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Chapter 1407: The real cow B meets the one who pretends to be B

Qing Yu and the eldest sister were completely stunned by what they saw. Their car was stopped there. At the same time, there were police cars, hundreds of police cars, armed police and special forces.

Everyone who passes must undergo a rigorous inspection.

Neat SWAT teams stood on both sides.

The police are there to maintain law and order, and no one is allowed to stay or watch here.

The scene here was very spectacular.

Qing Yu had only seen such a scene on TV.

"What exactly happened here, it seems to be under martial law." The eldest sister said in surprise.

"Well, it should be, the car can't go in." Qing Yu said.

"Thank you." Xia Xia smiled slightly. He didn't expect that Hua Xia's No. 2 would make such a big battle. The call he made was to notify the Special Operations Department, but the Special Operations Department must have reported the matter here. above.

That's why Huaxia's No. 2 will know, and only Huaxia's No. 2 can make such a big battle.

"I really don't understand, why there is such a big commotion, it can't be that the leader of the country wants to get off the plane from here." Qing Yu said to himself.

"They're here to pick me up." Xia Xia said and got out of the car.

"Pretend to be a criminal, you are sick again, why don't you say that you are the most arrogant person in China." Qing Yu's words were always rude.

But at this moment, she saw an even more incredible scene. When Xia Xian got out of the car, several people who looked like officials hurried over and saluted Xia Xia directly.

This time, the blue rain was covered, and so was the big sister.

Just now Qing Yu was still laughing at Xia Xia's b-b, but now he actually saw those officials salute Xia Xia.

This can only illustrate one problem.

That is just summer is not bragging.

"You are General Xia, hello, hello, I'm the mayor here." The leader hurriedly stepped forward and shook hands with Xia.

"Thank you, but you are too exaggerated." Xia Tian felt a little incredible.

"It was instructed from above that you must ensure your safety," said the mayor.

"Well, in fact, I won't be in any danger." As long as Xia Xia doesn't go to those entrances, he is number one in this world, and no one can kill him.

"We still have to be careful. We have checked the people who have boarded the plane recently. There is absolutely no mistake, and the plane has also been checked, and there will be no failures." The mayor said.

"Thank you very much." Xia Xia nodded, then he turned to look at Qing Yu and the eldest sister who were in the car: "Thank you for sending me here."

At this moment, Qing Yu's mouth was wide open in the car, she couldn't believe what she saw was real: "Eldest sister, do you know the person who shook hands with him?"

"I know, it's Uncle Xu, the mayor of this city." The eldest sister's face was full of disbelief.

"That is to say, he didn't brag before, he really called someone to locate his position, and he is really a big man." Qing Yu felt that he had no idea what it meant to be surprised.

"Okay, you don't have to send it, I'll just go in by myself, otherwise others will treat me as a monster." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, if you have anything else to say, just say it." The mayor said very politely.

"It's nothing, thank you." Xia Xia walked over after saying that, and after Xia Xia entered the waiting room, all the police and special police all left, and the airport returned to calm.

Qing Yu drove the car away from the airport at this time, she was a little uneasy at this moment: "Eldest sister, do you want us to go in and see him off?"

"The police shouldn't let us in." The eldest sister said embarrassedly.

"I think we are friends after all, we just need to tell the police, the police will definitely let us go, right?" Qing Yu said to himself.

"And we are already friends, so we have to send him off. This is considered the friendship of the landlord." After Qing Yu finished speaking, he turned the car around and hurried to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Summer had already boarded the plane.

"He seems to be gone," said the eldest sister.

"Eldest sister, I heard that Jiang Hai is very interesting." Qing Yu said.

"I heard that too," said the eldest sister.

"I haven't gone on vacation for a long time." Qing Yu said.

"I haven't been on vacation for a long time," said the eldest sister.

"Then let's go to Jianghai City." Qing Yu said excitedly.

"I'm going to book a flight now." The eldest sister picked up the phone after she finished speaking.

Meanwhile on the plane.

Sit in first class in the summer.

The mayor booked him first class.

The moment he sat on the plane in the summer was very peaceful, because he knew that he would soon arrive in Jianghai City, and he would be home soon. At this moment, he was full of expectations.

Not to mention how excited he was.

" It's really troublesome, I don't know what happened to the airport today, there are so many police officers, and even I have to search myself, do you know who I am, I donate thousands of dollars to the country every year I am a tax-paying citizen." The man said very angrily.

Xia Tian slowly raised his head and glanced at the man.

"What are you looking at, boy, don't think that you can be a rich person by taking the first-class cabin. Look at the poor and sour clothes you wear." The man directly transferred the war to Xia Xia.

For him, there is nothing more enjoyable than putting a b in first class, because in his eyes, there is no sense of achievement in front of the poor, only in front of some middle-class people is the most cool. .

Most of the people who can afford first class are rich people, so he chose to install a b here, which will give him a very sense of accomplishment.

"Haha." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. He found a very interesting thing. Although this guy is very gorgeous on the outside, in fact, the clothes this guy wears are all street goods, and the clothes this guy wears are very good. Big and doesn't fit.

As if it wasn't his.

"Why are you laughing? Poor boy, you deserve to be in first class." The man said disdainfully.

"I'm sorry, sir, you're sitting in the wrong seat." Just then the stewardess came over and said to Xia Xia.

"Hahaha, boy, you are on a regular class ticket, this is first class, you can't come here." The man laughed even louder.

"Sir, your seat is in the box next to you." The stewardess said very politely. There are only two boxes in the first-class cabin. Tickets for these two boxes are very difficult to buy. If there are no people inside, it is almost impossible. You can't buy it, and the price is double the price outside.

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