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Chapter 1330: Lingshi

Wenya suddenly had a bold conjecture, that the super-powerful person in front of her was Summer.

But even he himself found this conjecture unbelievable.

Kind of impossible.

She never believed that Xia Xia could become so powerful in such a short period of time.

Sometimes she really couldn't understand how Xia Xia could progress so rapidly. When she was with Xia Xia, Xia Xia was just an ordinary college student who had to rely on work-study programs to survive.

"No, it can't be him. His progress has been very fast, but it is impossible for him to improve to the strength of the prefecture-level Dzogchen." Wenya shook his head. Strength.

Even if Xia Xia's strength increased to the late prefecture level, that was already the limit she could accept.

And she couldn't see any signs of disguise in the summer, and even the momentum was completely different.

"It's just a little bit similar in character, it can't be one person." Wenya denied her previous conjecture.


Xia Xia slowly threw the master of the Great Perfection at the Thai prefecture level to the ground. At this time, the master at the late stage of the Thai prefecture level was dead and could no longer die, and the surrounding enemies were about to die.

Summer did not touch them.

Because even if you don't touch them in the summer, they won't live long, and once the summer leaves here, everything on them will be swept away.

At that time, those people will not be merciful.

Sooner or later these people are dead.

"Let's go." Xia Xia said to Dongweng and Xiyin.

"You kid, you are really ruthless." Dong Weng shook his head helplessly.

"Really?" Xia Xia scratched his head in embarrassment. The reason why he killed these people was because they belonged to the Thai gods. This time Jiang Tianshu was in ambush, and the Thai gods also sent people to Jianghai.

Now, after the Thai goddess came here, he ordered his men to search for the whereabouts of Xia Xia.

Obviously trying to kill summer here.

Since the other party has made it clear that he wants to kill Xia Xia, and Xia Xia will never die, then Xia Xia will naturally not be polite. Now he can't wait to kill Jiang Tianshu directly.

But he knew it wasn't time yet. If he killed Jiang Tianshu now, Lei Feng would definitely go crazy, and even his master might be in danger, so Xia Xia wouldn't touch Jiang Tianshu if he had no way to deal with Lei Feng.

"Jiang Shao, what about these people?"

"Don't think about it, that guy has already looted all the treasures on them, so let them wait here to die." Jiang Tianshu said.

"It's all searched?" The people behind Jiang Tianshu said in surprise. They never saw when the treasures of these Thai masters were searched in the summer.

"Okay, let's follow, I'm very curious about this person." Jiang Tianshu said lightly, but he saw the weird Wenya: "Wenya, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Wen Ya said quickly.

"That's good, you try to maintain your current state. You don't have to deal with enemies. You just need to deal with Xia with all your heart." Jiang Tianshu said.

"I understand." Wen Ya said.

"I believe you will be able to take revenge." Jiang Tianshu encouraged.

"Thank you Jiang Shao." Wen Ya said.

Jiang Tianshu didn't speak, they followed directly behind Xia Xia and others. Of course, they couldn't follow too closely, so they could only follow far away.

"Those people at the back have been following us." Dong Weng said very casually.

"Well, let's follow, and we'll settle it together in a while." Xia Xia said lightly.

"You kid is really ruthless, those people are hidden people, Jiang Tianshu, the ninth person on the list, the suzerain of Shanyun Sect, and he has a lot of secrets." Dong Weng said.

"I know, but I can't kill him right now," Xia Xia said.

"Why?" Dong Weng was also interested. He was very curious that the demon king, who had always been fearless, would be easy on a small team like Jiang Tianshu. No matter how he looked at it, Jiang Tianshu's 100-strong team was not as strong as that of the blood knife ancestor. .

But Xia Xia dared to tear his face with the ancestor of the blood knife, but he did not have a dispute with Jiang Tianshu.

"Because there is someone behind him that I can't afford to offend." Xia Xia didn't hide it.

"Oh? You kid can even win the prefecture-level Dzogchen, who else can't you offend?" Dong Weng asked very curiously.

"A lot." Xia Xia didn't say much. He didn't want to involve Dongweng and Beijun. Now he has the power to reach the sky. This power is very mysterious. He only needs to completely control this power, or get more powerful With the strength, he can deal with Lei Feng.

At that time, he will naturally be able to kill Jiang Tianshu and others.

"The spirit stone was found ahead." At this moment, someone shouted frantically.

The man was running around, shouting everywhere, and there seemed to be someone chasing him behind him.


Xia Xia shot in an instant, beheading the people who were chasing him, and then he picked up the escaped person with one hand: "Tell me, what's going on, I can spare your life."

"Lingshi, there is a spiritual stone in front, and the Thai **** is now leading people to surround it." The man shouted.

"Lingshi?" Xia Xia frowned. He had never heard of this thing, but he guessed that Dong Weng should have heard of it, so he looked at Dong Weng.

"Spiritual stones do not belong to this world. There are no spiritual stones in our world, only in Tongtian Outer Cave, and every time Tongtian Outer Cave is opened, there will be only one or two spiritual stones, but that's all. One or two spiritual stones will cause a fight between the great perfection of the earth level every time, because the spiritual stone is an opportunity for the great perfection of the earth level to break through to the heaven level. The spirit stone contains spiritual power, as long as it absorbs enough spiritual power , Turn the internal power in the body into spiritual power, then you can become a heaven-level master." Dong Weng said.

"So powerful!" Xia Xia was slightly startled, he didn't expect Lingshi to be so powerful.

"Well, the four masters of Huaxia have all obtained spirit stones, so the strength of the four of us is stronger than that of ordinary masters at the ground level, and our martial arts are also superior to others, so even if we are on the ground In the ranks of the Great Perfection, we are also the strongest group of people." Dong Weng explained.

"So it is." Summer nodded.

It seems that this spirit stone is much more powerful than he imagined.

"Okay, you can go." Xia Xia put the man down, and then looked forward: "Two seniors, it seems that the two of you will take action this time."

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