The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2206: father and son

"What?" Summer is still very concerned about things on earth.

"Although there is no spiritual energy on the earth, everyone on the earth has great cultivation talent and good luck. Even the worst people, once they are allowed to cultivate, their cultivation speed is a hundred times, thousand times faster than outside! !!" Tianlong reminded.

Also found before summer.

People on earth are really talented, but people on earth do not have the method of cultivation, and earth is not suitable for cultivation.

"The earth is divided into layers. For example, many people on earth will feel that what is happening now seems to be something they have experienced. Their room is empty, but it seems that there are people in the room, because different levels of space collide and collapse. For example, there is a fight in the second dimension of the earth, breaking the space, and the people in the first dimension will see someone in an instant." Tianlong explained.

Summer is indeed reminding me of how I often felt when I was on Earth.

"The level of the earth is related to the ancient immortal world. If you really want to return to the earth, then you have to wait for the ancient immortal world to return, and then carefully investigate, and you must start the entrance from the level, otherwise, it will be the time when the earth arrives. Stability, you have absolutely no chance to go back, especially in your current state, if you go back, it is equivalent to a hundred asteroids hitting the earth!!!" Tianlong looked at his son, also very pride.

The first person in China.

A person who has cultivated from an ordinary human to the pinnacle of Divine State in such a short period of time.

He felt incredible.

"It seems that it's a bit more difficult than I thought!!" Before the summer, I thought that if I worked hard, I could return to Earth.

But now it doesn't seem so easy.

"If it was someone else, I would think it was almost impossible, but if it was you, I believe that you can definitely do it!!!" Tianlong explained.

"Why do you all believe me so!!" Xia Xia himself was very confused.

He didn't even know how far he would go.

It can be said that he has no clue at all, but everyone around him seems to believe in him.

"If I don't even believe in my own son, who else can I believe!!!" Tianlong clapped Xia Xia's shoulder: "I'm proud of you!!"

This is the father's approval of his son.

Xia Xia nodded slightly: "How much do you know about ancient times and ancient times?"

"Time is nothing to a cultivator. A unit of 100 million is also a cycle for the spirit, but tens of billions of years ago, it was the ancient period. That period was different from now. It was the peak period of mankind. ; As for the immemorial world, it was 10 billion to 1 trillion years ago. At that time, there were no humans at the beginning, but it was humans who ended the immemorial period!!!" Tianlong obviously knew a lot of things that others didn't know. .

And learn more about the past.

Although Xiandao and Mirror also know a lot, the angle they understand is definitely different from what Tianlong understands.


The people below see the world more clearly.

The people above may only see one-sidedness and the trend of the times.

"Let's talk about the ancient times first. In the ancient times, human beings were mainly divided into: ancient immortals, ancient gods, guardian clan, giants, dwarves and aliens, etc.; immortal beasts were divided into: ancient immortals, ancient gods, ancient saints The monsters can be divided into: fairy monsters, **** monsters and big monsters, etc." Tianlong wants to help Xia understand the ancient fairyland in detail.

"Is there any difference?" Xia Tian asked.

"The ancient immortals are like the Celestial Clan of the Divine State. They are high above and are called the attachment of the immortal world. They were created by the strongest group of people in the immemorial immortal world; the ancient gods were the first to obtain the blood of the immemorial beasts. The power of their bloodlines is extremely pure and powerful; the guardian clan is the guardian tree, the race of weapons and some totems, the power is mysterious; the giant clan is very cattle, although the number is rare, but they are extremely powerful, The dwarves are powerful and good at refining weapons, and they are also the existences that everyone does not want to offend; the aliens are called aliens, and under normal circumstances they will not be recognized by other immortals outside, and then some other small races and ordinary people. Immortals are the lowest human beings!!!" Tianlong explained.

Oh! ! !

Summer nodded slightly.

Human he understands.

There is no need to say anything about the fairy beasts and the fairy monsters.

"Actually, there are some special races, such as beasts, ghosts, demons, etc., these are but few can form a scale, if there is no scale, it can only be in the ancient fairyland Running around, once a huge force is formed, it will be attacked by other forces!!" Tianlong said a little bit.

"It's really cruel!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"That is the ancient fairyland, it is very cruel, and it is precisely because of this that the human beings in that period were at their peak, and human beings could control countless powers, but you also understand that the more human beings, the more greed, and finally Ushered in the destruction of the ancient fairyland, turned into 9999 continents, and scattered all over the universe!!" Tianlong said.

"What about the Primordial Period?" Xia Xia asked.

"It was amazing in the ancient times. It was called the real fairyland at that time. If you eat any grass on the side of the road, you can become immortal. If you eat any fruit, you can comprehend the laws. Any treasure can make your ability. Ten times stronger, but that is already in the past, when humans appeared, everything changed!!" Tianlong explained.

"So, humans seem to be cruel!!" Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"It can't be entirely human beings. The two largest clans that existed at that time were: monsters and fairy witches. The battle between these two clans led to the entire immortal world. The final misery is beyond your imagination. As for why they fought, there was no one. Got it!!" Although Tianlong knew a lot, it was impossible to know what happened in the Primordial Period.

"What is the first emperor, two gods, four saints, seven martial arts, thirteen Taoists, thirty-six heavenly gangs, and seventy-two earth evils?" Xia Xia didn't quite believe that his father could know, but he Still want to ask.

"One Emperor!!" A slight smile appeared on Tianlong's face.

"You know?" Summer asked.

"Yes, I know!!!" Tianlong looked at Xia Xia thoughtfully.

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