The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1225: you go first

There are many people guarding around the dungeon.

Some of those people are standing at high places to watch, some people are guarding below, and the distance between them is very far, this is to avoid being killed together, the advantage of standing like this is that once someone has an accident, other people You can sound the alarm.

When Long Xiaoxiao saw that Xia Xia was out, she had no choice but to follow.

I saw that after Xia Xia went out, he threw more than ten silver needles in different directions with both hands at the same time, and then the bodies of those people fell down, and he started very fast.

In a split second, he started to kill, and he killed all of them at the same time, so that no one could sound the alarm, Long Xiaoxiao was shocked by Xia Xia's tactics.

But just then the alarm went off.

"Well?" Xia Xia's brows suddenly wrinkled. He has confirmed that there are absolutely no other people around here, but the alarm still goes off. This is not normal. There is no one here. How did the alarm go off? what about?

"Oops, I forgot to tell you, this is the most common sea wind sensor alarm at sea. As long as these people leave their positions, the alarms around them will sound." Long Xiaoxiao had seen this kind of alarm before.

However, the battle between them and the pirates was very easy, and there was no need to pay attention to any alarms, so although she had seen it, she did not study this thing carefully, and she did not take it seriously.

"Save people first." Xia Xia ran directly to the ground cage.

When he came to the ground cage, a golden light flashed in his right hand, and the iron cage was directly broken open by him. At this time, there were more than 30 people locked in it. When they saw someone coming to save them, they kept shouting.

Xia Xia put down the iron ladder next to it. When the iron ladder was put down, those people desperately wanted to rush up one by one. They all wanted to be the first to come up. All of a sudden everyone was desperately climbing up, and some people climbed up. The man behind pulled him down.

When faced with the critical moment of life and death, these people no longer knew each other before, and they all wanted to rush up first.

"Md, give it to me one by one. If anyone dares to rush, I will kill him." Xia Xia suddenly shouted, and when he finished shouting, those people were stunned for two seconds, and then they continued to charge up.

Xia Xia jumped and kicked the person who was pulling someone else directly.


That person was directly kicked out by Summer.

Seeing such a scene, other people dare not grab it anymore.

"Miss Brigadier General, continue from above." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and then he lifted a person with one hand and threw them up one by one. Long Xiaoxiao stood on the top to catch the people who were thrown up by Xia Xia.

While some people climbed up, they threw them in the summer, so the speed of going up was very fast, but the sound of the alarm had already attracted the people of the Big Shark Pirates, and all of them rushed here in an instant.

"They're here!" Long Xiaoxiao frowned, dozens of people had come around at this time, the person in the lead frowned, his eyes scanned around those people, and then he said angrily: "Where are the people? Where did everyone go?"

"Shark, is this your pirate group?" a one-eyed man beside the big shark pirate group said disdainfully.

"Laughing." The leader of the Big Shark Pirates said coldly.

"This is not a joke. Your big shark pirate group really disappointed me. Even when the alarm sounded, so many people came. Are the other people just decorations?" The one-eyed man kept shaking his head.

"One-eyed, I said, as long as this incident is successful, then my pirate group will be able to own Huaxia's warships, and I will definitely join your subordinates at that time." The head of the big shark said.

"Now that the forces in the Pacific are in turmoil, I advise you to prepare early, and look at what your people are like. The alarm has been ringing for so long, but only a few people have come. Your big shark pirate group has nearly 1,000 people. Humans, but less than 40 people have come so far, what are the others doing?" One-eyed reprimanded directly.

The head of the big shark also felt very upset. According to normal circumstances, those people should have come out long ago, but why didn't they come out today, especially when One Eye came to talk about things.

This is simply hitting him in the face. He was still talking about the price with the one-eyed one just now, saying how many people in his pirate group and how strong the fighting quality is, but now his subordinates are so ineffective.

The chat content between the head of the big shark and the one-eyed two people has always been about the members of the big shark pirate group, and the two of them directly ignored the summer.

"You guys chat first, I'm leaving." Xia Xia was about to leave after speaking.

The reason why the leader of Big Shark ignored Xia Xia was because he only saw Xia Xia and Long Xiaoxiao. This was the headquarters of the Big Shark Pirates. He absolutely did not believe that Xia Xia and Long Xiaoxiao could walk out of here alive.

That's why he ignored the summer and them.

Now he is leaving in the He naturally can't let it go: "You are Huaxia's agents, right? Since you are here, let's stay together. It just so happens that I can also have a bargaining chip with Huaxia."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm here to save people, not to stay here to live, so I appreciate your kindness," Xia Xia said.

"Well?" The leader of the big shark pirate group didn't wrinkle immediately. He didn't expect that someone who was not afraid of death would come today, but he didn't care whether he was afraid of death in the summer: "There are thousands of people on my island, don't you think? Think you can save them all from a thousand people?"

"Thousands?" Xia Tian stretched out his fingers to check the enemies in front of him.

Seeing Xia Xia's actions, the head of the big shark pirate group became even more angry. One-eyed told him about it just now, but Xia Xian is still clearly investigating, which is simply too much.

"You're looking for death? But don't worry, I'll make your life worse than death." The leader of the Big Shark Pirates said coldly, looking at Xia Xia.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Your other subordinates are all having diarrhea now. I'm afraid they can't support you." Xia Xia said.

"What? You did it." The head of the big shark pirate group suddenly looked angry, he finally found the reason, he said why the alarm sounded for so long, so many people came, it turned out that his people were arrested This nasty guy in front of him took a laxative.

How could he bear it.

He lost someone in front of One Eye, and he also lost the bargaining chip. This is the most depressing thing for him. Now that he knows that it was done in the summer, he naturally can't let the summer go.

"You go first, just leave the people here to me." Xia Xia said very casually.

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