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Chapter 1254: summer frenzy

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&&Knife Emperor Taiyi is different from other prefecture-level late-stage masters. He fights at sea all year round, and never Lax his practice on the knife, so he is very powerful in terms of experience and skills. Read the latest novel to the net[]

&&&&But the most important thing is the demon sword Murakami in his hand.

&&&&This knife seems to be alive.

&&&&It wasn't the sword emperor Taiyi who locked the summer just now, but the demon sword in his hand.

&&&&That is to say, no matter where Xia Tian hides, as long as he has not escaped from the tracking range of the demon sword, the sword emperor Taiyi can hit him.

&&&&The one-eyed king and the others had worried looks in their eyes. He was ready to let the people around him shoot and shoot. As long as Xia Xia was really injured, they would never look at him. .

&&&&Even if they complained about them after the summer, they recognized it.

&&&&They must not watch their brother die in front of their eyes, and they already regard Xia as a brother.

&&&&Seeing that Dao Huang Taiyi used another sword ghost.


&&&&At that moment, the sword ghost appeared in front of Xia Xia.

&&&&"Go to Lao Tzu!" Xia Xian shouted, at the same time, his left hand burned 100,000 medicinal pills, and then **** instantly pointed out, a pair of golden translucent gloves appeared in Xia Xia hand.

&&&& Xia Tian's finger was directly on the blade, and everyone thought that Xia Xia's finger would definitely be cut off by Dao Huangtai.


&&&&But at this moment, a powerful explosive force appeared at the intersection.

&&&&Knife Emperor Taiyi's body began to keep back The trick is indeed very dangerous, and even the summer should not be handled with care. Novel download

&&&&"En?" Dao Huang Taiyi looked at Xia Xia in surprise when he stabilized his body. If he hadn't played against people all year round, there would be no way to deal with it, but Xia Xia actually Broke his attack.

&&&& "What? He actually repelled all the admirals of the navy. It's amazing. How old is he? Did he start training from his mother's womb?" The people around said in surprise , they originally thought that the summer was already doomed, but they did not expect the summer to win, which is too exaggerated.

&&&&Just now, Taiyi's move was impeccable in their eyes, but Xia Xia actually broke the opponent's blow.


&&&&The power of the 100,000 medicinal pills burned in the summer has not been exhausted, so he rushed directly to Daohuang Taiyi, and pointed out again with **** on his left hand, because he was wearing golden silkworm gloves, so the next The person who only saw a golden light flashed.

&&&&Kao Huang Taiyi hurriedly slashed a knife.


&&&&The powerful force directly knocked back Dao Huang Taiyi by more than ten steps.


&&&&The Demon Sword Murakami made a trembling cry.

&&&&Summer did not rush to attack this time, because the burning power had been completely consumed.

&&&&"Damn!" Being repelled by Xia Xia twice in a row, Taiyi Dao Huang was completely angry, and now he can't wait to tear Xia Tian directly, he would be so embarrassed by Xia Xia twice.

&&&&His hands are a little numb now.

&&&&This shows how strong the impact was just now.

&&&&The people around were even more surprised. If the first time they could say that Xia was a coincidence or used some trump card, then the second time it was definitely not a coincidence, that is to say, Xia had been Neither uses real power.

&&&&The navy admirals of the island nation did not use their real strength, which is simply too terrifying.

&&&& "Who is he? Why have I never heard of this character, is it a member of the ninth-level pirate group?"

&&&&"No way, the cadres of the ninth-level pirate regiment are very famous, and we have all heard that this person seems to have come out of the two eighth-level pirate regiments just now. He should be a member of the eighth-level pirate group."

&&&&"The people of the eighth-level pirate regiment have the strength to fight against the admiral of the navy. It's really amazing."

&&&&Those people around know guess the identity of Xia Xia, because Xia Xia's strength is too mysterious and unpredictable, and he is still so young.

&&&&Knife Emperor Taiyi took the same posture again, but the blade in his hand was one point larger than before.

&&&& "Come back, grandma's." Xia Xian saw the movement of his feet and began to back quickly.

&&&&Knife Demon II!

&&&&Dao Huangtai slashed over, still so fast.



&&&&The distance between Xia Xia and Taiyi of the Emperor of the Sword is very far, and he is almost out of the attack range of Taiyi of the Emperor of the Sword of Swords. attack range.

&&&&But at this moment, something strange happened, and Taiyi's sword actually slashed at him again.

&&&&Slash twice in a row.

&&&&Bagua Step!

&&&&Xiamen's reaction was also very fast. The few blows just now were not in vain. He had already seen the drawbacks of Dao Huang Taiyi's move, that is, the attack distance is not far, as long as Xia Xia Dodge his attack distance, then he will have nothing to do with Xia Xia.

&&&&He uses this move to consume internal energy. If he continues to use it even if he knows he won't hit, he can only say that his head was kicked by the donkey.

&&&&"Idiot, your move is useless. As long as I escape your attack range, you will have nothing to do with me." Xia Xia directly explained the disadvantages of Dao Huang Taiyi's move. come out.

&&&&"You are courting death." Dao Huangtai's face turned cold. If Xia Xia said this, everyone here would know his weakness, and the sensation he could cause in the future would be very small.

&&&&In the past, when he played against others, if others knew his weakness, he would directly kill his opponent.

&&&&But there are too many people here now. UU reading www.

&&&&Sword Demon!

&&&&Knife Emperor Taiyi's body instantly burst out with a terrifying power, and there seemed to be a gray-brown aura around the whole body, and the demon sword Murakami in his hand seemed to be alive.


&&&&The Demon Sword Murakami is moving.

&&&&All the momentum is gradually integrated into the demon sword, and the demon sword is gradually getting bigger.

&&&&"Huh, you want to work hard? I'll accompany you." Xia Xia's left hand stretched out instantly, posing in a very strange posture. His five fingers were joined together to form a dragon. Claw pose.

&&&&At the same time, the tattoo on his arm instantly gathered the burning 300,000 medicinal pills into his left hand.

&&&&The final showdown is finally about to begin.

&&&&Everyone at the scene held their breath, they knew that this would be the last duel between the two, the key to victory and defeat, the one-eyed king and others were ready to shoot at any time , if Xia Tian loses, they will rush to help, and if Xia wins, then naturally there is no need to say anything, but if both loses, then they will take Xia quickly away, as for Dao Huang Taiyi, it will die. Undoubtedly, the people here are all vicious pirates.


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