The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2277: death of the grim reaper

Remember [New] for a second,! Soul is a very proud person.

Spirit is already the top existence in the three islands and ten states, and he believes that he is the strongest in the three islands and ten states, the strongest in the spirit, so his arrogance is unimaginable by others.

Someone who can be admired by him.

Of course it takes some skill.

Otherwise, he would be too lazy to even take a shot.

"Good boy, you have enough courage, you deserve to die in my hands!!" After the voice of the soul fell.

A soul qi rushed towards the summer in front of him.

Soul Qi turned into a sharp blade, extremely sharp.

A powerful force cuts through the passing ground and air.

Zero also gave up a channel for the first time. .

"Soul, don't accidentally hurt our people!!!" Zero shouted hurriedly.

The attack of the soul is too strong, and he has no intention of restraining himself, which makes his attack spread very powerfully. This attack can indeed block all the escape routes in Xia, but those who did not hit Xia Xia attacks will continue to spread.

It's easy to accidentally hurt someone next to you.


Although the soul agreed verbally, his next attack did not hold back at all, each attack was still so powerful, and when each attack was fired, it seemed to be able to break the sky.


Xia Xia also knew that the opponent's attack could not be avoided, so he began to catch it tough.

There is the power of the Chinese spirits.

It is not particularly difficult for him to block this attack. Although it has exceeded his defense a bit, it will increase his consumption, but most of the power has been absorbed by the King of Kings, which can just make up for his consumption.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The soul launched more than ten consecutive attacks.

Perfectly blocked by summer every time.

"That's not right!!" The soul suddenly retracted its attack.

"Why, can't move?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"No, every time you resist my attack, you break through the defense limit. In this case, your consumption should be several times, or even ten times, than usual. If I launch ten consecutive attacks, your consumption should be very high. Great talent, but it can be analyzed from the aura around your body that your overall state has not changed in the slightest since you fought against me, that is to say, you have not consumed a single bit!!!" Soul and others Spirit is different.

At this time, he also directly saw the situation on the summer side.

He saw the difference in summer.

"As expected of the strongest master of the divine machine, the problem was discovered so quickly, I thought you would have to wait until you were almost exhausted to find out!!" Xia Xia praised.

Ha ha ha ha!

The soul began to laugh.

"Interesting, it seems that you are really not simple. If you can't do anything about it, then I can only teach you a lesson that you will never forget!!!" With a wave of the soul's right hand, a small bell appeared in the In his hand: "This is called Wangyou Bell."

"How can I forget my worries?" Xia Tian asked.

"That is to completely obliterate your memory, and you can forget all your worries!!" The soul pointed a finger, and the Worry-Free Bell hovered over Xia Xia's head.

Then a ray of light enveloped Xia Xia's body.

When the light came down.

Xia Xia's eyes became empty, and his body was frozen there, motionless.

"Death, you can do it, from now on, until your attack hits him, he will be there in a daze, but your attack must be stronger, otherwise the attack hits him, he will wake up!!" The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


He thought he had won the battle.

The moment when the forgetfulness bell appeared.

There is no need to continue fighting.

"Don't worry, what I'm good at is dealing with people who can't move!!!" After the death **** finished speaking, a huge shadow of the **** of death in black robes appeared behind him, and the sickle in the **** of death's hand also began to charge. .

Straight to summer.

Although Greedy Wolf and others all sensed the situation here.

But none of them came to support them.

Because before the war.

Summer has already agreed with each of them, in order to avoid confusion, no matter what happens to others, they can't help, can't go to support, especially when something happens here in summer, they can't be bothered. because the summer itself is a special person, many of his means are unimaginable by others.

also possible.

This is a trap.

All they need to do is believe that summer is over.

"After the summer is over, the others will be a mob!!!" Zero's face showed an excited look.

The battle is finally over.

Although he died alone, as long as he is careful next, not only can he completely defeat these people, but he may also be able to control a few more, as well as cosmic mechas, as well as the secrets of these people.

After all, he still made money.

A thought here.

Zero is happier.

The scythe of the **** of death has been swung to Xia's side, and it will soon devour Xia Xia completely.

at this time.

Summer suddenly raised his hand.

【Promise, attract! ! 】

For a moment.

The body of the **** of death was sucked by Xia Xia forcibly, and he found that his body couldn't move, no matter how much he resisted, he couldn't stop his body.


His dantian couldn't move either.

He couldn't take back his attack.

Summer just disappeared in place.

There is no spatial fluctuation.

Nor is it an imprint.

"No trace teleportation actually exists!!!" Soul was stunned for a moment.

He didn't go to see Death, because he already knew what happened to Death.

The sickle of the **** of death can directly kill spirits. In his life, he has killed many people with this skill, and even killed several spirits. Today, he can be regarded as self-sufficient.


This situation.

No one can save the **** of death.

"No!!" The **** of death let out an unwilling Zero also seemed to be stupid, and he also understood that this was something that no one could do.

Death Scythe.

Full of lethality.

It is precisely because no one can survive the attack of the Death Scythe that he is so invincible.


He himself could not survive.

"Second!!" Xia Xia's voice, like a devil, entered everyone's ears.

When the Shenji people heard these three words, their hearts trembled one by one. They had just seen the huge death scythe and the death of the death itself.

And the brothers on the summer side are now very high morale.

They also understand that they don't need to do anything at all next, they just need to lie down and win, hold the opponent in front of them, and wait for the summer to harvest! !

"Who should I choose next?" Xia Xia said in a flat tone.

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