The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1402: pretend to be criminal

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> Need for all-rounders

>Chapter 1400 Pretend B Criminal Directory Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1400 Pretend B Criminal

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2492

? "Omg, I saw aliens. 35xs" The one who was hunting ran away.

At this time, the summer was moving fast, and he found that he actually came to a small village. It was really amazing. He had entered the Tongtian Waidong from the Black Bat Mountain before, but he was sure that this was definitely not the Black Bat Mountain. .

It's not good. He has confirmed just now that this is still the earth.


The speed in summer is very fast, and the footsteps are very steady, as if a fairy descended to the earth.

Although Xia Xia didn't know where it was, he was sure that as long as he ran along the road, he would definitely be able to find the city. After he could find the city, he could fly back to Jianghai City.

He didn't plan to run back just like that. Although his physical strength is very good and his speed is fast, he is definitely not as fast as a plane. Besides, anyone who runs for days and nights will be tired.

I don't like running like this in summer.

"Haha, it's time to get on the expressway." Xia Xia said excitedly. He finally got onto the expressway from the trail, and getting onto the expressway means that there will be a car here, and he only needs to stop one car at that time.

If you stop the car, you don't need him to walk.

In the summer, I walked on the highway for an hour and didn't see a car: "It's strange, why there is no car."

He thought he would hit the car soon after getting on the highway.

But he didn't touch a car. Flash Dance Novel Network


Just then, a car came galloping fast.

"The car is coming." Xia Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he stood directly in the middle of the expressway with his hands spread.


The speed of the car was very fast. When the car was still 100 meters away, the brakes began to be applied, but the speed of the car was so fast at that time that even if it was 100 meters, the brakes could not be applied.


The car hit Xia Xia directly and stopped.

After the car stopped, no one in the car responded for a full minute, but a minute later, a woman in a racing suit stepped out of the car, and the woman walked anxiously to the front of the car.

"It's over, I killed someone." The woman's face changed drastically.

"Hey, hey, I said, can you not drive the car so fast, it will kill people." At this moment, the man under the car spoke up.

"You're not dead!" the woman said in surprise.

"Of course I'm not dead, have you ever seen a dead person talking?" Xia Xia crawled out directly from under the car.

"You are sick, why are you standing in the middle of the road to stop my car." The woman looked at Xia Xia angrily. If she hadn't stepped on the brakes quickly, Xia Xia would have died.

"I want to take a ride." Xia Xia said.

"You're sick, right? You're taking a ride on this road. Don't you know that you rarely travel on this road?" The woman thought that Xia Xia's brain had been fooled.

"Didn't you come here?" Xia Xia said very casually.

"Did I say I'd give you a ride?" The woman looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Then how much is your car, I bought it." There is so much money in summer that it is not difficult for him to be capricious occasionally.

"Are you sick? I have something else to do. I'm too lazy to take care of you." The woman got into the car after she finished speaking, but when she just got in the car, she found that Xia Xian was already sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and she didn't even see Xia Xia. When did you get on the car? "Who asked you to get up, get off for me."

"Just send me to the airport," Xia Xia said.

"I didn't let you in the car, you get off." The woman said angrily.

"By the way, which city is this." Xia Xia asked suddenly.

"I'll let you off." The woman said with a cold expression.

"Can you lend me your phone?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Get out of the car." The woman was about to die of anger.

"Hey, isn't this a mobile phone?" Xia Xia said when he saw the mobile phone placed beside the car, and then he directly picked up the mobile phone and dialed a number.

"You put it down. You are a thief without my consent. I will call the police and arrest you." The woman shouted loudly.

"If you can send me to the police station, I will thank you even more." Xia Xia said with a smile.


The phone is on.

"I am Xia, help me locate my current location, calculate the driving time for me, and book me a ticket to Jianghai City." Xia Xia said lightly.

"You are sick, and I will give you your position. Do you think you are the chief of public security or a high-ranking official." The woman said very upset, she already understood that it was impossible for her to drive Summer away.

ten seconds later.

"No need, I met a kind-hearted person who wanted to send me there. See you at the location you said." Xia Xia hung up the phone and looked at the woman and said, "Just send me to Yunnan Airport."

"When did I say I was going to send you off? I have something else to do. If you are in a hurry, go down and stop the next car," the woman said.

"No, your car is more comfortable to sit in." Xia Xia shook his head.

"Of course it's comfortable. This car is more than 8 million yuan after the modification." The woman said proudly.

"Oh, the price is okay, I'll get a car to drive later." Xia Tian felt that this car was much better than a Land Rover.

"Stop bragging, and get a car to drive, why don't you get a plane to drive." The woman gave Xia Xia a disdainful look.

"It's a good idea." Xia Tian nodded silently.

The woman has completely collapsed this time. She doesn't want to talk to Xia Xia anymore. She thinks Xia Xia is a shameless pretender, saying that he is fat, but he is still wheezing. He just called and said that he is the leader of the country. Then the 8 million sports car actually said to buy a car to drive, and then buy a plane.

"I'm telling you, I'm going to race a car, and I don't have time to send you. If you're in a hurry, go down and stop someone else's car." The woman said very rudely, but when she turned her head, she found that Xia Xia had fallen asleep.

"Pig, where did the pig come from? It fell asleep so quickly." The woman collapsed completely.

He hadn't had a good rest during the summer. When he was in Tongtian Outer Cave, he almost didn't dare to sleep well. He was worried about the crisis that might arise at any time. After entering Tongtian Inner Cave, he didn't dare to sleep. Horrible guy, what if someone sneaks up on him.

Moreover, he maintained a high-intensity battle every day, and his body had long been very tired.

So after he closed his eyes, he fell asleep within ten seconds.

"Damn, he actually fell asleep, and he slept so soundly." The more the woman looked at Xia Xia, the more angry she became. After driving for a while, she found that Xia Xian was not wearing a seat belt, and then a smile appeared on her face: " Brat, let you stop my car and watch me fix you properly."

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 1400 Pretending to be a B criminal

? "Omg, I saw aliens. 35xs" The one who was hunting ran away.

At this time, the summer was moving fast, and he found that he actually came to a small village. It was really amazing. He had entered the Tongtian Waidong from the Black Bat Mountain before, but he was sure that this was definitely not the Black Bat Mountain. .

It's not good. He has confirmed just now that this is still the earth.


The speed in summer is very fast, and the footsteps are very steady, as if a fairy descended to the earth.

Although Xia Xia didn't know where it was, he was sure that as long as he ran along the road, he would definitely be able to find the city. After he could find the city, he could fly back to Jianghai City.

He didn't plan to run back just like that. Although his physical strength is very good and his speed is fast, he is definitely not as fast as a plane. Besides, anyone who runs for days and nights will be tired.

I don't like running like this in summer.

"Haha, it's time to get on the expressway." Xia Xia said excitedly. He finally got onto the expressway from the trail, and getting onto the expressway means that there will be a car here, and he only needs to stop one car at that time.

If you stop the car, you don't need him to walk.

In the summer, I walked on the highway for an hour and didn't see a car: "It's strange, why there is no car."

He thought he would hit the car soon after getting on the highway.

But he didn't touch a car. Flash Dance Novel Network


Just then, a car came galloping fast.

"The car is coming." Xia Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he stood directly in the middle of the expressway with his hands spread.


The speed of the car was very fast. When the car was still 100 meters away, the brakes began to be applied, but the speed of the car was so fast at that time that even if it was 100 meters, the brakes could not be applied.


The car hit Xia Xia directly and stopped.

After the car stopped, no one in the car responded for a full minute, but a minute later, a woman in a racing suit stepped out of the car, and the woman walked anxiously to the front of the car.

"It's over, I killed someone." The woman's face changed drastically.

"Hey, hey, I said, can you not drive the car so fast, it will kill people." At this moment, the man under the car spoke up.

"You're not dead!" the woman said in surprise.

"Of course I'm not dead, have you ever seen a dead person talking?" Xia Xia crawled out directly from under the car.

"You are sick, why are you standing in the middle of the road to stop my car." The woman looked at Xia Xia angrily. If she hadn't stepped on the brakes quickly, Xia Xia would have died.

"I want to take a ride." Xia Xia said.

"You're sick, right? You're taking a ride on this road. Don't you know that you rarely travel on this road?" The woman thought that Xia Xia's brain had been fooled.

"Didn't you come here?" Xia Xia said very casually.

"Did I say I'd give you a ride?" The woman looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Then how much is your car, I bought it." There is so much money in summer that it is not difficult for him to be capricious occasionally.

"Are you sick? I have something else to do. I'm too lazy to take care of you." The woman got into the car after she finished speaking, but when she just got in the car, she found that Xia Xian was already sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and she didn't even see Xia Xia. When did you get on the car? "Who asked you to get up, get off for me."

"Just send me to the airport," Xia Xia said.

"I didn't let you in the car, you get off." The woman said angrily.

"By the way, which city is this." Xia Xia asked suddenly.

"I'll let you off." The woman said with a cold expression.

"Can you lend me your phone?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Get out of the car." The woman was about to die of anger.

"Hey, isn't this a mobile phone?" Xia Xia said when he saw the mobile phone placed beside the car, and then he directly picked up the mobile phone and dialed a number.

"You put it down. You are a thief without my consent. I will call the police and arrest you." The woman shouted loudly.

"If you can send me to the police station, I will thank you even more." Xia Xia said with a smile.


The phone is on.

"I am Xia, help me locate my current location, calculate the driving time for me, and book me a ticket to Jianghai City." Xia Xia said lightly.

"You are sick, and I will give you your position. Do you think you are the chief of public security or a high-ranking official." The woman said very upset, she already understood that it was impossible for her to drive Summer away.

ten seconds later.

"No need, I met a kind-hearted person who wanted to send me there. See you at the location you said." Xia Xia hung up the phone and looked at the woman and said, "Just send me to Yunnan Airport."

"When did I say I was going to send you off? I have something else to do. If you are in a hurry, just go down and stop the next the woman said.

"No, your car is more comfortable to sit in." Xia Xia shook his head.

"Of course it's comfortable. This car is more than 8 million yuan after the modification." The woman said proudly.

"Oh, the price is okay, I'll get a car to drive later." Xia Tian felt that this car was much better than a Land Rover.

"Stop bragging, and get a car to drive, why don't you get a plane to drive." The woman gave Xia Xia a disdainful look.

"It's a good idea." Xia Tian nodded silently.

The woman has completely collapsed this time. She doesn't want to talk to Xia Xia anymore. She thinks Xia Xia is a shameless pretender, saying that he is fat, but he is still wheezing. He just called and said that he is the leader of the country. Then the 8 million sports car actually said to buy a car to drive, and then buy a plane.

"I'm telling you, I'm going to race a car, and I don't have time to send you. If you're in a hurry, go down and stop someone else's car." The woman said very rudely, but when she turned her head, she found that Xia Xia had fallen asleep.

"Pig, where did the pig come from? It fell asleep so quickly." The woman collapsed completely.

He hadn't had a good rest during the summer. When he was in Tongtian Outer Cave, he almost didn't dare to sleep well. He was worried about the crisis that might arise at any time. After entering Tongtian Inner Cave, he didn't dare to sleep. Horrible guy, what if someone sneaks up on him.

Moreover, he maintained a high-intensity battle every day, and his body had long been very tired.

So after he closed his eyes, he fell asleep within ten seconds.

"Damn, he actually fell asleep, and he slept so soundly." The more the woman looked at Xia Xia, the more angry she became. After driving for a while, she found that Xia Xian was not wearing a seat belt, and then a smile appeared on her face: " Brat, let you stop my car and watch me fix you properly."

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