The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1268: reputation

The five generals of the island nation are dead.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

In the summer, he killed the five generals of the island nation's navy in one move.

This is simply horrible.

Each of the five generals of the island nation's navy is super powerful, but Xia Xia actually killed these five terrifying guys with one move.

This time, everyone on the scene was shocked.

No matter where he goes, the man who pulls the wind is a bullshit, and summer is obviously such a person.

He is the man who pulls the wind.

Some people have seen the battle between Xia Xia and the five major generals of the island country before. The battle was still very fierce at that time. Xia Xia took so much effort to deal with the five major futures, but now, Xia Xia actually killed the five major naval forces of the island country in an instant. Will.

Didn't he use all his strength before?

This conjecture made the people around him even more shocked. In their eyes, the image of Xia Xia instantly became very tall.

Killing a nameless navy admiral in one move, I am afraid that even the head of the ninth-level pirate regiment can't do it, but Xia Xia did it, and everyone remembered his name at this time.


Before, there were people who doubted whether the aircraft carrier was cut off by him. Now those people have no doubts, because Xia Xia's strength was too terrifying. They had heard that Xia was the island country's number one war criminal.

After these two events, summer will undoubtedly become the one that the islanders hate the most.

Xia Xia waved his right hand and directly put all the things on the five generals into his own small cauldron. Then he looked at the fleets of the surrounding navies. There are dozens of warships in the island country, and each warship is not used. Money can be measured.

Summer plans to use these battleships to try out the second layer of the second layer of the technique of Yaqi.

He held the airflow bead in his left hand, and then his internal force quickly mobilized in his two hands, his two hands stretched forward, and then clapped together forcefully.


The sound of hands clattering.


At this moment, the two island warships in front of Xia Xia collided directly, and the water flow under the warship also became faster, and the entire water flow seemed to have changed. Strong currents separated the two ships before they collided.


The two battleships collided directly and shattered, and then the ships began to enter the water, and the two island ships were destroyed like this.

Destroy the warship empty-handed.

This scene shocked everyone. Everyone present today saw this incredible thing. Before, the aircraft carrier was destroyed, and then the five generals of the island nation's navy were killed in seconds.

Now in the summer, the two warships are just destroyed by taking a shot at the air. What kind of ability is this? Superman?

Just when they were surprised, Xia Tian's hands stretched out again, in the same position as before.

As soon as they saw this posture, the people around them all opened their mouths.

Because the two island warships were sunk by this posture in the summer just now, and now the summer is actually in this posture again, that is to say, there will be another island warship to be unlucky.


Xia Xia's two hands clapped together, and then a voice came, and everyone looked at the two island battleships in front of Xia Xia, when everyone set their eyes on those two battleships.


The two island-country battleships collided again, exactly the same as before, and the two island-country battleships were silent in the sea.

This time everyone is sure, everything just now is what summer did.

"He's become so powerful, it's too terrifying." The one-eyed king and the others said in surprise.

"Stinky blind man, we have found a big backer." The head of the Flying Fish Pirates said with his mouth open.

"No, he is not a backer, but a brother." The one-eyed king said very seriously.


One after another voice came from the sea, and everyone was stunned by what they saw. The dozens of island country warships were smashed by Xia Xia.

Everyone was shocked at this point.

This battle!

Xia Xia's reputation spread all over the Pacific Ocean, and his reputation even surpassed those of the ninth-level pirate regiments, and this time the island country can be said to have suffered heavy losses. They sent a total of one aircraft carrier this time. Dozens of generals and major generals, dozens of warships, and thousands of navy.

But now everything is buried in the sea, and it is summer who does all this.

From today onwards, the naval defense of the island country will be greatly reduced. The reason why there were no pirates and various forces infiltrating the waters of the island country before is because there is the secret aircraft carrier and the five generals of the island country's navy.

Major Lieutenant Generals patrol.

But now that all is gone, the sea area of ​​the island nation that has lost so many powerful combat power will become a piece of scattered sand, and any force, big or small, can bully their island nation.

That's exactly what summer is for.

The corners of Xia Tian’s mouth slanted slightly. He didn’t expect the second-level profound meaning of the Eight Qi Technique to be so effective. The so-called second-level profound meaning is actually gravity, a very powerful This kind of gravity is very mysterious. yet powerful.

It was just the summer that used gravity to smash the two battleships together.

"This move is really useful, but unfortunately I'm not proficient, and this move is too restrictive, it takes three seconds to aim, if it wasn't for these battleships just standing there stupidly, then I would There is no chance at all." Xia Xia was also very fortunate in his heart.

Normally, as long as it is an object in motion, summer cannot use gravity on it.

three seconds.

Although it is only three seconds, when fighting people, three seconds is enough for a lot of things to happen, so the power of this attraction alone is not great.

The few ships in the island country were looking to fire at Xia Xia, but they didn't move their positions, but Xia Xia, who had airflow beads, could not be hit by those shells at all.

Now summer has gradually mastered the magic of airflow beads.

Airflow beads are indeed the ultimate magic weapon.

Xia Xia finally understood why the giant tiger and giant eagle couldn't hurt the greedy wolf at the beginning, because the biggest magic effect of airflow beads is that they can change all the airflow around them. transferred.

However, there are also restrictions on the use of airflow beads.

Airflow beads are controlled using mental power. The stronger Xia Xia’s mental power is, the stronger the control over the air flow beads will be. Xia’s mental power is not at all lower than that of a master of the prefecture-level Dzogchen.

But in his prime, he could only use airflow beads for an hour, which was his limit.

"Treasure, the treasure must be on him, it must be because he got King Peter's treasure, that's why he is so strong."

Just then, someone shouted loudly.

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