The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1243: you are summer

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>The best all-rounder

>Chapter 1241 You Are Summer Catalog Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1241 You Are Summer

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2441

?The fourth bottle!

Both of them had already drank the fourth bottle at this time. 35xs

The people around were completely boiled. It was said that the King of Wine could drink four bottles and they were not surprised at all, but they could also drink four bottles in summer, which made them feel incredible.

A person who can drink four bottles of sake is amazing, but in the summer he did it.

"What a terrifying amount of alcohol." The head of the Flying Fish Pirates praised.

"Four bottles. Judging from his current state, it's no problem to drink at least six bottles." The One-Eyed King saw that Xia Xia was in good shape, so he guessed the amount of alcohol in Xia Xia.

"But the wine king is in good condition now. He seems to have nothing at all. This is really a living monster. After drinking four bottles of sake, he is still like nothing." The head of the Flying Fish Pirates said with admiration.

Xia Xia is now standing beside the legendary wine king, and the distance between the two is only a few centimeters.

At the same time, Xia Tian smiled slightly: "I said I would drink you to death, then I would definitely drink you to death."

"Cut!" Legend has it that the wine king picked up the fifth bottle of wine. He was also a little emotional about the boy's drinking capacity. He didn't expect this boy's drinking capacity to be so good, but he was confident enough in his own way.

He believed that no matter how good the other party's drinking, it was impossible to win his own.

Summer also picked up a fifth bottle of wine. 35xs

"This bottle of wine should be regarded as your farewell." Xia Xia drank the wine in one sip. Seeing Xia Xia drank the wine, the legendary wine king also directly raised his head and drank the wine.

But at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes began to slack: "What!!"

"I didn't expect that your body has been transformed, and a tube is actually connected to the esophagus. This tube runs through your fingers, so the wine you drink has been excreted by your fingers. In this case, No matter how much you drink, you won't get drunk. People like you who can switch between the esophagus and the tube are really monsters, but when I got close to you just now, I destroyed the tube that connected to your esophagus, which means that the alcohol is now full. It has flowed into your body." Xia Xia said while looking at the other party with a smile.

Not only that, but Xia Xia quietly sealed his body, which means that all his organs are now unable to digest sake, so this strong sake will instantly turn into a deadly poison.

"You" Legend has it that the wine king's face was full of unwillingness, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Life is gone.

The reason why people feel drunk when they drink alcohol is because the body is digesting alcohol. Some people can drink more if they digest it well, and some people can drink less if their digestion is bad.

Some people think it is because of the spleen and kidney.

It's actually because of digestion.

If a person's body's ability to digest all disappears, then the alcohol will be completely blocked in the body, become highly poisonous, and finally die.

Now the wine king who left the record in this legend died in front of them like this.

"What!" The face of the leader of the island country was full of incredulity.

They all heard Xia Xia's words clearly. He naturally knew that his subordinates had been transformed by scientists, but he did not expect Xia Xia to discover this.

And Xia Xia actually broke the pipe, causing his subordinates to die.

Skill is not as good as people, he has nothing to say.

But now he has to face a very serious problem, that is gambling.

They just started betting on their lives.

"You lost." Xia Xia said to the leader of the island nation.

"Pretty, so that's what happened. I said why he didn't drink as if he didn't drink at all. It turned out that he was discharged." The head of the flying fish pirate group said excitedly, he saw the legendary wine king's feet and There is water all over the pants, and usually no one will notice this at all, because it is normal to have a little water at sea, and it will dry after a while.

But now that the summer has passed, they have all settled down.

The legends about the wine king and the records are all deceptive. He used this method to leave records.

The leader of the island country gritted his teeth: "Let's go."

"Wait, you seem to have made a mistake, we are betting on life and death." Xia Xia looked at the leader of the island country coldly.

"Hmph, I said it just now, if anyone regrets it, then they will never step into the Pacific Ocean. I will never step into the Pacific Ocean in the future." The leader of the island country is very smart. He has already prepared his trump card just now. The second sentence has no advantage for pirates, because once the pirates leave the Pacific, it is no different from death, but it is different if the islanders go back on their word.

They can live as much as they leave the Pacific.

"I also said that if you dare not keep your promise, I will kill you with my own hands." Xia Xia said.

"It's just you?" The leader of the island country instantly sounded the signal flare in his hand.

Calling someone, the island leader called someone.

"That's right, it's up to me." Xia Xia waved his right hand, Tianhan Sword appeared in his right hand, and then he walked towards the leader of the island country step by step.

"What are you doing? I warn you, this time we have thousands of people here. When I sent the signal just now, they have already rushed over, and there are our warships nearby. If you dare to touch me, you will also It is absolutely impossible to leave this island alive." The leader of the island nation warned.

"Really? Even though your island country has dispatched all the troops for a few months, I can still leave calmly, so what can you do to me now?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

In the territory of the island country, he can leave safely, let alone in the Pacific Ocean.

"A few months ago?" The face of the leader of the island country suddenly changed: "Who are you?"

"I am the nemesis of your island country, the dead Shura." Xia Xia said coldly.

"You are Summer!!" The face of the leader of the island country suddenly changed, and he finally understood that the person in front of him must be Xia Xia, the island country's number one war criminal, and he had heard of the horror of Xia Xia.

It can be said that all officers of the island nation have heard of this name.

It is also an existence that everyone hates to the core. In the summer, the air defense base of the island country was destroyed, and it also left a deep shame on the island country.

"That's right, it's me." Xia Tian pointed forward with his right hand.


When he heard this name, the face of the head of the Flying Fish Pirates changed. He finally knew why the One-Eyed King was secretive when he spoke, because Xia Xia's identity was really special.

Number two on the list!

Huaxia's senior military officer.

This is what they all know.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 1241: You are summer, the best all-around master - MTL Novel

?The fourth bottle!

Both of them had already drank the fourth bottle at this time. 35xs

The people around were completely boiled. It was said that the King of Wine could drink four bottles and they were not surprised at all, but they could also drink four bottles in summer, which made them feel incredible.

A person who can drink four bottles of sake is amazing, but in the summer he did it.

"What a terrifying amount of alcohol." The head of the Flying Fish Pirates praised.

"Four bottles. Judging from his current state, it's no problem to drink at least six bottles." The One-Eyed King saw that Xia Xia was in good shape, so he guessed the amount of alcohol in Xia Xia.

"But the wine king is in good condition now. He seems to have nothing at all. This is really a living monster. After drinking four bottles of sake, he is still like nothing." The head of the Flying Fish Pirates said with admiration.

Xia Xia is now standing beside the legendary wine king, and the distance between the two is only a few centimeters.

At the same time, Xia Tian smiled slightly: "I said I would drink you to death, then I would definitely drink you to death."

"Cut!" Legend has it that the wine king picked up the fifth bottle of wine. He was also a little emotional about the boy's drinking capacity. He didn't expect this boy's drinking capacity to be so good, but he was confident enough in his own way.

He believed that no matter how good the other party's drinking, it was impossible to win his own.

Summer also picked up a fifth bottle of wine. 35xs

"This bottle of wine should be regarded as your farewell." Xia Xia drank the wine in one sip. Seeing Xia Xia drank the wine, the legendary wine king also directly raised his head and drank the wine.

But at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes began to slack: "What!!"

"I didn't expect that your body has been transformed, and a tube is actually connected to the esophagus. This tube runs through your fingers, so the wine you drink has been excreted by your fingers. In this case, No matter how much you drink, you won't get drunk. People like you who can switch between the esophagus and the tube are really monsters, but when I got close to you just now, I destroyed the tube that connected to your esophagus, which means that the alcohol is now full. It has flowed into your body." Xia Xia said while looking at the other party with a smile.

Not only that, but Xia Xia quietly sealed his body, which means that all his organs are now unable to digest sake, so this strong sake will instantly turn into a deadly poison.

"You" Legend has it that the wine king's face was full of unwillingness, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Life is gone.

The reason why people feel drunk when they drink alcohol is because the body is digesting alcohol. Some people can drink more if they digest it well, and some people can drink less if their digestion is bad.

Some people think it is because of the spleen and kidney.

It's actually because of digestion.

If a person's body's ability to digest all disappears, then the alcohol will be completely blocked in the body, become highly poisonous, and finally die.

Now the wine king who left the record in this legend died in front of them like this.

"What!" The face of the leader of the island country was full of incredulity.

They all heard Xia Xia's words clearly. He naturally knew that his subordinates had been transformed by scientists, but he did not expect Xia Xia to discover this.

And Xia Xia actually broke the pipe, causing his subordinates to die.

Skill is not as good as people, he has nothing to say.

But now he has to face a very serious problem, that is gambling.

They just started betting on their lives.

"You lost." Xia Xia said to the leader of the island nation.

"Pretty, so that's what happened. I said why he didn't drink as if he didn't drink at all. It turned out that he was discharged." The head of the flying fish pirate group said excitedly, he saw the legendary wine king's feet and There is water all over the pants, and usually no one will notice this at all, because it is normal to have a little water at sea, and it will dry after a while.

But now that the summer has passed, they have all settled down.

The legends about the wine king and the records are all deceptive. He used this method to leave records.

The leader of the island country gritted his teeth: "Let's go."

"Wait, you seem to have made a mistake, we are betting on life and death." Xia Xia looked at the leader of the island country coldly.

"Hmph, I said it just now, if anyone regrets it, then they will never step into the Pacific Ocean. I will never step into the Pacific Ocean in the future." The leader of the island country is very smart. He has already prepared his trump card just now. The second sentence has no advantage for pirates, because once the pirates leave the Pacific, it is no different from death, but it is different if the islanders go back on their word.

They can live as much as they leave the Pacific.

"I also said that if you dare not keep your promise, I will kill you with my own hands." Xia Xia said.

"It's just you?" The leader of the island country instantly sounded the signal flare in his hand. UU Reading

Calling someone, the island leader called someone.

"That's right, it's up to me." Xia Xia waved his right hand, Tianhan Sword appeared in his right hand, and then he walked towards the leader of the island country step by step.

"What are you doing? I warn you, this time we have thousands of people here. When I sent the signal just now, they have already rushed over, and there are our warships nearby. If you dare to touch me, you will also It is absolutely impossible to leave this island alive." The leader of the island nation warned.

"Really? Even though your island country has dispatched all the troops for a few months, I can still leave calmly, so what can you do to me now?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

In the territory of the island country, he can leave safely, let alone in the Pacific Ocean.

"A few months ago?" The face of the leader of the island country suddenly changed: "Who are you?"

"I am the nemesis of your island country, the dead Shura." Xia Xia said coldly.

"You are Summer!!" The face of the leader of the island country suddenly changed, and he finally understood that the person in front of him must be Xia Xia, the island country's number one war criminal, and he had heard of the horror of Xia Xia.

It can be said that all officers of the island nation have heard of this name.

It is also an existence that everyone hates to the core. In the summer, the air defense base of the island country was destroyed, and it also left a deep shame on the island country.

"That's right, it's me." Xia Tian pointed forward with his right hand.


When he heard this name, the face of the head of the Flying Fish Pirates changed. He finally knew why the One-Eyed King was secretive when he spoke, because Xia Xia's identity was really special.

Number two on the list!

Huaxia's senior military officer.

This is what they all know.

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