!" Shenzhou elf explained.


"Isn't that me, we humans, there are no secrets for you?" Xia Xia felt that he had been being spied on for so many years

"Unless I'm in a bad mood, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. Will you pay attention to the cells in your body? Unless this cell is mutating, or there is a big problem, you will pay attention!!!" Shenzhou Elf explained. .


It's clear in summer.

Shenzhou Elf did not peek at other people's hobbies.

"That's okay!!" Summer nodded.

He doesn't like being spied on by others.

"Then I'll start helping you communicate with Immortal Dao!!" said the Shenzhou Elf.


Summer nodded.

Having reached this point, there is nothing to hesitate, and everything can begin to act.


A golden light shot into the sky.

"Stand in!!" Shenzhou Elf reminded.

Xia Xia stood directly above the golden light, and then he heard a voice: "Xia Xia, you delivered it yourself!!!"

"Oh? Do you still know me?" Xia Tian was stunned.

"I just killed the person I chose, how could I not know it!!!" The voice had a hint of dissatisfaction.

"I don't kill anyone by who his backer is, or who he was chosen!!" Xia Xia said very directly.

Even if the other party is immortal.

He has the same attitude.

"It's really arrogant, you took the initiative to find me, what's the matter?" Xiandao asked.

"I want the key to Xiandao!!!" Xia Xia didn't want to go around in circles.

He thought it would be better to say this directly.

Otherwise there will only be more trouble.

"Then do you know what price you have to pay?" Xiandao asked.

His voice was full of drama!

"You can say it!!" Summer responded.

Since he dared to communicate, he was ready.

"I want your life!!!"

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