The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1272: big shot

Along the way, the summer is spent nervously.

The two got out of the car in the summer when the car came to a heavily guarded place.

There are many guards here, each of them is a master among masters.

You don't need to guess to know that these people are the legendary Zhongnanhai bodyguards.

"Chief, need to be checked!" A bodyguard saluted Huaxia's No. 2 figure.

"En!" Huaxia's No. 2 nodded, then raised his hand, and Xia Xia also raised his hand. Soon, their inspection was over, and then Xia followed Hua Xia's No. 2 and walked inside.

In the summer, I found that there are bodyguards everywhere, and there are countless open and secret posts.

dong dong dong!

Huaxia's No. 2 knocked on the door.


The door was opened, and Xia Xia's mouth opened wide the moment it was opened. He did not expect that the other party would actually come to open the door for them in person. This person was none other than the head of Hua Xia.

"Hello, Chief!" Xia Xia hurriedly saluted, and his palms were all sweaty now due to being overly nervous.

"Well! It's good, it really is a tiger father without a dog." The head of Huaxia patted Xia Xia on the shoulder.

"Thank you for your compliment." Xia Xia saluted again.

"Okay, okay, don't be so restrained, come and sit, I make tea and drink some together." Huaxia's head said.

"Yes, Chief." Xia Xia saluted again.

"Okay, the chief has already said, let you not be so restrained." Huaxia's No. 2 said helplessly.

"It's the chief!" Xia Xia said again.

"Sit and sit, you are our little hero in Huaxia. You have done many things that others have wanted to do in their entire lives but dare not do, and can't do it." The head of Huaxia gave Xia Xia a thumbs up.

"This is what I should do." Xia Xia was stopped by Hua Xia's No. 2 as he was about to salute.

"No, there are many officials in Huaxia now who only think that it is not bad to do what they are supposed to do, and even many people can't even do what they should do, but you have repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. You have made so many contributions to the summer. Even if you don't do those things, no one will say anything, and if you do, no one will know about it, and no one will praise you. It's called silent giving." Huaxia's head praised.

"Boy, don't salute, the chief really praised you, you are welcome." Huaxia's number two person said.

"The crystal you brought back last time is a new type of energy, and it is a super energy. With this thing, our national defense force in China will increase exponentially. You know that because of this thing you brought back, China has become more powerful. How strong is it? It is precisely because of this thing that no one dares to provoke us Huaxia in the future, and you have made so many contributions to Huaxia, which we can all see. I just received the news that you killed it The island nation's secret aircraft carrier, dozens of warships, thousands of navies, plus their five proud navy generals, this time you made them suffer a dumb loss. We all know about the aircraft carrier, but there is no way, because we have no evidence, but now that you have killed the aircraft carrier, they will not dare to speak out, otherwise they will be violating the agreement of the year." Huaxia's chief said.

"En!" Summer nodded.

"By the way, I read your proposal, and I passed it. I have already sent people to meet those people there. In fact, a chief has studied this kind of thing a long time ago. Our Chinese navy is light, but not dark. , This makes many things very troublesome. For example, in the hostage rescue mission you performed this time, if we also have a dark army, then no one dares to arrest us from China. Even if we do, we can Destroying the opponent easily is like the aircraft carrier of an island country, their aircraft carrier is dark." Huaxia's chief said.

"Chief, I trust those people, and I also got the treasure of King Peter. I left them all the treasure and inheritance there, and let them develop dark forces. I believe it will not take long before they will It has the power to overcome the trembling of the entire Pacific Ocean." Xia Xia said confidently.

"Okay, I have the temperament. I also read your explanation. You are doing the right thing. There are too many treasures. If they appear in Huaxia, there will be inflation and financial crisis in Huaxia, which will hurt the country. Ben, you let them go abroad to spend, so that nothing will happen, and you save a lot of money in China by doing this, if every army in China can be as capable as your team If it is self-sufficient, then Huaxia can fully develop the country's economy, and now Huaxia's annual military expenditure is a large amount." Huaxia's chief praised.

"By the way, Chief, I forgot to say one thing." Xia Tian suddenly remembered something.

"What's the matter?" Huaxia's chief asked this, when I came back, I just stole the atomic bomb from the island country, it won't cause any war. "Summer is worried that the island nation will use this incident to provoke a war.

Atomic bombs are not like aircraft carriers. Their aircraft carriers are secretly manufactured, but their atomic bombs are recognized by the world.

"What?" Hearing Xia Xia's words, Hua Xia's chief and No. 2 were all stunned.

"It won't really be any trouble, right? It's broken, and it's impossible to go back now. Their atomic bomb base was also bombed by me." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"You kid, what else are you afraid to do?" Huaxia's No. 2 looked at Xia Xia in shock.

"I said how did I receive information just now that there was a big explosion in the island country, so it was your kid who did it, hahahaha, okay, good job." Huaxia's chief said with a big smile.

Hearing the words of the head of Huaxia, Xia Xia knew that there should be no problem.

"You kid is a stunned young man with strong skills, but you are too impulsive to do things. You must remember it for me next time." Huaxia's No. 2 reprimanded.

"Oh, I see." Summer nodded.

"Remember it for me next time, stealing atomic bombs, but definitely not bombing the base, where a lot of people were killed and injured, although the character of the island country is not very good, but this time a lot of innocent people from the island country died. Not all islanders are belligerents, and no one wants a real war," said Huaxia's No. 2 figure.

"Haha!" Xia Xia scratched his head in embarrassment.

The head of Huaxia picked up a box, and then stood in front of Xia Xia very seriously: "I appointed you."

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