The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1235: The Wandering Isle

"The Wandering Island? What is that?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"It is the largest trading island nearby, and the largest trading center in the entire Pacific Ocean. It is said that the owner here is very mysterious, and no one knows who the owner is here, but this Wandering Island can be so chic in the Pacific Ocean. It can be seen that it is not simple, the entire Pacific Ocean, including the ninth-level pirate group, sometimes trades there, and even the navies of various countries often trade here." One Eye said.

"Oh?" Xia Xia raised his head. He also became interested in this Wandering Island. There is such a unique place in the Pacific Ocean.

Logically speaking, this kind of place must have been targeted for a long time, and even those people will attack this island and rob the island of money and goods, but this island will actually become the trade center of the Pacific Ocean.

This is incredible.

It's like a cake placed in front of a group of evil spirits.

"The Wandering Island is very mysterious. Although there are often people fighting on it, no matter what the fight is, it will not affect the Wandering Island. If someone dares to go directly above to rob the store, that person will definitely die here. On the island, although no one knows who did it, there used to be an eighth-level pirate group. They thought they were very strong. After they saw a treasure, they went straight to grab it. In the end, the pirate group was directly destroyed. Now, the treasure that was robbed was put in its place the next day." One-eyed said lightly.

"Eighth-level pirate group!" Xia Xia's brows suddenly wrinkled. He knows the power of the eighth-level pirate group. If Xia Xia is alone to deal with the eighth-level pirate group, unless it is a sneak attack, if he fights head-on, he has a chance to win. Hardly, although he can fly on water looks great, but in fact, as long as he is hindered, he will fall into the water.

Just like just now.

As soon as he was shaken by the waves, he could not successfully board the boat.

But even if it is such a skill, only Xia Xia and Bai Yu can do it in the entire China.

"That's right." One-eyed said, "Someone once said that it is better to offend the ninth-level pirate group than to offend the Wandering Island, because the ninth-level pirate group may be too lazy to pay attention to you because you are too weak, but the Wandering Island The difference is that they either don’t make a move, as long as they make a move, it is definitely a secret move and then destroys the opponent.”

"There is still such an interesting place. It seems that I have to take a good look at it." Xia Tian smiled slightly, and he stayed like this kind of interesting place.

"It was the last place to go to the mysterious area, and there must be a lot of people there now," said One Eye.

"The last place to stay? Then I'm afraid everyone who came to find the treasure this time will pass there recently. With such a large group of people gathered together, it would be **** if there was no liveliness." Xia Xia felt that things became more and more interesting.

"That's good, then everything should be careful." One-eyed said and left.

Lying there in the summer, he began to study the sky strike technique. The wordless scripture is a secret treasure, but it is still difficult for him to learn the last set of Tathagata Palms. A little bit of the door of the Tathagata's palm.

In this way, if the opportunity comes in the future, he can learn one and a half moves of the Tathagata's Palm, and maybe he will have the power to fight against the masters of the prefecture level Dzogchen. Although Xia Xia has many means, but those means are used to deal with the late prefecture level and below. There are a lot of people, but when facing the late-stage masters at the prefecture level, he has to use sneak attacks and other hand breaks.

Although they are also masters at the late stage of the prefecture level, the gap between the late stage of the prefecture level is also very large. Some people can kill in one move in the summer, but some people are very powerful.

In the previous summer, I had encountered those strong men several times, including the gladiator in Rome, Spartak.

There is also the number one killer on the list.

Although these people are all at the late stage of the prefecture level, Xia Xia has no chance to deal with the killing god, and the killing **** will not even use any moves to defeat Xia Xia.

So summer must also improve their strength.

He now has several kinds of martial arts that can be regarded as martial arts for dealing with late-stage masters at the prefecture level, such as Lingxi Finger, Dragon Catching, and Heaven Strike.

Although these skills are amazing skills.

But in summer, the time to practice is still very short.

Therefore, he cannot cultivate these kung fu to the highest level. If he is given fifty years, any of these kung fu can fight against masters at the level of the Great Perfection at the prefectural level, and even gain an advantage.

But summer doesn't have that time, and his enemies won't give him that long.

Genius, once you fight with a real powerhouse, it is absolutely unfair. It is unfair in terms of time to fight against those old monsters in Xia Tian, ​​because Xia Xian is only less than twenty years old, but those old monsters are all four. Fifty years old, even hundreds of years old.

But the real battle is not fair at all, and the opponent will not let you go because you are young.

Even if Xia Xia has stepped into the list of people, he does not dare to be careless. After all, the list of people only says that he will become a strong person in the future, not a strong person now.

Moreover, he is only the second person on the list, and there is also a killing **** who is the number one person on the list.

The one-eyed king pirate group was traveling very fast, because they had too many ships, so even if a pirate group appeared nearby, they would immediately avoid it, and even the fish were scared away.

A day later, the boat stopped.

Xia Xia also opened his eyes, the destination has arrived, so he also needs to be prepared.

"Mr. is up?" One-eyed knocked on the door.

"Get up." Summer said.

"Then let's go. This time, our people on the island just replenished food and water. We can go to the island with the boss. There are many treasures on this island, and I don't know who they are. Where did you get it from? No matter where it is, there are special products here. The most precious food at sea is the food that is only available on land. You can buy it here, but the price is very expensive. There are very few pirate groups that spend so much money on land food." One Eye said proudly.

This is his glory. Although there are many pirate groups in the Pacific Ocean, the food on land is very luxurious here. Even the seventh-level pirate group usually only buys a small part, which is used by the captain to entertain the distinguished guests. .

"It's really expensive." Xia Xia was even more looking forward to landing on the Wandering Island, but he wanted to see how sacred the Wandering Island was.

"Deputy captain, the boss asked me to come over and ask if we can land now? We have paid the money for stopping the ship." A subordinate said at the door.


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