The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1399: Formation to show prestige

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> Need for all-rounders

>Chapter 1397 Array to show prestige catalog Bookmark comments Chapter 1397 Array to show prestige

Novel: The Need for All-rounder

? A black feather that looks like a wing.

As soon as the wing was flapped, Xia Xia's body disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, he had already appeared at the top of the cave.


Xia Xia gasped heavily. He still didn't know what happened just now, but he knew that he had come out now. After coming out, his eyes looked down, it was dark now.

But he has a see-through eye, which does not affect his vision at all.


A lot of people, there are hundreds of people five hundred meters away from him, four or five hundred people at one thousand meters, tens of thousands of people at five thousand meters, all masters, all of them are masters, and all the people closest to him at this time. look at him.

"Damn it, I'm still naked." Xia Tian hurriedly put on a suit.

Being stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes made me feel very uncomfortable in summer.

"He came out of it, he must have obtained the treasure, kill it." At this moment, someone shouted, and then the people closest to Xia Xia rushed up.

Seeing so many people rushing towards him, Xia Xia hurriedly arranged a Spirit Gathering Array. Xia Tian learned from the sky-shattering experience that the Spirit Gathering Array was the most practical array, and it had many magical uses that could save spiritual energy.

At the same time, he directly arranged a phantom array.

His technique is very skilled, like a master who has practiced for hundreds of years. 35xs

In just an instant, Xia Tian threw out more than ten low-grade spirit stones.

Afterwards, the Spirit Gathering Array and the Phantom Array were formed at the same time. Xia Xia acted entirely by instinct in his brain. He didn't know why he had to set up the phantom array first, but the voice in his brain was telling him to set up the phantom array first.

These formations are all first-level formations, and Xia Xia's technique is very magical, so he arranges it very quickly.

After arranging the illusion, Xia Xia did not stop the movements in his hands, and quickly set up a killing formation. He himself never thought that his technique could be so miraculous.

After the killing formation is the trapped formation, and after the trapped formation is the defensive formation.

The action in the summer is getting faster and faster, and he himself is getting more and more excited.

"The formation, that person is a master of formation. I can't let him escape. I have to catch it back. If I get it back, I will make a contribution. The old guys in the family will definitely reward me heavily."

"Don't let him run away, he's ours."

"It's ours, grab it, whoever can catch this master of the formation will reward him with ten spirit stones."

One after another, the children of the big family shouted frantically. For them, the master of the formation method is a treasure, which is more precious than any treasure. If there is a formation wizard in a family, then their family will become For a big family, the value of an array mage cannot be measured by money, even if it is an array mage who can only arrange a first-level array, for these small families, it is definitely a treasure-level existence. Flash Dance Novel Network

Moreover, it is incredible that the formation can be arranged in such a short period of time in the summer.

"The speed at which he arranges the formation is actually so fast. He is not a first-level formation mage, but a second-level formation mage. He must not be allowed to run away. The second-level formation mage can already make our family a big family."

"Look, what is he doing? Is that a second-level formation? It's amazing, he actually knows a second-level formation."

"Second-level formation mage, second-level formation mage, whoever can catch him, I will give fifty spirit stones."

When everyone found out that Xia Xia was a second-level formation mage, they went completely crazy. If the first-level formation mage was wealth, then the second-level formation mage was a treasure. When they discovered that Xia was arranging the second-level formation method For a moment, they could abandon everything.

The high price of fifty spirit stones made many experts go crazy.


At this moment, the top of the mountain was surrounded by the formation within one thousand meters.

"Large second-level trapped formation, let's see how you catch me." Xia Xia said that the whole person disappeared in place, and then he quickly ran down the mountain. When he got out of the formation, he used the breath technique, quietly to dive down the mountain.

Although moving would reduce the effect of Hidden, it was dark and those people were targeting the top of the mountain, so no one noticed the summer.

At this time, Xia Xia was holding the monkey wine in his left hand and the spirit stone in his right hand, and he was recovering quickly. He did not expect that the array formation would consume so much internal energy. There is not so much internal strength to arrange the final secondary trapping formation.

"Cool!" Summer can only say one cool word.

If you want to ask him what's cool, he can only say anything, whether it's the treasure he got or the array he just arranged, it's cool, he actually faced thousands of masters by himself just now, and they were all tricked by him. He had to go round and round, but it was a pity that he didn't have time to set up a second-level killing formation, otherwise there would be not many people here who would be able to get out alive.

Who is called Niu B?

It is the person who swaggered on the street after making trouble. At this time in the summer not only swaggering, but also the monkey wine in the left hand and the spirit stone in the right hand, which is as cool as it is.

It's a wonderful feeling.

"Jianghai City, I'll be back soon in Xia Xia." Xia Xia said excitedly. Although he didn't leave for a long time, he didn't know how many times he had experienced life and death. After struggling on the edge of life and death, he most wanted to return to his own. Family.

Seeing more and more people here, Xia Xia discovered that the beasts had disappeared.

"The people here are all good, and they actually drove the beasts to both sides, but the volcano is a critical line, and the beasts after the volcano are very terrifying." Xia discovered when he was on the volcano. , the other end of the volcano has a very terrifying beast.

A third-level beast?

It may even be the existence of a fourth-level beast.

Xia Xia didn't think he had the ability to fight fourth-level beasts, so he did not go deep, but planned to leave here.

He has enough treasures alive now. He has to go back and use these treasures to cultivate. Although he also hopes to get more treasures, he is not greedy. He understands that if he is too greedy, he will most likely die there. , then giving him more treasures will be useless.

"Jiuxiang, I finally found you." At this moment, two uninvited guests appeared in front of Xia Xia. There are very few people in this generation. Xia Xia didn't pay attention to it at all, and was walking slowly, but he did not expect These two guys actually found him.

"Drinker, you didn't drink so much alcohol for nothing. You really found him this time." The blond man nodded in satisfaction.

"You two are really haunted." Xia Xia looked at these two people with cold eyes: "Where's Yaoyu?"

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Previous Catalog Next Chapter 1397: Formation to show off power, the best all-around master

? A black feather that looks like a wing.

As soon as the wing was flapped, Xia Xia's body disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, he had already appeared at the top of the cave.


Xia Xia gasped heavily. He still didn't know what happened just now, but he knew that he had come out now. After coming out, his eyes looked down, it was dark now.

But he has a see-through eye, which does not affect his vision at all.


A lot of people, there are hundreds of people five hundred meters away from him, four or five hundred people at one thousand meters, tens of thousands of people at five thousand meters, all masters, all of them are masters, and all the people closest to him at this time. look at him.

"Damn it, I'm still naked." Xia Tian hurriedly put on a suit.

Being stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes made me feel very uncomfortable in summer.

"He came out of it, he must have obtained the treasure, kill it." At this moment, someone shouted, and then the people closest to Xia Xia rushed up.

Seeing so many people rushing towards him, Xia Xia hurriedly arranged a Spirit Gathering Array. Xia Tian learned from the sky-shattering experience that the Spirit Gathering Array was the most practical array, and it had many magical uses that could save spiritual energy.

At the same time, he directly arranged a phantom array.

His technique is very skilled, like a master who has practiced for hundreds of years. 35xs

In just an instant, Xia Tian threw out more than ten low-grade spirit stones.

Afterwards, the Spirit Gathering Array and the Phantom Array were formed at the same time. Xia Xia acted entirely by instinct in his brain. He didn't know why he had to set up the phantom array first, but the voice in his brain was telling him to set up the phantom array first.

These formations are all first-level formations, and Xia Xia's technique is very magical, so he arranges it very quickly.

After arranging the illusion, Xia Xia did not stop the movements in his hands, and quickly set up a killing formation. He himself never thought that his technique could be so miraculous.

After the killing formation is the trapped formation, and after the trapped formation is the defensive formation.

The action in the summer is getting faster and faster, and he himself is getting more and more excited.

"The formation, that person is a master of formation. I can't let him escape. I have to catch it back. If I get it back, I will make a contribution. The old guys in the family will definitely reward me heavily."

"Don't let him run away, he's ours."

"It's ours, grab it, whoever can catch this master of the formation will reward him with ten spirit stones."

One after another, the children of the big family shouted frantically. For them, the master of the formation method is a treasure, which is more precious than any treasure. If there is a formation wizard in a family, then their family will become For a big family, the value of an array mage cannot be measured by money, even if it is an array mage who can only arrange a first-level array, for these small families, it is definitely a treasure-level existence. Flash Dance Novel Network

Moreover, it is incredible that the formation can be arranged in such a short period of time in the summer.

"The speed at which he arranges the formation is actually so fast. He is not a first-level formation mage, but a second-level formation mage. He must not be allowed to run away. The second-level formation mage can already make our family a big family."

"Look, what is he doing? Is that a second-level formation? It's amazing, he actually knows a second-level formation."

"Second-level formation mage, second-level formation mage, whoever can catch him, I will give fifty spirit stones."

When everyone found out that Xia Xia was a second-level formation mage, they went completely crazy. If the first-level formation mage was wealth, then the second-level formation mage was a treasure. When they discovered that Xia was arranging the second-level formation method For a moment, they could abandon everything.

The high price of fifty spirit stones made many experts go crazy.


At this moment, the top of the mountain was surrounded by the formation within one thousand meters.

"Large second-level trapped formation, let's see how you catch me." Xia Xia said that the whole person disappeared in place, and then he quickly ran down the mountain. When he got out of the formation, he used the breath technique, quietly to dive down the mountain.

Although moving would reduce the effect of Hidden, it was dark and those people were targeting the top of the mountain, so no one noticed the summer.

At this time, Xia Xia was holding the monkey wine in his left hand and the spirit stone in his right hand, and he was recovering quickly. He did not expect that the array formation would consume so much internal energy. There is not so much internal strength to arrange the final secondary trapping formation.

"Cool!" Summer can only say one cool word.

If you want to ask him what's cool, he can only say anything, whether it's the treasure he got or the array he just arranged, it's cool, he actually faced thousands of masters by himself just now, and they were all tricked by him. He had to go round and round, but it was a pity that he didn't have time to set up the second-level killing formation, otherwise, there are probably not many people here who can get out Who is called Niu B?

It is the person who swaggered on the street after making trouble. At this time in the summer not only swaggering, but also the monkey wine in the left hand and the spirit stone in the right hand, which is as cool as it is.

It's a wonderful feeling.

"Jianghai City, I'll be back soon in Xia Xia." Xia Xia said excitedly. Although he didn't leave for a long time, he didn't know how many times he had experienced life and death. After struggling on the edge of life and death, he most wanted to return to his own. Family.

Seeing more and more people here, Xia Xia discovered that the beasts had disappeared.

"The people here are all good, and they actually drove the beasts to both sides, but the volcano is a critical line, and the beasts after the volcano are very terrifying." Xia discovered when he was on the volcano. , the other end of the volcano has a very terrifying beast.

A third-level beast?

It may even be the existence of a fourth-level beast.

Xia Xia didn't think he had the ability to fight fourth-level beasts, so he did not go deep, but planned to leave here.

He has enough treasures alive now. He has to go back and use these treasures to cultivate. Although he also hopes to get more treasures, he is not greedy. He understands that if he is too greedy, he will most likely die there. , then giving him more treasures will be useless.

"Jiuxiang, I finally found you." At this moment, two uninvited guests appeared in front of Xia Xia. There are very few people in this generation. Xia Xia didn't pay attention to it at all, and was walking slowly, but he did not expect These two guys actually found him.

"Drinker, you didn't drink so much alcohol for nothing. You really found him this time." The blond man nodded in satisfaction.

"You two are really haunted." Xia Xia looked at these two people with cold eyes: "Where's Yaoyu?"

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