The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2259: Yanzhou's aid

The war in the entire Three Islands and Ten Provinces has been completely opened. The most unexpected thing for everyone is that the speed of the war is very fast. Not long after the war, a spirit died, the spirit of Xuanzhou.

all the time.

Spirits are immortal beings in everyone's eyes.


But now.

Spirit is dead.

For ordinary people, this is the collapse of belief.

The original overall strength of Jukuzhou was stronger than that of Xuanzhou. Now Xuanzhou has lost another spirit, which not only greatly affected the morale of Xuanzhou people, but even those spirits in Xuanzhou did not dare to go rashly. After the battle, I was afraid that I would become the second dead spirit.

"We are all the spirits of Xuanzhou. If we don't fight for Xuanzhou, then our Xuanzhou can only be enslaved!!" Tie Yi said very upset.

"We are spirits. Even if we lose, we will be respected by others wherever we go." Other spirits said.

They don't think this war belongs to them.

"Although you are all spirits, if you don't resist, then you can only follow behind the spirits of Jukuzhou. If others see you are unhappy, they can take care of you at any time. At that time, you will have no chance to resist, and ancient times The battlefield will return immediately, if we don’t show a little momentum, then any benefits in the future will have nothing to do with us!!!” Tie Yi shouted. ·

"Tie Yi, you have said all the beautiful things, so what else can we say."

Others were still a little unhappy.

"Let's see, I'll be at the front when fighting, is it okay?" Tie Yi also saw the scruples of these spirits. Although they didn't want to lose their dignity after losing, they were more worried about dying in battle.

Haotian, who had not spoken all the time, stood up: "Since you have already given up, there is no need for me to stay."

"What do you mean?" Tie Yi asked in confusion.

"You will never wake up those who pretend to be asleep. Now everyone here has accepted their fate, so even if I fight for this life, it is useless. I think you should surrender to Jukuzhou, and obey Juku in the future. The order of Kuzhou, to help Jukuzhou attack other states, then you will also become cannon fodder rushing in front!!" Haotian looked at the surrounding spirits with disdain.


He is now looking down on these spirits in his heart.

Hearing Haotian's words, several spirits also looked at each other: "But now this situation has exceeded our expectations. If we continue to fight like this, we will also die. We only have five spirits left in Xuanzhou. You, we only have six spirits, and the other party also has a mysterious cave spirit, their overall combat power is much stronger than ours, and now our one thousand important immortal palaces in Xuanzhou have been breached more than three hundred!!"

These Asgards are human.

There is a clan of fairy beasts.

There is also the fairy clan.

If a thousand immortal palaces are completely destroyed, then they will lose, although these spirits can hide, or they can live in a low-key manner, and they will not be eligible to come out after that.

If they hide and do things.

Those who suffer are ordinary people in Xuanzhou.

The other party will directly kill their ordinary people one by one.

Although this is a lose-lose style of play, the one who will end up the worst in the end is definitely the one who loses, so as long as they lose, they lose completely.

"Sir, someone came from outside and said it was from Yanzhou!!"


Tie Yi was also taken aback when he heard the name: "Please come in!!"

The other people also started to avoid it immediately. They gave Tie Yi and Yanzhou people a separate space.

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An old man came to Tie Yi.

"See Tie Yi Ling." The old man said respectfully.

"Tell me, what's the purpose of coming to my place!!!" Tie Yi was straight to the point.

"Please take a look at Tie Yiling!!" The old man handed over a piece of jade slip.

When Tie Yi saw the content on the jade slip, he was also taken aback: "You Yanzhou are willing to help?"

"No, Tie Yiling, you misunderstood, we are not helping, we are just doing business, there are tens of trillions of various medicinal pills on it; all kinds of weapons and equipment are enough to equip forty percent of your Xuanzhou warriors Yes, it's just that the price is 40% cheaper than normal!!" The old man smiled slightly.

"Okay, I agree. You can send things over at any time. The price you want is too much, and I will collect it in the shortest possible time!!" Tie Yi naturally understood what the other party was doing now.

Although it is paid.

But this price of 40% is really the first time it has appeared.

Usually Yanzhou is very stingy, even if Ling comes forward, they will give a maximum of 10% discount, because their cost is very high.

But Tie Yi understood.

They are just a little more technical.

If someone else were to refine it, it would indeed cost more resources.

But in Yanzhou, a production line has been formed, and the cost will certainly not be too high.

But the price is what people say.

So they usually buy some, but not too much.

This time, if Yanzhou is really willing to sell them so many materials at this price, then the next battle will be different.

"The item has already been delivered. As for the price, it must not be lower. You can prepare slowly. We still believe in Tieyiling's!!" The old man handed over his hands.

"Then I'm welcome, don't worry, I will send someone to deliver the cosmic fairy crystal and resources as soon as possible!!!" Tie Yi is in a good mood now.

With this batch of supplies.

That battle could be turned around.

After the old man left, everyone came out.

"Let's see, this batch of materials is very useful!!!" Tie Yi opened the jade slip.

Everyone looked at the list above the supplies.

Everyone was very surprised.

"Yanzhou is going to help us with blood this time. Now there are 1,000 main battlefields and 100,000 sub-battlefields. The total number of people participating in the battle plus fairy monsters and fairy beasts is about one trillion. If this If a batch of supplies is sent, our decadent battle situation will not only be brought under control, but will also be turned around!!" An inspiration said.

"Then how much you want, get it yourself, the immortal crystals and resources you need, you can figure it out yourself!!!" Tie Yi also made it clear that his brothers and sisters will settle accounts.

The resources that Yanzhou has provided them this time are enough to increase their overall combat effectiveness several times! !

If it goes on like this, the battle will be different.

This battle is not just a battle between their spirits. Once the people below it are released, they cannot be taken back. The people below hope to get a chance more than them.

And this fight.

As long as they can survive, their strength will increase by 100%.

And when others die, they can also directly turn other people's items into their own loot.

This kind of thing is usually not allowed.

But now war has broken out.

Everything becomes normal.

When everyone was very happy, Haotian suddenly had an ominous premonition, and he also sent the news here to Xia Tian for the first time.

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