The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1385: The beast is now

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&& Seeing the other side smile, I thought I was exposed in the summer. Read the latest novels on TripAdvisor

&&&& "Boy, it's the first time you've come in to try your luck. You can't teleport out of any place with a barrier in the tower of the gods. You should be holding the lowest-level entry talisman. It's only three days. Time, remember, from the moment you entered the Ferocious Beast Forest, time will not be counted." The man said complacently.

&&&& "It's really the first time I've come in." Summer nodded.

&&&& "Okay, just call me Brother Biao in the future, and follow Brother Biao to make sure you can save a spiritual stone in a month." Brother Biao said confidently.

&&&& Xia Tian didn't say anything, he just wanted to follow up and have a look.

&&&& "Get out of the way." At this moment, Brother Biao hurriedly pulled Xia Xia, but he didn't pull Xia Xia.


&&&& Summer's shield was automatically opened, and he was attacked.

&&&& is a whip, a red one.

&&&& "Boy, get out of the way." Brother Biao reminded again.

&&&& Xia Xia frowned, his body stepped back, his eyes turned to the person who shot, it was a woman, a woman in red, it was the whip in her hand who attacked Xia Xia just now, and the woman was followed by a mighty force. There are more than 100 people, and the weakest among the 100 people are the late prefecture level, and there are even more than ten people who are masters of the prefecture level Dzogchen.

&&&& "Spare your life this time, don't appear in front of me in the future." The woman in red said coldly.

&&&& Summer did not speak.

&&&& Xia Tian usually doesn't take the initiative to attack anyone. If he attacks someone verbally, he will not necessarily kill someone in the end, but if anyone dares to attack him, and he does not use words to attack the other party.

&&&&Then this person has to be careful.

&&&& Summer's behavior is, if you offend me, I can tolerate you a few times, but if you offend my relatives and friends, then I will definitely kill you.

&&&& Of course, it doesn't mean that you can offend me endlessly.

&&&&You offended me for the first time, I endured it;

&&&&You offended me for the second time, and I endured it;

&&&& You tm offended me for the third time, so sorry, either you die or you die.

&&&& When the group entered the Fierce Beast Forest, Brother Biao ran up: "You kid, don't die, that's from a big family. If you offend them, you don't have enough heads to lose a hundred heads."

&&&& "Is the big family very powerful?" Xia Tian asked.

&&&& "You monster, it seems that you came out of the mountains. The big family is of course powerful. They can make us die without a place to die." Brother Biao's voice trembled a little when he mentioned the big family. Apparently he has a natural fear of big families.

&&&& "Oh." Summer nodded.

&&&& From Brother Biao's reaction, it can be seen that the world is not peaceful. It is a world where the strong are respected. The big family has an absolute dominant position there, and there is even no law. The people of the big family will kill whoever they say. .

&&&& Of course, it is impossible to have absolutely no rules and order, otherwise it would have been messed up, and I learned from the previous two people in the summer that they both live in the city. Since they live in the city, it must be There is a city owner to maintain order, but those big families have special rights.

&&&& summed up in one sentence, if you go to that world in the summer, you will definitely die.

&&&& "It seems that I must at least have the strength of heaven to go to that world, otherwise I will die." Xia Xia secretly thought, of course, his biggest enemy now is Lei Feng, if he does not defeat Lei Feng, then Not to mention going to that place.

&&&& In less than half an hour, Brother Biao gathered more than 20 people.

&&&& "Okay, it's almost time, I'll take you to see your employer." Brother Biao waved to them, and they walked directly into the Fierce Beast Forest for about ten minutes. tent.

&&&& There were five people sitting outside the tent. The condition of these five people was not very good. They were more or less injured, and they did not take the healing medicine.

&&&& "I'm back." Brother Biao said to the people inside.

&&&& "Twenty-four, okay, Biaozi, divide the money from the first day, and give them the commission every night after that, and reward them for their merits." A big bearded man inside threw a bag over.

&&&& After Brother Biao opened the bag, he gave everyone ten spirit coins. The size of the spirit coins was a bit similar to a dollar on earth, but their material seemed to be jade, and there was still spiritual energy in the spirit coins.

&&&& Although Spirit Coins are also currency, in the same way, Spirit Coins have the same function as Spirit Stones, and can be used to assist cultivation.

&&&& Summer is definitely very interesting to play with the spirit coins in your hand.

&&&& "Brothers, my name is Da Xiong, you can call me Brother Xiong, Brother Xiong, I'm outside, I rely on loyalty, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, I promise, the spirit stone will definitely not be a problem, there are rewards for killing beasts, There are rewards for meritorious deeds, and rewards for saving other brothers." Brother Xiong patted his chest and assured.

&&&& Looking at Brother Xiong's ambition, all the people around were also ignited by their fighting spirit.

&&&& "That's right, Brother Xiong, this kid is not bad." Brother Biao pointed at Xia Xia. The reason why he said this was because Xia Xia blocked the family boy with a whip and nothing happened.

&&&&Although Brother Biao didn't know what means Xia Xia used, Xia Xia really blocked the blow of the family girl at that time, and there was no injury.

&&&& "Oh?" Brother Xiong turned to look at Xia Xia, he knew that Brother Biao would not praise anyone casually.

&&&& "Biaozi, add ten spirit coins to him." Brother Xiong said directly.

&&&& "Okay, Brother Xiong." Brother Biao gave Xia another ten spirit coins.

&&&& Summer did not took it directly.

&&&& "Okay, brothers, let's go out." Brother Xiong shouted, and then several other people put away the tent formation directly.

&&&&At the same time, outside the Ferocious Beast Forest.

&&&& "Damn, how can this kid Xia Xia run so fast, keep chasing." After Lei Feng finished speaking, he rushed forward, he didn't pay attention to the beast forest on the left, Lei Family Twelve Killer just followed behind him .

&&&& Those people around also consciously gave up a passage.

&&&& In the fierce beast forest, they encountered the first beast in Xia Tian. This was the first time they saw a beast in Xia. The appearance of the beast was a bit strange.

&&&& looks a bit like a deer, but its legs are stronger than that of a lion, its eyes are blood red, and its fur is black.

&&&& "Everyone pays attention, it's the stag beast. If you kill him, the person who does it will be divided into two spirit coins." Brother Xiong shouted, and then everyone rushed towards the beast, and their speed was very fast.

&&&& Under the reward, there must be brave men, and those people have their own unique tricks.

&&&& Ow!

&&&&The stag beast let out a loud roar, and then it rushed directly to the people on the opposite side.


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