The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1378: mysterious ghost

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1376 The Mysterious Shadow Catalog Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1376 The Mysterious Shadow

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Big and Small Words: 2500


The greedy wolf was very excited at this time. No one knew about his beheading of Wei Guang. He shouted it out now to let everyone know that he had the ability to kill Wei Guang. 35xs

Wei Guang is one of the four masters of China. If he kills Wei Guang, he is naturally one of the four masters of China.

When they heard Greedy Wolf's words, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Although everyone didn't believe his words very much, when he saw the sword in Greedy Wolf's hand and the Suzaku token, everyone understood that Wei Guang must be dead. He has always been inseparable from sword and sword.

When they saw Wei Guang's sword and Suzaku token, everyone had to believe his words, but Xia Xia ignored him at all.

In the summer, all my thoughts are on the little brother.

At this time, Lei F was shocked and was beaten very badly by Xiao Ma, but Lei F's fighting ability was really good, he just couldn't die, and the people outside were constantly attacking him. Brother Ma only has Lei F in his eyes, and he seems to be trying his best to kill Lei F.

Ignore it!

Greedy Wolf shouted so boldly, but Xia Tian actually ignored him.

How can Greedy Wolf be able to endure this? After his strength became stronger, the first person who wanted to be recognized was Xia Xia. He hoped to see surprise in Xia Xia's eyes, but now Xia Xia completely ignored him.

"Damn, summer, I'm going to kill you. 35xs" Greedy Wolf stretched out his hands instantly, his hands possessed corrosive power.

He believed that he would make a sneak attack, which Xia Xian would never have imagined. At that time, he would be able to win by surprise, and directly destroy Xia Xia's arm. He remembered that Xia Xia destroyed one of his arms at that time.

Now he has his revenge.

Xia Xia still ignored him, and his eyes were all on Brother Xiao Ma.

"Xiamen, let's go!" Brother Xiao Ma shouted, and there were several more injuries on his body.

"Boy, let's go!" Dong Weng pulled Xia Tian.

"No, I'm not leaving." Xia Xia shouted angrily.

"That's right, you can't leave." At this moment, the greedy wolf attacked directly. Xia Xia was very fast, and his hand was about to grab Xia Xia's wrist. He believed that as long as his hand grabbed Xia Xia wrist, then you will win.

Seeing that Xia Xia had no intention of defending, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go to hell!" Greedy Wolf shouted excitedly.

The people around looked at the greedy wolf. They did not expect that the speed of the greedy wolf could be so fast, and the shot was a sneak attack.

Seeing that Greedy Wolf's hand was less than one centimeter away from Xia Xia's left wrist.


At this moment, a powerful fist smashed into his head, which directly smashed the greedy wolf's eyes into Venus, and his face made the most intimate contact with the ground. 35xs

one move!

Xia Xia only used one trick to ko the greedy wolf.

In fact, Xia Xia won too easily this time. The greed of the wolf has always existed. When he encountered Xia Xia just now, he had already begun to fantasize about how cool he would be after winning Xia Xia.

And in the summer, the power of burning 40 million pills is still there, and now he can even kill Lucifer, not to mention the greedy wolf.

The greedy wolf, who was still very rampant originally, was lying on the ground quietly at this time. Although his physical injuries were not serious, his mental trauma was very serious, and he could not accept this fact.

He came full of confidence.

As a result, I was punched by summer KO.

This was something he could never have dreamed of. When he killed Wei Guang, his self-confidence exploded. He even thought he had become the most powerful person in the world.

But at this time, all the confidence he had cultivated before was shattered by Xia Xia's punch.

"Go!" Brother Ma shouted loudly.


Leif spat out a mouthful of blood, and then he was kicked away by Brother Pony again.

"Boy, if you don't leave, your brother will use this white shark for nothing." Dong Weng was a little anxious.

"Brother, thank you." Xia Xia knelt directly on the ground, then he stood up and led the crowd to the entrance of the fourth floor.


Brother Xiao Ma punched Lei F in the face, and there were at least ten more wounds on his body.

"Damn, you are very good at fighting, right?" Lei F roared, and took out a jade talisman in his hand. When he crushed the jade talisman, a powerful momentum collapsed all the people around him. Including himself and the little brother.

There are also the twelve killings of the Lei family around, as well as the nineteen masters of the Great Perfection at the prefectural level.

An image of a person appeared in the void.

When this image appeared, Lei F and the Lei Family Twelve Kills all knelt down on one knee.

The phantom was very majestic. When everyone on the scene saw the image, they felt that the image was looking at themselves, and they even had the urge to kneel.


This is the real powerhouse, even just an image can shock the masters here.

"Hello everyone, my name is Wang Bao, you can call me baby." When the phantom spoke, there were black lines on everyone's forehead. As soon as they spoke, they all collapsed.

The joy is too strong.

"Lei F, are there people in that world that you can't deal with?" the voice asked directly.

"Master, this guy doesn't know what martial arts he used. His subordinates and Twelve Kills can't resist him." Lei F was covered in blood at this time. It's also too powerful.

"If you can fight like this, send him to the prison." Then the phantom looked at Brother Xiao Ma, and the word 'open' was spit out from his mouth.


A swirling portal opened directly.


After he gave a loud drink, Brother Ma's body was sucked directly into the portal.

"Brother!" Everyone was stunned by this sudden situation. This phantom was simply too terrifying. Just two words made the super-powerful little brother disappear in front of everyone.

"Remember it all, Lei F is my spokesperson in this world. Anyone who dares to touch him will die. Even if the heaven-level masters in your eyes are just ants in my eyes." The phantom finished speaking. Then disappeared directly into the air.

"Let's go." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and a cyan power burst out from his body. This power enveloped the surrounding Dong Weng and the others, and then they walked directly into the Tongtian Cave.

Seeing the mighty people all entered the Tongtian Cave.

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lei F's mouth: "Entering the inner hole, it is impossible for one of the 100 to succeed. This time you should be almost dead."

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Next Chapter 1376 Mysterious phantom - MTL Novel


The greedy wolf was very excited at this time. No one knew about his beheading of Wei Guang. He shouted it out now to let everyone know that he had the ability to kill Wei Guang. 35xs

Wei Guang is one of the four masters of China. If he kills Wei Guang, he is naturally one of the four masters of China.

When they heard Greedy Wolf's words, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Although everyone didn't believe his words very much, when he saw the sword in Greedy Wolf's hand and the Suzaku token, everyone understood that Wei Guang must be dead. He has always been inseparable from sword and sword.

When they saw Wei Guang's sword and Suzaku token, everyone had to believe his words, but Xia Xia ignored him at all.

In the summer, all my thoughts are on the little brother.

At this time, Lei F was shocked and was beaten very badly by Xiao Ma, but Lei F's fighting ability was really good, he just couldn't die, and the people outside were constantly attacking him. Brother Ma only has Lei F in his eyes, and he seems to be trying his best to kill Lei F.

Ignore it!

Greedy Wolf shouted so boldly, but Xia Tian actually ignored him.

How can Greedy Wolf be able to endure this? After his strength became stronger, the first person who wanted to be recognized was Xia Xia. He hoped to see surprise in Xia Xia's eyes, but now Xia Xia completely ignored him.

"Damn, summer, I'm going to kill you. 35xs" Greedy Wolf stretched out his hands instantly, his hands possessed corrosive power.

He believed that he would make a sneak attack, which Xia Xian would never have imagined. At that time, he would be able to win by surprise, and directly destroy Xia Xia's arm. He remembered that Xia Xia destroyed one of his arms at that time.

Now he has his revenge.

Xia Xia still ignored him, and his eyes were all on Brother Xiao Ma.

"Xiamen, let's go!" Brother Xiao Ma shouted, and there were several more injuries on his body.

"Boy, let's go!" Dong Weng pulled Xia Tian.

"No, I'm not leaving." Xia Xia shouted angrily.

"That's right, you can't leave." At this moment, the greedy wolf attacked directly. Xia Xia was very fast, and his hand was about to grab Xia Xia's wrist. He believed that as long as his hand grabbed Xia Xia wrist, then you will win.

Seeing that Xia Xia had no intention of defending, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go to hell!" Greedy Wolf shouted excitedly.

The people around looked at the greedy wolf. They did not expect that the speed of the greedy wolf could be so fast, and the shot was a sneak attack.

Seeing that Greedy Wolf's hand was less than one centimeter away from Xia Xia's left wrist.


At this moment, a powerful fist smashed into his head, which directly smashed the greedy wolf's eyes into Venus, and his face made the most intimate contact with the ground. 35xs

one move!

Xia Xia only used one trick to ko the greedy wolf.

In fact, Xia Xia won too easily this time. The greed of the wolf has always existed. When he encountered Xia Xia just now, he had already begun to fantasize about how cool he would be after winning Xia Xia.

And in the summer, the power of burning 40 million pills is still there, and now he can even kill Lucifer, not to mention the greedy wolf.

The greedy wolf, who was still very rampant originally, was lying on the ground quietly at this time. Although his physical injuries were not serious, his mental trauma was very serious, and he could not accept this fact.

He came full of confidence.

As a result, I was punched by summer KO.

This was something he could never have dreamed of. When he killed Wei Guang, his self-confidence exploded. He even thought he had become the most powerful person in the world.

But at this time, all the confidence he had cultivated before was shattered by Xia Xia's punch.

"Go!" Brother Ma shouted loudly.


Leif spat out a mouthful of blood, and then he was kicked away by Brother Pony again.

"Boy, if you don't leave, your brother will use this white shark for nothing." Dong Weng was a little anxious.

"Brother, thank you." Xia Xia knelt directly on the ground, then he stood up and led the crowd to the entrance of the fourth floor.


Brother Xiao Ma punched Lei F in the face, and there were at least ten more wounds on his body.

"Damn, you are very good at fighting, right?" Lei F roared, and took out a jade talisman in his hand. When he crushed the jade talisman, a powerful momentum collapsed all the people around him. Including himself and the little brother.

There are also the twelve killings of the Lei family around, as well as the nineteen masters of the Great Perfection at the prefectural level.

An image of a person appeared in the void.

When this image appeared, Lei F and the Lei Family Twelve Kills all knelt down on one knee.

The phantom was very majestic. When everyone on the scene saw the image, they felt that the image was looking at themselves, and they even had the urge to kneel.


This is the real powerhouse. Even just an image can shock the masters Hello everyone, my name is Wang Bao, you can call me baby. "When the phantom spoke, there were black lines on everyone's foreheads. They were shocked by the master's aura just now, but when the master spoke, they all collapsed.

The joy is too strong.

"Lei F, are there people in that world that you can't deal with?" the voice asked directly.

"Master, this guy doesn't know what martial arts he used. His subordinates and Twelve Kills can't resist him." Lei F was covered in blood at this time. It's also too powerful.

"If you can fight like this, send him to the prison." Then the phantom looked at Brother Xiao Ma, and the word 'open' was spit out from his mouth.


A swirling portal opened directly.


After he gave a loud drink, Brother Ma's body was sucked directly into the portal.

"Brother!" Everyone was stunned by this sudden situation. This phantom was simply too terrifying. Just two words made the super-powerful little brother disappear in front of everyone.

"Remember it all, Lei F is my spokesperson in this world. Anyone who dares to touch him will die. Even if the heaven-level masters in your eyes are just ants in my eyes." The phantom finished speaking. Then disappeared directly into the air.

"Let's go." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and a cyan power burst out from his body. This power enveloped the surrounding Dong Weng and the others, and then they walked directly into the Tongtian Cave.

Seeing the mighty people all entered the Tongtian Cave.

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lei F's mouth: "Entering the inner hole, it is impossible for one of the 100 to succeed. This time you should be almost dead."

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