The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1287: Do it if you don't like it

Originally, there was a life-and-death battle between the two.

In order to fight the greedy wolf, Chen Qing even took out his master and swore it as a bargaining chip.

This shows how crazy he is.

He was about to become a martial idiot, and everyone's eyes were focused on these two geniuses, and the two of them had already made a bet just now, and the winner was qualified to kill Xia Xia.

Who is summer?

That was a man of the hour.

I am afraid that there is no one in the world who does not know this name.

Number two on the list!

No matter where, summer has created a proud record.

But just when the two were about to start a fight, there was a voice of a person in the crowd. When they heard this voice, everyone looked there, and they all thought the speaker was crazy.

Now everyone can see that Chen Qing and Greedy Wolf are both high-spirited, and the people around them are too late to hide, but some people dare to use words to stimulate these two people.

At this time, three people walked out of the crowd.

The leader was a handsome man with a wine gourd in his hand, and he walked over leisurely, followed by two people, who were the two people who dared to mock Greedy Wolf just now.

The general and the evil **** of fire cloud.

When Summer came out, everyone in Quicksand looked at Summer, and everyone in Quicksand knew Summer.

Xia Xia's eyes were also on Wei Guang. This was the first time he saw Wei Guang. Former Wei Guang was a legend to him, a legend that could not be defeated at all. Xia Xia even appeared in front of him. no courage.

But now Xia Xia is standing in front of Wei Guang.

The gun god, the five dark guards are all characters who have played against each other in the summer, and each of them is the top master.

"Summer!" Chen Qing and Greedy Lang looked at Xia Xia.

Both of their eyes were full of anger and fighting intent. Both of them were defeated by Guo Xia's hands, and Greedy Wolf directly lost a jump of his arm. He hated Xia Xia very strongly.

"Today's people are really neat, but the two of you really haven't made progress. You haven't seen each other for so long, and you're still two rookies." Xia Xia said very casually, he had already planned to tear his face with all the enemies here. , so he doesn't have to say good things at all.

"You're courting death." Greedy Wolf looked at Xia Xia angrily. He believed that his strength had undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only did his realm rise to the late prefecture level, but he also learned the cloud-chasing swordsmanship and footwork.

These are all legendary super moves.

"Humph!" Chen Qing also snorted coldly. In order to be able to take revenge, he risked his death to become a demon, but Xia Xia actually said that he did not improve. Everyone is the same. All will be angry.

Chen Qing very much hopes to be recognized by the summer.

Because he lost to Xia Xia, he hoped to see the surprised look in Xia Xia's eyes, and also hoped to hear Xia Xia's praise of his rapid progress in strength from Xia Xia's mouth, and hoped that Xia Xia would die in his hands.

But now summer actually looks down on him so much.

The anger of Greedy Wolf and Chen Qing immediately burned.

"Xiamen, it turns out that he is Xiaxia, the second person on the list, I heard that his reputation is very loud no matter where he is."

"Even so, he can't be 1v2, right? After all, the strength of Greedy Wolf and Chen Qing has reached the strongest level among the younger generation. If it is one-on-one, maybe Xia Xia will have a chance to win. , but a one-two is absolutely impossible to win."

"There shouldn't be a big gap in strength between them now. What can really control the battle is to play on the spot, but if one vs two, it should be impossible to win. Summer is so arrogant."

The people around don't think that Xia Xia can win, because they all understand that after the strength reaches the realm of Greedy Wolf, unless they directly break through to the Great Perfection of the Earth, it is difficult to have a huge gap.

"Have you two beat me?" Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly.

As soon as his words came out, everyone finally understood why Greedy Wolf and Chen Qing hated Xia Xia so much, because they both lost to Xia Xia, and they were naturally upset.

"Damn, Xia, I'm going to kill you today." Greedy Wolf touched his broken left arm and looked at Xia angrily. Last time, he took the ultimate spiritual weapon to find Xia, but he didn't expect Xia to actually Such a terrifying power broke out, and then he thought about it wrong. Xia Xia was able to compete with such a big guy in power, which was obviously beyond the scope of human beings.

In other words, Xia Xia must have used a power that does not belong to him, it may be a spiritual tool or something else.

He absolutely did not believe that this heaven-defying treasure could be used a second time.

He is full of confidence in himself against Xia Xia this time, and he is no longer the same as he was before. Before, he was only in the early stage, but now he is in the late prefecture level.

"I said let's go to the two of you together." Xia Xia said very casually.


Summer's words are provocative.

"I'll come first." Greedy Wolf said directly.

"No, I'll come first." Chen Qing said.

"Hmph, then come together and see who can kill him." Greedy Wolf said.

Chen Qing did not speak, but was ready. The two of them had already planned to join forces. If the opponent was someone else, the two of them would never join forces, because they both had their own arrogance.

But now the summer is provoking the two of them again and again.

Of course they won't let summer go.

"Boss." Huoyun Evil God glanced at Xia Xia.

"Stand next to the general, and be careful of people from quicksand who will sneak attack." Xia Xia didn't know what medicine Wei Guang and others were selling in the gourd. He and the people from quicksand were never dead. He couldn't guarantee when Wei Guang would shoot. .

Although Wei Guang and the others are still a long way from here in the summer, about one kilometer or so, for a master like them, one kilometer is nothing at all, and they can easily come here in a few seconds.

Wei Guang did not rush to shoot, but watched quietly there.

"Don't worry, boss." Huoyun Evil God nodded.

The surrounding area also attracted more and more spectators, because the person who was about to fight soon was the greedy wolf who was third in the ranking and Chen Qing, a disciple of Wei Guang, who fought against the second in the ranking.

Such a fight is usually not seen at all.

Even the old monsters of the prefecture-level Great Perfection came to see the fun.

"Five moves." Xia Tian stretched out five fingers.

"What?" Greedy Wolf looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"Within five moves, the two of you will definitely lose. If Wei Guang doesn't take action, the two of you will definitely die." Xia Xia said lightly.

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