The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1214: Pirates

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&& poof!

&&&& Just for a moment, another mobile phone of Vasily flew up.


&&&&A scream came out of Vasily's mouth.


&&&&His second arm was also broken.

&&&& On this trip to China, he directly gave away two of his arms, one was beheaded by Xia Xia, who ranked second in the ranking, and the other was beheaded by Greedy Wolf, who ranked third in the ranking.

&&&&This is the harvest of his trip to China.

&&&& "I won't kill you, I want you to survive, I want you to see with your own eyes that the gap between me and you is getting bigger and bigger, you can only follow me all your life, you are just me It's just a stepping stone to the peak of life." Greedy Wolf kicked Vasily on the body, and then walked directly into the distance.

&&&& Vasily was left alone in the dark streets.

&&&& "Ah! Ah!" Vasili's mouth roared unwillingly.

&&&& Greedy Wolf is no longer the Greedy Wolf who lost to him within 30 moves. This time, Greedy Wolf broke one of his arms with only one move, although he was still injured, and after losing one arm His strength also dropped again.

&&&& But he didn't fall into a situation where he could be defeated by one move.

&&&& He is now greedy wolf changed.

&&&& At this time, the greedy wolf has undergone tremendous changes in both strength and momentum.

&&&& Watching the figure of Greedy Wolf leaving, Vasily had a vicious look on his face.

&&&& "Greedy Wolf, I will turn your bones to ashes sooner or later." Vasily gritted his teeth with bloodshot eyes.

&&&& After the summer training camp ended, the instructor kept praising Xia Xia, and Xia Xia also successfully asked for leave. He originally thought that after asking for leave, he would be able to take a good rest, but he was wrong.

&&&&His cell phone rang again.

&&&& "Long, what are your orders?"

&&&& "How is your boy's body now? Can you fight?"

&&&& "Don't worry, always be ready."

&&&& "Okay, now something happened. In the South China Sea, a fisherman was caught by pirates while fishing. The pirates asked us to exchange a warship for hostages. You know that once we exchange, then It means the majesty of the country is lost, and they will definitely have a second, third."

&&&& "Well, this mission is a bit troublesome. I definitely won't be able to take them at sea, and it must be very difficult to find their nest. Even if they are found, how to rescue them is also a problem."

&&&& "I found a naval warfare expert for you, she will pick you up when you arrive in the South China Sea."

&&&&"All right!"

&&&& Summer nodded.

&&&& He went to the dragon group again, selected two more official members from the dragon group, and gave them weapons.

&&&& Then I went to the South China Sea alone in the summer.

&&&&After taking the internal injury pill, all his injuries have been healed.

&&&& I heard that there are pirates everywhere in the Pacific Ocean, and some pirates even founded their own countries, but those pirates are very careful, because if they are too high-profile, the navy will send warships to fight.

&&&& If ten warships bombed an island together, the entire island would be razed to the ground.

&&&& So pirates are generally fighting guerrillas. They have several islands as shelters, but those particularly hidden islands are rarely seen.

&&&&Even the navy can’t search like this from island to island. Even if you search for hundreds of years, you can’t find it all, and you can’t find it if you search for others and then log on to 6.

&&&& Piracy in the South China Sea is relatively rampant near the Pacific Ocean.

&&&& Naval battle strength, Huaxia is not the best, which is the reason for donating the aircraft carrier in the summer. During World War II, the island country and the United States had a naval battle, and the island country fought with two aircraft carriers against more than ten aircraft carriers in the United States.

&&&& finally won.

&&&& It can be seen that naval warfare is also a technique.

&&&& And some of those pirates wandering at sea were the navy that fled back then.

&&&&When summer arrives at its destination.

&&&& A woman in an officer's uniform came over, her eyes glanced at Xia Xia, Xia Xia also looked at her, her age should be around 30 years old, she was very beautiful, but she didn't change anything. The makeup gives a pure beauty.

&&&&The emblem on her body is Brigadier General.

&&&& That means she is a brigadier-level naval officer.

&&&& Strength is not to be underestimated.

&&&& "You are the one sent from above?" the female brigadier general asked.

&&&& "Yes." Summer nodded.

&&&& "Isn't it great!" said the female brigadier general.

&&&& "Wen Neng can put a wife on the bed, and you can also raise your hips to welcome the crowd." Xia Xia threw a wink at the female brigadier general.

&&&& "I really don't understand how they sent a rogue like you here." The female brigadier general glared at Xia Xia.

&&&& "Beauty, don't attack me personally, I'm just a little lustful, I'm a rogue, I'm a rogue, what are you doing?" Xia Xia said very unconvinced. At this time, he put his hands on his hips and held a Pink hood.

&&&& The female brigadier general's eyes were placed on Xia Xia's hand: "Hey, why is it so familiar, no, why is it so relaxed on the chest."

&&&& "You talk about it, why am I being a hooligan." Xia Xia felt very uncomfortable, why did he become a hooligan.

&&&& "What are you holding in your hand?" The female brigadier general looked at Xia Xia with a gloomy expression.

&&&& "Oh, you said it, I got it from you just now, don't change the subject with me, why am I a hooligan for you?" Xia Xia looked at the female brigadier general aggressively.

&&&&At this time, the female brigadier general's face became colder and colder.

&&&& "Stinky hooligan, I'm going to kill you." The female brigadier general was about to be mad.

&&&&She has never seen someone like Xia Holding her hood in her hand, she actually asked her what a rogue was.

&&&& "Don't be so angry, I was sent on a mission for a long time. If you kill me, who will save people." Xia Xia said with a smile.

&&&& "You rascal, how could the chief send someone like you here." The female brigadier general said angrily.

&&&& "He must be wise, but should you give me a detailed introduction to the situation?" Xia Xia's eyes were placed on the female brigadier general's chest. At this time, there was no hood restraint, and the two naughty little grapes had already Printed on the military short sleeves.

&&&&Perspective eyes opened involuntarily.

&&&& The scenery in front of you is infinitely good.

&&&& Summer's whole eyes are straight.

&&&& "Stinky hooligan, what are you looking at? Look again, and I'll goug out your eyes." The female brigadier general said angrily, she had never seen such a shameless person before. In her eyes, Xia Xia was a downright stinky hooligan .

&&&& "You have wronged me, I have been thinking about things, I have been thinking about how to save people, I was so absorbed in thinking just now that I didn't see anything." Xia Xia said righteously.

&&&& But at this time, a blood line flowed out of the nostrils of summer.


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