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Chapter 1206: did i let you go

When he heard the price of this medicine pill, Xia Tian raised his hand directly, 110 million.

This elixir is exactly what he needs most. Although this elixir will deplete his life, just like what Mr. Chen said, disabled people always want to stand up, and Xia Xia also hopes that his injury will get better soon.

In this way, when the Tongtian Outer Cave is opened, he can guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

If the injury is not good, then he is likely to die there.

Once something happened to him, he wouldn't be the one who died, and he didn't want his closest people to have an accident because of him.

Therefore, he is determined to win this internal injury pill.

As soon as Xia Xia shot, the face of the five elders of the Yao family had a vicious look: "Stinky boy, do you want this medicine pill? How could we give it to you? We are richer than our Yao family, and Lao Tzu is better than death. you."

"Really? You only have one chance to increase the price. I hope you dare to set a high price." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Hey, boy, the most important thing in our Yao family is money. You look like you really want to get this medicine pill, so I won't let you get it." Five hundred million!"

Five hundred million!

When they heard the price, all the people on the scene were stunned.

This price has far exceeded the value of the medicine pill. The reason why they paid the 500 million yuan is to prevent Xia Tian from getting the medicine pill. They are going to tear their face with Xia Xia.

Last time, the people from the pharmacist wanted to buy it, and the price was raised in the summer.

Now it's Xia Xia's turn to buy medicine, and the Yao family's people have raised the price. At this time, just like the situation just now, Xia Xia has been talking about dealing with the medicine family. If he can't afford the price now, it means that Xia does not have the strength.

What he just said was bragging.

So now is the time to show strength.

Xia Xia doesn't care about his performance. What he cares about is the medicinal pill. He is determined to get this medicinal pill. Is he short of money?

He won 300 billion US dollars last time in Las Vegas. Although he donated 100 billion US dollars to the disaster area, he still has 200 billion dollars left. The 200 billion US dollars he intends to build a new countryside in China.

However, it takes time to build, so most of the two hundred billion dollars have not been used now.

The five elders of the Yao family want to be richer than Xia Xia, which is simply one day at a time.

"Only 500 million? The dignified Yaojia Wu Lao only paid 500 million after pretending to be a B. It really made me laugh." Xia Xia said with great disdain.

"Boy, take out the money if you can, instead of talking to us here." The third child of the Yao family looked at Xia Xia contemptuously.

"Hey, Bai Pao, I ordered you three internal injury pills for more than 2 billion." Xia Xia said directly.

Two billion!


Everyone took a deep breath.

It is simply too terrifying to spend two billion in the summer.

"Boy, you're bragging and you don't even make drafts, but you actually said two billion, and it's not worth that money if you sell it." The third child of the Yao family said.

"The money has arrived." At this moment, the white robe on the stage said.

Account arrived!

Hearing Bai Pao's words, everyone was stunned.

2 billion, to actually get the account when it comes to the account, this is too terrifying, even those well-known entrepreneurs can’t say that they will pay 2 billion all of a sudden, but now the summer is actually All of a sudden, two billion were taken out.

Even the old man Chen looked at Xia Tian with an incredible look on his face.

Chen Yuan never thought that summer could be so rich.

Xu Xiaozhi had always thought that Xia Xia was just a second-generation rich, but now she understands that she was wrong. The second-generation rich can say that if they spend 2 billion, they will give 2 billion. Even the rich generation can't do it.

But summer did it.

He actually took out 2 billion at will, and he used the facts to slap the third child of the Yao family in the face.

The third child of the Yao family said just now that there is no money in summer, but now he has taken it out in summer, and he has taken out two billion in one fell swoop.

"I don't have that many now." Bai Pao said.

"It's okay, you should know when I need it." Xia Xia said to Bai Pao.

"Okay, I'll find you then." Bai Pao nodded.

"Okay." Summer said.


Xia Xia bought four internal injury pills for 500 million.

Although he only got one internal injury pill now, there must be a way to get the remaining three white robes.

"I have to remind you that I have seen a person who has eaten up to three internal injury pills, and he died after taking it, so be careful yourself." Bai Pao said in a hoarse voice.

"En." Summer nodded.

Xia Xia knew that once he took this thing, he was wasting his life. Although his strength was good, he definitely couldn't take more of this medicine pill. The reason why he wanted a few more pills was just in case.

This way he can also have a little more trump card.

The people here are all Taishan Beidou in the medical world, and they all know that the five elders of the Yao family are cruel and ruthless.

This time, the five elders of the medicine family were planted.

They have been completely abused by the summer in their momentum.

At this time, the faces of the five elders of the Yao family were flushed, and they didn't know whether they should go or They just ridiculed that Xia Xian had no money, but Xia Xia actually took out two billion, which is simply horrible.

"Let's go." The boss of the Yao family said in a low voice.

Then the five elders of the Yao family walked directly outside.

"Did I let you go?" Xia Tian said directly at this moment, and the air in the entire space seemed to condense when he heard Xia Xia's words.

Originally, the people around thought that as soon as the five elders of the Yao family left, this time the matter was over, but they did not expect that Xia Xia would dare to let them stay. As soon as his words came out, it meant the start of a war.

It's not easy to offend the five elders of the Yao family, and even the old man Chen wouldn't dare to really tear his face with them.

But Xia Tian dared to talk to them like that.

Not even letting go.

"Boy, do you want to court death?" The third child of the Yao family looked at Xia Xia angrily.

The five elders of the Yao family stopped in their tracks. All five of them looked at Xia Xia with fierce eyes. At this time, everyone in the room understood that today's events could not be better. The five elders of the medicine family were real this time. Angry.

"You can leave if you want, but you must leave something behind." Xia Xia said lightly.

leave something.

Xia Xia's words are simply too arrogant. He actually wants to let the five elders of the Yao family leave something, which means that some objects are cut off from the body. This is simply provoking the five elders of the medicine family.

"Humph! Boy, I'm already angry. If you can get out of here today, I'll take your surname." The third child of the Yao family was furious.

"Just because you are worthy of my surname?" Xia Xia shook his head disdainfully.

"Boy, since you are courting death, I will fulfill you." The third child of the Yao family rushed directly to Xia Xia.

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