The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1237: Flying Fish Pirates

Xia Xia discovered that those who walked aggressively were actually some newbies and low-level pirate groups.

The large number of pirates are generally four or five pirates. Although they have a large number, most of them are not very strong, and they are fully armed, as if they will fight at any time, about twenty people is the sixth pirate group. , Although there are not many people here, all of them are good players, or wanted criminals from various countries.

They also carry weapons, but their weapons are simple.

Generally, it looks like a team of around seven or eight people is the seventh-level pirate group. Few of them come out with weapons, but once they do, they are a terrifying figure.

Most of them have wounds on their bodies, some on their faces, some on their bodies, and they don't hide their scars at all, because these scars are war results for them.

They use these scars to tell everyone that they are people who have lived and died.

There are also many people who act alone, and their identities are very mysterious. Among the three of them in the summer, the one-eyed and the one-eyed king both have one eye missing, and the one-eyed has no weapons, and the one-eyed king's There is a pistol on the waist. The pistol is not an ordinary one, but a modified super pistol. It has a fast rate of fire, a long range and strong power.

He usually rarely shoots, but once he does, few people can escape.


At this moment, a group of people came over from behind. There were about 100 people in this group, and they walked very neatly.

"Hmph, people from the island nation." The One-Eyed King snorted coldly. Although the group did not wear military uniforms, the One-Eyed King could tell at a glance that they lived in the Pacific Ocean, so they naturally knew the navies of various countries.

Especially the navy of island countries, the navy of island countries will deal with pirates as an exercise, their navy is very powerful, once they target pirates, it will definitely be more fortunate.

The navy of the island country is not the kind of army that raises a grandfather. Each of them has undergone the most severe training. Whether it is a single soldier or a big battle, they all have one idea, that is their Bushido spirit.

During World War II, the navy of the island nation killed the monstrous American naval fleet with a strength gap of nearly ten times.

This is inseparable from their usual training.

The reason why the one-eyed king can't look down on the islanders is because his eyes were blinded by the island's navy, which was more than ten years ago.

"Forget it, boss, this is their sphere of influence, and it's not worth it to go against them." One-eyed persuaded him, but he knew his boss's temper. Every time he saw people from the island country, he thought.

Several times when the island nation's aircraft carrier patrolled the sea, he had to rush up to fight with others, and in the end, he was also held by one eye.

"Bah!" The one-eyed king spit, and glanced at the islanders with disdain. Most of the common language in the sea is English. Of course, there are also some pirates who are proficient in multiple languages. After all, these pirates are all are from all over the world.

"Well?" The officer of the island country felt the one-eyed king's hostility, and also saw the one-eyed king's disdainful expression, and immediately became angry: "Baga!"

"Eight nmb." The one-eyed king scolded directly.

Xia Xia and One Eye hurriedly stopped the One-Eyed King, and when they saw Xia Xia also stopped, the One-Eyed King was very puzzled. With Xia Xia's character, he should not stop himself, and Xia Xia was also a Chinese.

Chinese people hate islanders very much.

The one-eyed king looked at Xia Xia with a weird face, only to see a smile on his face, and then looked at the other party: "I'm sorry, my friend drank too much."

"Huh?" The officer of the island country obviously didn't understand Xia Xia's language, but he could see from Xia Xia's face that Xia Xian was apologizing, and his anger disappeared immediately.

The one-eyed king was even more puzzled.

Xia Xia was from China, but he actually apologized to the islanders, which was so confusing to him, but when he heard what Xia Xia said next, he understood.

I saw Xia Xia gave those islanders a thumbs up with a smile on his face, and then kept saying: "Your father is dead, your mother is dead, your whole family is dead, your island country's sons are blind, Your daughter will go out to sell, your uncles are all your fathers, and your grandfathers are your stepfathers."

Although those island people couldn't understand what Xia Xia said, but they saw Xia Xia gave them a thumbs up, and then kept laughing, they thought Xia Xia was complimenting them, so the island country officer said thank you in English.

Xia Xia greeted his family just now, and he actually said thank you to Xia Xia.

Seeing such an ending, the one-eyed king's anger disappeared, and the one-eyed smile was also on his face. I have to say that Xia Xia's move was too damaging. He scolded the other party, and the other party also thanked goodbye. "Xiamen waved to the island officer.

The island country officer also waved to Xia Xia and left. The island country officer was very happy now. Under normal circumstances, as long as they stepped on the Wandering Isle, many people would be hostile to them.

But today a pirate appeared to greet them and spoke so politely.

This gave him a great sense of achievement.

The sound of laughter could already be heard in the distance, because that was where the reception was held.

After arriving at the venue of the reception, a person at the door said, "As long as any of you can drink these three glasses of wine, you can enter for free, otherwise the admission fee is 10,000 US dollars per person."

Ten thousand dollars.

This is really a lion's mouth. It's not certain what wine to drink in. The other party actually started to ask for money.

"We can't drink your wine. I'll give you $30,000." One-eyed threw $30,000 directly, and then they entered this wine party. The wine party here is much more grand and crowded than those Oktoberfests in China. , the area here is also very large, as long as you like to drink, you will be able to find something that suits your taste here.

"Stinky blind man, you are here too." At this moment, someone shouted behind them in Xia Tian.

"Stinky fish, why can't I come, did you forget the pain of kicking your **** last time, and you dare to talk to me like that." The one-eyed king said disdainfully, the person opposite him was also the head of an eighth-level pirate regiment , the leader of the Flying Fish Pirates.

"Stinky blind man, how dare you mention what happened last time, well, how about we compare today?" The head of the Flying Fish Pirates said provocatively.

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