The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1325: kneel

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At first, some people thought they had heard it wrong.

Xia Xia actually said to go to the second floor, but when they saw Xia Xia's actions, they didn't think so.

Because summer is really walking towards the entrance of the second floor.

"This kid is crazy, he actually wants to be a top bird. Now so many masters here are unwilling to take action, they just don't want to make wedding dresses for others."

"Maybe everyone is waiting for such a lunatic, let him go on a journey, if he kills the bloodthirsty monster, we can all go in, if both sides are hurt, then there will be more people who will take action, if it makes a difference If there is none, then everyone will continue to wait.”

"There are fools every year, and it seems that there are many today."

The people around said sneeringly.

"Interesting." Dong Weng smiled slightly.

"Senior, do you want to go together?" Xia Xia glanced at Dong Weng and Bei Jun and asked.

"Are you kidding us for help?" Dong Weng asked with a smile.

"What help?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Help you deal with that big monster." Dong Weng thought that Xia Xia was pretending to be stupid.

"It" Xia Tian pointed at the bloodthirsty monster in front of him.

"En." Dong Weng nodded.

"No need." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he continued to move forward. Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone here thought he was too arrogant. They knew Dong Weng and Bei Jun when they appeared. After all, Bei Jun and Dong Weng are too famous. .

Even if you haven't seen anyone, you can guess the momentum now.

Dong Weng had already indicated that he wanted to help, but Xia Xia actually said that he didn't need it.

Everyone thought that he was too arrogant, and he actually had to deal with such a big bloodthirsty monster alone.

"Hmph." Blood Knife Ancestor snorted heavily.

The voice was so loud that everyone heard it, and it was obvious that he was very unhappy watching Xia Xia.

"Well, I drank your wine, and I owe you a favor. If you need help, you can say it." Dong Weng has already spoken, and he can take action in the summer if he needs it.

Guaranteed by China's four major masters.

Xia Xia can be said to have won the gold medal for avoiding death, so even if Xia Xia was injured at the end, no one dared to go up and take advantage of the fire.

Summer did not speak.

Instead, he walked directly to the entrance of the cave, his steps were very slow.

But when he took one step, he seemed to have walked five or six steps away.

This hand shocked everyone at the scene.

Shrink to size.

This is a legendary skill, but this kid in his twenties in front of them actually did it, which is too exaggerated.

"It's this trick again." The blood knife ancestor had seen it once before.

"Not bad, this time it's Xia Xialong's Cloudy Immortal Step." Dong Weng saw Xia Xia's footwork name at a glance.

What summer is walking at this time is Manyun Xianbu.

The North Army still did not speak, his eyes seemed to have seen through everything.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Xia Xia walked to the bloodthirsty monster at the entrance of the second floor. This bloodthirsty monster was two feet tall, and any toe was bigger than Xia Xia's.


See summer coming.

The bloodthirsty monster let out a loud roar.

His voice was very loud, and there was a strong wind in his mouth, and the gravel on the ground was blown up.

The scene was very quiet, and everyone's eyes were on Xia Xia. They wanted to see how Xia Xia planned to deal with this big monster. After all, this big monster was really too big.

And no one knows what the power of this big monster is.


The bloodthirsty monster roared again, and then he rushed directly to Xia Xia.

Its speed is very fast, and it is obviously intended to directly smash Summer into pieces.

Summer stood still and didn't move.

Some people think summer is dead.

Dong Weng is also ready to shoot at any time.


Just when the bloodthirsty beast was about to collide with Xia Xia, its pupils instantly enlarged, and then its body stopped and trembled. The bloodthirsty beast actually trembled. people were blinded.

"No way, the bloodthirsty monster is shaking, it seems to see something incredible."

"How could it be possible that the bloodthirsty monster just wanted to kill him as if going crazy, but now it has stopped."

"Look, what are the bloodthirsty monsters doing?"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, and then everyone saw an incredible scene, and even Dong Weng and Bei Jun were stunned by this scene.


The bloodthirsty beast actually knelt directly in front of Xia Xia.

This is really exaggerated.

Everyone didn't expect that the bloodthirsty beast would actually kneel on the ground, so he knelt in front of Xia Xia abruptly.

"It can't be true"

Everyone around was blinded.

This is too exaggerated, such a big bloodthirsty beast actually knelt in front of Xia Xia, as if he had seen an emperor and bowed his head, not even daring to raise his head.

"Do you want to go in together?" Xia Xia glanced at Dong Weng and It's amazing that your kid has such skills. " Dong Weng and others also came over.

The people behind Xia Xia were also blinded, but when they saw Xia beckoning to them, they hurriedly followed.

"Let's go in." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he directly led the crowd to the teleportation array. The other people who were waiting to watch the show were really speechless this time, and they couldn't say a word.

Everything in front of him was really shocking.

This is completely beyond their understanding.

Seeing that in the summer, their people have already entered the second floor.

"Come in." Suddenly someone rushed over there.


At this moment, the person who rushed the fastest was directly trampled to death by the bloodthirsty monster. Seeing such a scene, the other people hurriedly retreated, but some people still died at the feet of the bloodthirsty monster.

"Damn, why can they enter." Someone suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction.

But the bloodthirsty monsters simply ignored them.


The bloodthirsty beast once again let out a loud roar, and at this time it ruled the world.

Once again restored the domineering side.

"How on earth did he do it just now?" Ancestor Blood Knife said depressedly, looking at the giant bloodthirsty beast in front of him, he had nothing to do, but he just watched his enemy walk into the first place. Second floor.

The first feeling in the summer when entering the second floor is that the aura here is three times more than the first floor.

If you cultivate here, as long as you have a little talent, you will definitely be able to reach the prefecture level within ten years.

"Look, there is a treasure here." After the mouse came in, he searched everywhere, and soon he found this treasure, which was not hidden at all, and he found it very easily.


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