The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2291: next step

Remember [] for a second,!

"Senior Taihao!!!" Xia Xia looked at Taihao.

"Why don't you choose Yang, such a good thing, how can you think of me?" Tai Hao already understood what Xia Xia meant.

Xia Xia wanted to use his divine soul to enter the soul's body now.

"Because you are the most suitable person to enter his body, and I am a person who speaks my mind. Since I promised him that I want him to have a godhead one day, among these people, you are the only one who has the best chance!!!" Xia Tian reminded.

These spirits here actually died abnormally.

So their lifespans are not at their limit.

However, after resurrection, those who used to live for 10,000 years can only have a hundred years left, which is also the consumption after death.

Only 1% of the lifespan is retained.

Of course.

Life crystals can extend their lives, but the result is the same, a lifespan of 10,000 years can only extend their lives for a hundred years at most. .

"Tai Hao, the two of us are different. You are the kind of person who is eager to move the world, and I am a person who is content with the status quo. I never thought that I would still have a chance to live. What kind of mission is to find a way to nurture my master little by little and become his guardian!!!" Yang said with emotion.

Everyone's dreams are different.

The paths they will take in the future will also be different.

What Taihao pursued back then was the ancient immortal world, the immemorial immortal world, and higher realms.

But central is different.

What Yang pursued back then was comfort.

Otherwise, with his talent back then, his realm would definitely not be lower than Taihao.

"Unexpectedly, we still have a chance to be resurrected!!" The spirits were also very surprised.

These people don't know how they feel now.

"Thanks for the great kindness, we will be resurrected in the future, let us send you!!" All the spirits are also very grateful to Xia Xia.

"No, everyone has helped me a lot during this time, not only pointing me a lot, but also pointing out my brothers, without everyone's pointing, I am afraid my brothers and I would not be today, so please also After everyone recovers, go find your own life, and if you are of any use in the future, you can come to me at any time!!" Xia Xia bowed to everyone.

Taihao directly entered the body of the soul.

"Before you were a soul, but from now on, you are Taihao until I fulfill your wish or I die!!" Taihao is still a person who cares about sovereignty very much.

Whose name he thinks to use.

who will represent.

"Okay!!" The soul did not refuse, as long as it was still alive, it was enough.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm not dead, I'll help you get a godhead!!" Tai Hao nodded slightly.


Summer sighed.

After the matter was settled this time, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and he informed everyone as soon as possible.

It's done.

When everyone knows it's done.

Also very surprised.

If this sentence hadn't been told to them by Xia Xia, they really couldn't believe it.

at last.

They still waited until the summer.

After hearing what Xia Xia said to them personally, they were truly relieved.

"Mr. Xia, then we..."

"That treasure is not something you can find. Let me put it this way. Even if he brought you in for nothing before, he has the experience of his ancestors, and the best result is that the people you enter except him and the soul will die. , But even if he has experience, the treasure of that level is not fixed. There, if there is any mistake, it will fall, but I don't want to hinder your heart to hunt for treasure. Next, I will introduce it to If you are sure about your situation in the future, you can go there with confidence!!" Xia Xian had promised these people before that he would tell them about the treasure, so he would not break his promise.

Although everyone heard how dangerous this invitation was, they didn't want to give up casually.

At this time, they were also interested when they heard Xia Xia's words.

"The treasure you are going to is called Miracle, and Zero will name your organization the God Machine, which is also to symbolize. The danger I know temporarily is that there are some special bugs that can pierce every part of your body instantly, no matter what you are. It's useless to escape to where the body node of the body node wants to escape. It can be said that there is nowhere to escape. There are also statues. There are many statues that look beautiful and dangerous, but in fact, those statues are also very It's dangerous, and it's easy to get lost inside, so you can get lost forever. Even if it's a sixth-level spirit, if you touch the danger in it, you'll be instantly killed. As for the specific location, it's in our Shenzhou, and there are coordinates on it. !!" Xia Xia handed each of them a piece of jade slip.

After listening to Xia Xia's words, everyone nodded, and then several people bowed their hands to Xia Xia.

"Everyone!!" Summer raised his hand.

The crowd stopped.

"If you meet my brothers in the future, if they do something wrong, please look at my face and give them a way to live!!" Xia Xia bowed deeply to several people.

He didn't say that a few people should not care about his brother.

It's about giving them a way out.

This phrase has many meanings.

It means that if you meet in the future, and there is a real conflict, you can fight, but please don't kill people.

Several people are very afraid of Xia Xia, they naturally dare not touch Xia Xia's brother.

Say it this summer.

Of course they wouldn't say anything.

But Xia's attitude towards them also made them feel respected.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xia!!" Everyone left this time.

this battle.

The **** machine suffered heavy losses.

When it came mighty.

A group of powerful spirits.

But now.

A few died, and although the remaining people were powerful, it was clear that these people also saw outsiders, heaven and earth.

"Xiamen, this time, thank you so much!!" Greedy Wolf bowed his hands.

"What are you talking about? This time, I also have my element in it. If I watch the two of you die here, the magic machine will come to me in the next step. This battle is inevitable. , instead of passively waiting for them to come to the door, it is better to collide with the other party while we are in the strongest state. Although it seems that we won very easily this time, in fact, if the other party is not afraid of death, From the very beginning, if we have a few less spirits, then we must lose!!" Although Xia Xia won, he did not think that he really had the ability to completely disintegrate the behemoth of the divine machine.

There are too many people relying on the right time and place.

"Then what are your plans for the next step?" Greedy Wolf asked.

"Back to Earth!!"

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