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Chapter 1396: land list

Seeing that a person suddenly appeared in the pill pile, this shocked Xia Tian, ​​but he immediately discovered that this was a dead person, a dead person without any breathing, but this person's body did not show any signs of decay.


When Xia Xia absorbed all the medicinal pills into Xiao Ding, Xia Xia could see the appearance of this person clearly.

"Handsome." This was Xia Xia's first thought. This person looks very handsome. Xia Xia's visual observation is that this person is definitely one of the best in the world, maybe only slightly worse than himself.

Xia Xia's eyes were completely attracted to this man, and he even forgot the little bug tattoo on his arm.

This little bug tattoo was obtained during the Witch Gu Sect Treasure Incident, which also triggered a riot of deep sea monsters.

Jade Jane!

Xia Xia found that the man was holding a jade slip in his hand, Xia Xian took the jade slip directly, and then Xia Xia directly entered the jade slip through his mental power. The moment he entered the jade slip, Xia Xia saw the man's last remnant. soul.

"Hello, fateful person, the reason why I keep all my wealth here is because I believe that the person who can find it must be someone with great luck. I didn't care about luck before, because I thought I was a genius. , Heaven's Chosen, even if there is no so-called luck, I can still dominate the world, but unfortunately I was wrong, so I ended up where I am now, I hope that my destined person can be a person with great luck, and then If you have the opportunity to do something for me, it's not a matter of revenge, but to send me a letter, the letter is in my arms, I don't know where the recipient is, I hope you can help me find this man, and deliver the letter to him."

The remnant soul showed a touch of sadness. He was just a remnant soul, and it was left behind during his lifetime, so he couldn't see Xia Xia, and Xia Xia didn't talk to him, but quietly listened to him talking there.

"My name is Potian, and I am the third person on the Earth Ranking. I don't think you have necessarily heard of the Earth Ranking, but you will definitely hear about it in the future. The Earth Ranking lists the names of all Heaven's Chosen Ones, a total of ten For these ten places, there have been countless **** battles in the entire spiritual world. As long as you can step into the earth list, you will become the focus of attention in the entire spiritual world. It's the honor of my life."

Xia Xia can see his pride from his remnant soul. Although Xia Xia doesn't know what the land list is, after his analysis, it should be similar to the human list, and it's all written.

"I left three things here. The first one is the Medicine Pill Mountain. There are two billion Juling Pills here. The Juling Pills are used to assist in the practice. After taking one, the speed of cultivation can be improved. It can be doubled or tripled;”

Two billion!

When he heard this number, Xia Xian's mouth opened wide. He didn't expect that he still miscalculated. There are 2 billion medicinal pills here, and it was this super medicinal pill called Juling Pill. He was completely shocked, and he finally understood the magical effect of the spirit-gathering pill. He actually regarded it as a pill to increase internal strength, but he also understood that the effect of the spirit-gathering pill was not the same for everyone. The lower the effect, the greater the effect.

But even so, this time Xia Xia is also very cool, so many Spirit Gathering Pills can make him turn the brothers in Jianghai City into masters of the Great Perfection at the prefectural level, but it takes time, so who will dare to do so from now on? To offend Jianghai City, who would dare to take action against Huaxia?

You dare to send a hundred prefecture-level Dzogchen masters directly with us in Chinese costumes. If a hundred prefecture-level Dzogchen masters make a move, who can stop them?

"The second one is Lingshi Mountain. After pushing the stone wall behind me, there is a Lingshi Mountain inside. There are 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones, 5,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, and one high-grade spiritual stone."

When he heard this, Xia Xia almost fainted. This is a happy dizzy. His tears are about to fall. This is a happy tear.

This feeling of happiness cannot be described in words.

The five million won in the lottery have already been out, and now the mood of the summer is like Li Ka-shing kneeling in front of a poor girl, insisting to give the other 10 billion, the poor girl's mood and the current summer's mood are completely different the same.

A low-grade spirit stone can trigger a **** battle between the Great Perfection of the Earth.

There are 100,000 low-grade spirit stones here, and there are also 5,000 middle-grade spirit stones. When Dongweng explained the grade of spirit stones to Xia, he said that a middle-grade spirit stone can restore its own strength, and a middle-grade spirit stone can restore its own strength. After the stone is used up, it can be fully recovered in seventy or eighty years. A mid-grade spirit stone can support a sect that will be passed down from generation to generation.

This shows what the value of the mid-grade spirit stone is.

A piece of middle-grade can build a large sect, what about 5,000 middle-grade spirit stones?

In particular, there is a high-grade spirit stone here. Xia Tian doesn’t know how to describe it. He doesn’t know the function of the high-grade spirit stone at all. com, but the middle-grade spirit stone already has such a big effect, not to mention the high-grade spirit stone, and the base for this comparison is also very large. There are only one high-grade spirit stone among 5,000 middle-grade spirit stones. It can be seen from this , the value of top-grade spirit stones.

Xia Xia believed that if he made these treasures public, it would definitely trigger a world war.

A super world war.


In the summer, he pushed the stone wall. When he pushed down the stone wall, he saw Lingshi Mountain. There were two hills and a stone platform in front of him. These two hills were the low-grade spirit stone and the middle-grade spirit stone.

And the top of the stone platform is the top-grade spirit stone. At this time, the top-grade spirit stone is contained in a crystal box.

At this time, the top-grade spirit stone stood there with its head held high like an emperor.

That is to say, in Potian's eyes, the value of this high-grade spirit stone is far more than those of low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones.

Although he didn't know the value of the top-grade spirit stone, he kept it carefully in the summer.

"Xiao Ding, **** it for me." Xia Xia waved his left hand, and all those spirit stones were sucked into Xiao Ding.

At this moment, the insect tattoo on Xia Xia's arm changed again. It actually pulled a middle-grade spirit stone directly, and the middle-grade spirit stone turned into a tattoo. At this time, the tattoo looks good. One point, there is also a special taste for a small insect to wrap around a spirit stone. It is not like before, when other people flashed their tattoos, they were all left with a green dragon and a right white tiger. The old cow was on his waist, and the dragon's head was on his chest. When he flashed, he was a bug and looked very innocent face.

Xia Xia is a local tyrant now, and he doesn't care about this middle-grade spirit stone, and just let the little bugs make trouble. What he cares most about now is the third treasure left by Potian.

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